Sunday Night R.A.W. -- Weekly Online Exhibitions

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

By BLACKSTAR on Oct 5, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Welcome to "Sunday Night R.A.W."! - Online exhibition matches - FT'5's, FT7's and all the way up to FT10's (if approved). They will occur on Sundays, from 7pm-until (EST), and will be streamed by me (@BLACKSTAR) at​


    Next: Sunday Night R.A.W. #51
    The LAST R.A.W. of Season #1!
    Sunday, April 12th, 2015 @ 6:30PM EST.


    -Main Event (10pm EST): YYY | @BBountyHuntyr (Aoi) vs. @_Denkai_ (Jacky?) -- We're going out with BANG for the last Main Event of the Season! US' Best Aoi vs. Best Jacky!

    -@Kamais_Ookin (???) vs @SNAKE BOSS (Lau), FT7, 9:15pm EST
    -@oneida (Lau) vs. @Shidosha (Taka?), FT7, 8:30pm EST
    -@Swordfish2 (Wolf) vs @VFhayato (Goh), FT7, 7:45pm EST
    -@Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (Goh), FT7, 7pm EST
    -@DigitlSamurai (Jacky) vs. @VFhayato (Goh), FT5, 6:30pm EST

    Be sure to list your character when you sign up!

    All R.A.W. matches are now STANDARD FT7, unless FT5/F10 is asked for, discussed, and agreed upon!

    -Wanna make your own exhibition for this week's R.A.W.?
    Make your voice known in the comments!!


    Are you interested in playing a long set on stream with commentary? ANYONE is invited, skill level is NOT a factor, and new players are encouraged to join in!

    Make a post and let us know you want to join!

    We want more people to commentate! ANYONE is invited to commentate, whether you are a vet or a new player, or if you wanna commentate or just laugh and joke with the players! During or before the sets begin, use Skype and send a message or friend request to 'blackstar2478' to join in on the call! Limited space in the XBL room will also be made available for those who want to use XBL Chat!

    How it works is like this:

    Reply on this thread with your gamertag, the date you (and your opponent, if applicable) are available, location you play from, and what you would like to do, and you will be placed on a list of 'interested players' on the opening post (this post).

    For example:
    or like this
    NOTE: If you have an opponent in mind, make sure that THEY REPLY IN THE THREAD TOO, OR THE REQUEST WON'T COUNT.

    Also, NOTE: FT10's take FOREVER, so only especially hype matches get to do those.

    So, in other words, if you want an interview, just ask and I'll do it. If you're a spectator, and IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOMEONE GET INTERVIEWED, just ask me as well, and i'll try and arrange one with them if they want.

    If there is a disconnection (DC) during a RAW set, neither player will win the match where the DC occurs (unless BLACKSTAR or designated person says otherwise).

    Instead, both players will play the next match by first allowing each player to willingly give up the same number of rounds they had lost in the previous DC'd match, before playing out the rest of the match.

    3 UNINTENTIONAL DC's are allowed in a RAW set. Any further DC's will result in the immediate end of the RAW set and a DRAW(can be overruled, if both participating players express that they wish to continue).

    ANY 1 DC DEEMED INTENTIONAL by BLACKSTAR or designated person will result in the IMMEDIATE disqualification and loss of the entire RAW set for the offending player. A subsequent BAN from participation in future RAW events may also occur.

    Sure, why not. Just see if your opponent is cool with it, and both of you guys let me know that that is what you want to do.

    Short answer: NO.

    Long answer: Unless you have a good reason where its ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to do RAW on a Sunday, then NO. Even if you do, note that we will work with you, but nothing will be guaranteed. I have my own life to live, after all. That being said, if you want to have a RAW match, but can't do Sundays, let us know here on the RAW thread, and we will work with you.



    Upcoming Matches and Interested players:


    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Oct 5, 2013.

    1. Blackula
      Sounds good to me.
      ShinyBrentford likes this.
    2. Tricky
      Pre-fight exhibition interviews with Tricky and EvenPit!

      I can do a ft10 or less next sunday vs soultruth if he confirms it, he is on my friend list on psn, also if anyone else wants to step up then let me know like GT or brodi or who ever else, dont be shy.
      Also good luck to tricky and even pit on there bout tomorrow .
      Also good luck to tricky and even pit on there bout tomorrow .
    7. Libertine
      Sounds good to me too.
    8. VFhayato
      I want to see this!
      ShinyBrentford likes this.
    9. ShinyBrentford
      The "JWong Killer" Blackula vs. The "ShoutBox Killer" Libertine. LOL

      Jokes aside it should be a pretty even fight. Time to place your bets.
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2013
      EvenPit and VFhayato like this.
    10. social_ruin
      Well, that monkey mirrors went like i predicted :( i was hoping for a closer match, but i felt like pit's only chance at taking a game off of tricky would be to use wolf and run the the Chief Flash "Playbook".

      Playbook=After chief flash introduced the grape room, suddenly online wolf's doubled and surprisingly all were attempting to do chief flash's exact mix-up games, lol.

      Nice playing tricky, that was a nasty rush down.

      Don't hang your head evenpit. Even if the set wasn't close, there was certainly some close games in there. Wish you woulda used your wolf. I'd have liked to see how you did using your strongest.
      phanatik, EvenPit and ShinyBrentford like this.
    11. EvenPit
      @Xsocial_ruinX yes BOPPED is what I got. 2 bd I couldn't make it interesting this time around but look forward to the runback @Tricky. As for Wolf I just have a flowchart with him nothing deeper than that at least I don't think so? maybe I have to use Wolf next time then.
      Looking forward to next weeks tho the Brads of PSN should be something to watch.
      Last edited: Oct 13, 2013
    12. Tricky
      @EvenPit if we can switch off the mirror in our runback you'll be seeing other cast members from me too ;).
      RAW #2 is in the books! The Eileen mirror match extraordinaire is finished, and @Tricky wins with a merciless shut-out of 10-0 vs. @EvenPit !

      Thank you to both Tricky_Eileen and EvenPit for coming out! While this set was clearly favored Tricky_Eileen, our post-show commentary revealed that EvenPit isn't ready to give up yet! He demands a rematch, to which Tricky_Eileen agrees! We will be able to see this mirror match battle revisited in the weeks ahead.

      But until then, EvenPit has to do alot of grinding and pay up to his new GTA5 mob boss, Tricky_Eileen!

      I also want to thank the great STL Tm for doing a great job on commentary! Special thanks for ShinyBrentford making a post-show interview appearance with the competitors!

      NOTE: Apologies ahead of time for the lack of game sound! Mistake on my part!

      Next Week! Right now we have a FT10 Brad mirror battle for who's the prettiest, Libertine vs Blackula! *A PS3 Special Event*! Sunday, October 20th @ 7PM EST!

      We need more exhibition matches for next week! If you're interested in playing, check the original post and sign up! ANYONE can join in, skill-level doesn't matter and new players are welcome to have their shine on stream!

      Also, if you have Skype, ANYONE can join in and do live commentary! Want to commentate or just call in and laugh and joke about the match? Hit me up on Skype at 'blackstar2478' before or during the stream!
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
    14. ShinyBrentford
      NOOOOOOOO Don't use lazy Wolf!
      Stick with Eileen LOL. Get your fundamentals down and work on conditioning. Evenpit, your a big boy now you need to stop respecting Tricky. Not saying be a bad sport or a jerk, but just get in there beat his ass and move on to the next guy. Everyone gets blown up in there first big FT10 and Tricky is a veteran now. It was a pretty one-sided fight. Just watch the fight and learn from your mistakes.

      Pretty much everything I said in the post match talk.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
      EvenPit likes this.
    15. EvenPit
      Lazy_Wolf= my new psn ID
      IcKY99 and ShinyBrentford like this.
    16. social_ruin
      Not directed at anyone in particular.

      One note i'd make on using Lazy Wolf (Lazy any character with gimicky flow charts that work well):

      You can play for a long long time and not get any real improvement at the core game.
    17. social_ruin
      Listening to the post-game chat up. Read/skip as much of the post as you want. It is a wall of text.

      My thoughts:

      1. STL Tim seems like a cool guy. I wish you were that guy when you played--instead of sending rude messages :(

      Two. (So tired of using a laptop with a non-working two key lol). I agree that there needs to be more teachers in the community. It's a tough thing to do though, as it is a largely thankless job. Further complimented by the fact it's a tremendous amount of effort, and usually about 10 people at most even care lol.

      3. Completely disagree with Shiny's take on evenpits mindset going into the game. If shiny feels like he needs to (himself) be hyped to kick ass and dominate then that is what he himself needs. If evenpit knows himself and knows he plays best with a clear and respectful demeanor, then that should be his focus. Personally, i play best if i can avoid emotion and always focus on blocking those damn lows. Nothing gets me in a groove like emotionlessly shutting down my opponents attack.

      4. Switching to stick...PISH POSH, Hit BOX baby. Evolve or die! <3

      5. Tricky doesn't like throwing you. Throw is my favorite move!

      6. Particularly agreed with analysis saying evenpit needed more evade. Of course, easy for me to say as a bystander.

      7. "Online is fun and it's what we got." Loose quote of Shiny. It is all we got (some of us). I feel like veterans of our community should respect this a bit more. I've never had a 'scene' to play offline. Exactly. Some of us, Online is what we got. Don't hate us for it. I would love love love to have a crew like the NYC crew and then be strutting around because i was sharpened into a dominant VF machine...instead i have online with a shifty inconsistent frame adv/disadv and wonky hit boxes. Gotta love it when phantom foot connects with phantom jaw for massive damage. (don't even get me started on lei's 1p+k and it's magical star wars FORCE launches or brad's unpunishable knees, or i wonder if offline goh's K sabaki is countered 50% of the time with KICK...this shit drive me nuts and takes me right out of my emotionless state of mind). All that being said, i feel like players with great offline opportunities should be thankful of how fortunate they are and not resent/begrudge online players their bad habits. A dog can be made to salivate to a bell. An online player can be conditioned to do some funny things.

      8. Shiny post up that high dmg combo vs eileen lol. I find using goh online in laggy games to be torturous at times. I try and pick and choose my spots economically with him, and with his lack of tracking strings i can get steamrolled by string-happy quick characters. I just generally feel online play is beneficial to that style. Thoughts?

      9. Completely agree with Tim's wight class category. I do think everyone should move at the same speed. I think jumping attack (7,8,9G) feel like they are currently implemented unfinished. They are a needed gameplay mechanic in a two dimensional fighter, and thusly you have 'anti-air'. In VF they are air attacks, but there is no real anti-air game. They can factor heavily into Oki game, and yet all oki game based air detection style moves could have been covered within the frame work of what we already had in VF (like lau's low p crushing jump attack or lei fei 66k+K). Lastly on FS i really feel like weight based damage (damage taken) is something that is being held on to in its current form that doesn't really fit with the rest of the game. It does not feel like wolf takes less damage from combos was used to balance...anything. It feels like just a quirk of the character. I mean we have bounces, bounds, launches, and all this crap but we need to realistically depict how high wolf floats on an uppercut...but people don't float in the air when they are uppercut in real life so if wolf floats as high as eileen then so what. I do feel like weight classes unfairly punishes lightweights. It has a ridiculous side effect of hurting middleweights as these are the 'default' combos you learn because most the cast is middle-ish weight. Heavy weights take the least damage, yet it is not used to balance them. Also heavy weights are such niche combos that heavies benefit from playing really good players who don't know what combos work on them. All in all it has become a bit of a disaster, albeit not a game breaking disaster, but a poor game design disaster that should have been "more ironed out".

      If anyone is wondering, i really suck at the game now days :) So take what i say for what it is, the musings of a huge vf fan who plays it mediocre.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
      Stl_Tim and BLACKSTAR like this.
    18. ShinyBrentford
      On number 3 Social you totally missed my point. Evenpit idealizes Tricky. The thing is Evenpit knows the match up or I think knows it. I was telling him that so maybe he would be like "Hey I could take out Tricky" or "Yeah. He isn't that great" Instead of putting him on a pedestal, but as you saw he didn't think that way and well you saw the results .

      Social A FT10 or a Tourney is a mental game as well. When you enter the match you are not friends. You have to go in there with the intent on killing your opponent. Like I said in the last post you don't have to be a jerk or a bad sport. Just go in there shake hands, win the match, and move on to the next fight. After the match have fun, say good games win or lose, and hell have the beer with a guy, but when that bell rings play time is over.

      Have you ever watch a prefight boxing interview? If so have you ever seen a boxer when asked "Who do you think will win between you and your opponent?" Say "Yeah I'm get to get beat." or "I don't know". The answer is Never! Watch the prefight interview between Tricky and Evenpit. They were asked that question.
      Evenpit says "Maybe" While Tricky pretty much says "He is going to get worked"

      Anyway good games to Evenpit and Tricky. This fight will lvl Evenpit up at least 20 times and well Tricky you got to look good on stream.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
      social_ruin likes this.
    19. EvenPit
      Precisely Shiny that is why runback time comes Im using lazy_Wolf, because there is no idolizing bond there like with Eileen vs Eileen. I dont care with Wolf, 'oh shake Wolf's P+K guard break?' "does it twice". Or 'fails to connect Wolf's 62K?' "does it 3 times in a row" Burning hammer at the start of a round? "why not?" 4 stright 9P+K's until one hits? "yes" . Darthminion low punch barrage? "go for it". Much more dirty with wolf I like to play because he feels so dominate against especially Eileen.
      social_ruin likes this.
      I got to say that this is true, imo at least. Honestly EvenPit played well, but he really shouldn't have gotten shut out. There's no reason why he shouldn't have won AT LEAST 5 games, and if he trained in the right mindset, there's no reason he couldn't beat Tricky as well.

      But unfortunately, certain things sealed the deal before the set even began. Playing stick a week in and using it for the FT10 is definitely admirable and worthy of respect, but honestly, this is when you borrow a friends/roomates/brother's/sister's 360 pad for a couple of hours. Learning stick ain't easy, it took me 6 weeks to feel comfortable playing stick instead of pad (not even to feel it was my 'main controller' yet, but just to feel confident playing on it).

      But the REAL kiss of death was EvenPit's 'idolization' of Tricky. First thing's first, there is NOTHING WRONG with idolizing/looking up to Tricky: he's been VFDC's Eileen for years and pioneered much of her playstyle for us westerners/VFDC'ers. I look up to Tim in the same way, because he literally taught me most everything i know about VF. BUT you can't take that mentality into a match of ANY kind (casuals,tournament,FT10's,whatever). That is THE #1 WAY to KILL your competitive drive.

      Watching @EvenPit play @Tricky was like watching EvenPit trying to punch his favorite painting of his fine-arts collection.

      Concerning the match, while EvenPit didn't exactly hold back, if he could have, he wouldn't have beaten Tricky because EvenPit wouldn't have LET himself beat Tricky. EvenPit got in the way of EvenPit the most of all. Outside of any match (casuals/tournament/ft10's whatever), EvenPit can look at tricky as a student/teacher, kouhai/senpai relationship and that's perfectly fine. But come time for a match, even casuals, Tricky is just another guy off the street and nothing more. It shouldn't matter if it's an Eileen mirror match or whatever. VF is about exploiting imperfections in one's strategies, and Tricky has dings in his armor like anyone else. But when you 'idolize' someone in a match, you are purposely IGNORING those imperfections. By this point, if that happens, they become 'perfect' in your own mind, and thus, INVINCIBLE.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2013

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