SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 2pm PST

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by feixaq, Nov 12, 2001.

  1. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Okay, it seems like a fair number of people prefer 2pm to 11am, so let's make it at 2pm instead. I'll ask Myke to see if he can change the subject header.

    Current participants
    Chris Tan (XAQ)
    Tragic (BEN)
    Howard Shih (???)
    Akira Taniguchi (A.T)
    Don Monzon (D.M)
    Jason Cha (CHA)

    - Yamcha -- can you make 2pm instead?
    - Also need to hear from John (Phizzco). Ben or Jason (jackybrothas), could you ask him?
    - I'll call Jemin to see if he can make the tournament, but I think he's working on Saturday. We'll see.
    - Jason Cha, could you contact Hans (clopin) to see if he might be interested?
    - Akira/Don, does Sam play VF4 now? I thought I saw his name on the fastest times list.
    - Jackybrothas -- if there's a change of plans and you can make it, just show up at 1.45pm and we'll slot you in.
  2. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Please refer Howard Shih as H.S.
  3. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    BTW, about Sam, I believe that he is not the person you thought because I saw a 11~12 years old kid fighted Dural(without continue) and signed his name "Sam". /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    You can image the surprise on my face. Has everyone here fighted Dural? I've just fight her once or twice without continue.
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    They bumped the CPU difficulty setting down recently, so it's easier to get to Dural now...
  5. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    3:00 is the earliest I could make it if you want to change the time. Otherwise it's no big deal, you don't need to change the time just for me.
  6. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    hmmmm well im not sure but i'll see if i can make it or not::::

    ben is tragic (a pretty good sarah player) and ummm we'll see if i and/or my bro justin can make it or not....

    didn't go to svgl today but tell me how is the 1st player side joystick??? cuz i got the technician to have it more resistant/less sensitive. i think it works better but you (or whoever) tell me or complain to the svgl management or technician.
  7. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    The joystick on 1P side is much better now. I went to SVGL today and fought an "employee of SVGL". Mmmm... don't even mention his name, it's a secret. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Yes, the CPU level of VF4 in SVGL is lower now, because I can see Dural almost every time today.

    I had some matches with Jim, too. He told me that he cannot make it becuase he has to work on Saturday. To whom may concerned, Jim is a very good Akira player.
  8. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Ah, that would be Jemin, not Jim =) He's an old VF friend from way back in 1993 in Singapore. Yeah, he can't make Saturday's competition, unfortunately.

    Speaking of which... let's shoot for a 2-2.30pm starting time for the tournament. Yamcha, just join in whenever you're done with training at the dojo... since the first 1.5-2 hours will be league play anyway, we can always push your matches back and get the rest done first, before we enter playoffs.

    Ben (tragic) and I asked a new guy -- Ron -- to join in this Saturday... hopefully he'll be able to make it. He's just starting to learn Vanessa, so that should be interesting.
  9. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Both sides seem to be working ok for me.The left side is still a bit sensitive (sometimes if I tap down for a quick SS, it will end up snapping back fast and going up... lol) but you can get used to it. Chris and I had some really good matches tonight... Sarah vs Lei-Fei, Pai, Kage (mostly Lei-Fei tho!)... I'm definitely remembering my old love for VF. Sarah rocks!

    *runs up to chris and does pg, f,d/b+p+g*

    Come play tomorrow people... I hear Chris, Jason (Cha), and Ron (black guy playing Vanessa) will be there. Where are Don and Akira? Must... practice.

  10. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Left side is a little glitchy in that sometimes I press d and end up getting db... but other than that, 1P joystick is a lot better than over the weekend. Props to jackybrothas for getting on the arcade attendant's case.

    Hope to see more people there tomorrow!
  11. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST


    Tournament is tomorrow! We'll start around 2-2.30pm...
    - Hopefully Dave (Yamcha) can join in at 3pm to play through his league matches before we proceed to the playoffs.
    - Jason and Justin, hope you guys can make it!!!
    - Ben -- did you ask Ron if he could come tomorrow?
    - I've gone ahead and asked Curse (Malek) and his friend Jamal... not sure if they can make it, but we'll see.

    Anybody have a movie camera + tripod that we can use to record matches? And the DV editing software?
  12. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Great, I will bring my Sony DSC-S85 to record some movies. However, I have only two 128 MB Memory Sticks, which means my camera cannot record all matches tomorrow.

    We need more digital cameras or even better a DV.
    Any way, I will bring mine tomorrow.
  13. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I might be able to bring a laptop so we can download movies from the memory sticks to the laptop... does the Sony DSC support USB transfers? What s/w drivers do I need?
  14. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I'll be bringing a video camera tonight (friday practice) and tomorrow. I have two batteries and a wall plug, so if we find and extension cord (I think I have one) we can plug it right into the wall.

    Side note: The machine volume has been turned up, and I got the manager to allow stage select. They are also goign to replace the stick on the left side completely (dunno if today or tomorrow or when... I'll find out later). Other than that... I can't think of anything else... except somehow bribing them to put the VS CPU to 3/5 hehe.


    uhh... better than too soft =P.

    When Jason (arcade manager) was fooling around in the menus, I noticed it had saved the data of win percentages across all fights. For instance, Lau vs every char, and his overall win ratio etc. Also, it saves highest combo midscreen, and highest combo wall. Hits and Damage. Highest right now is Jacky and Lion, both with 119!

    I'll talk to the manager today/tomorrow about turning the machine to freeplay, or at LEAST tournament mode... for the tournament part of the day.

    See you all there tonight for practice.

    ben (tragic sarah!)
  15. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Thanks dude, appreciate your help. See you tonight and tomorrow!
  16. segaduck

    segaduck Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    Thank you Tragic. We had a lot of fun today. See you tomorrow.
  17. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Re: SVGL Tourney: Nov 17 (Sat) @ 11am PST

    I have 1 hour and 30 mins of footage from today. I'll cap some more tomorrow. I'll have most of it up by sunday or monday. (hey, I just got MGS2... I need to spend time playing that too!)


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