STLVF: Simple Games Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by EmX, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Tim: Sorry I missed your call earlier. I really need to practice before I make any long trips just to get my ass kicked. I'm gonna try to get a new stick soon as long as my car stops fucking up every damn week.
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Gametrader has high grade virtua fighter sticks in stock. That's the same stick I brought over last time. <u>BUY IT!</u>
    Also, it dosen't matter if your strong or not at the game. The thing you should be concerned about is learning from your mistakes and <u>TRYING</u> to improve every match. We don't have to play for blood[/size] every match. I like playing that way, because I wouldn't want someone half power against me. Playing down on a person is insulting and never helps the opponent truely understand their weaknesses and power. What we can do is sit down and try new things out and compare information as long as it's productive and your cool with learning that way. I'm always up for people correcting my play, because I know I need it! If you choose to practice at home cool too. Let me know what's good for you, because I want to help as much as I can to get you going towards your goal in vf5. I'm freed up now, because the semester is over, so feel free to call or post alot and I'll try to answer as much as can.

    <u>FREE FREE FREE FREE for games......COME OVER!</u>

  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Stop hiding and come get a beating tonight! We have emx on tap and myself. I would also like to see a killbomb vs. demonsoul, but as of late it looks like humble pie. Will bill get off lord of the rings online to make his mark? Will red leave his fps clan and show bill what time it is? Red claims he needs only one hour to practice and then he can beat bill. Bill seems like he isn't buying into this smack talk. All I want to know is who is gonna win?

    Well then.....
  4. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Sega needs to hurry up and release this shit!
  5. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    You got a long wait ahead of you. According to EB Games, VF5 for 360 is not shipping until October 2nd.
  6. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!! good lord, ill be jaming halo 3 by then
  7. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Anyone want to play a game?

    I can host here if you don't mind the drive?

  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Anyone up for vfing on memorial day? It would be nice to see a mid size gathering <u>ONCE</u> this summer. Someone please step up and help me gather some players up for tomorrow evening.

    Where is the love?[/size]
  9. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Anyone alive in this bitch?
    I mean, who the frag cares about vf in stl anyway?
    Anyone want to get some games in?
    Why does tekken rule here?
    Why do arcades here suck beyond donkey nut licking priority and let namco rule?
    Who will be the next to be bitten by the vf bug and carry on the torch?
    All these ? will be answered in the next episode of soap.[/size]

    Where did you go? Any interest in games anymore or has videogames become something of a childish practice? [/size]

    AS soon as tekken6 hits I know where you will be and yes vf dosen't suck. Contrary to what others say you need to give it a chance regardless of what you have heard.[/size]

    Please bring the vf love! [/size]
  10. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Kaminari_Oyaji-Sorry I haven't been on here in forever I know. I've been overwhelmed with work. Me and three of my buddies got a house down in springfield so I have to bust my balls now to have money for rent and shit for next semester. I have no time for anything as of late. Whenever I'm not working, I'm working so until things clear up some more, which probably won't be until I go back to school but hopefully sooner, I will be able to come out and get in some games.
  11. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    No problem, I understand your situation and can relate. Good luck with everything and don't EVER forget your place with shun and repping the drunken shenanigans you have learned. VF is something that you will carry to your grave and possibly pass on to your little ones. Each year it grows stronger and with that the love if you can dig? You will see and understand in years to come when you compare it to other fighting game programs. As of right now, your spoiled with vf and when you go back to the others it will be very clear. Let me know when your free and in town, because I love to square off with your shun. Any other people that want in on nate's shun at that time should let it be known or just hide from the drunk in fear of a drunken wife beating.

    Until we meet again good friend best of luck! Let capn n coke sail you to new destinations, savy?

    Peace ^-^
  12. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Going to try again and get another ps3(hopefully this shit will work) will call err body and let them know whats up

    t6:wow doa breakable stages and throwing items and using guns,bats and shit. why namco, why......yes ill still play it, but thats just dumb
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Anyway I can convince you to come out here? 2 setups would be nice. What day are you shooting for anyway? Any sign of patrick or bill or did they die? Post up and let me know.
  14. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Thank you sega,fuck. will the online play be perfect? nope but it will at least grow this scene. I know people will tear like its no tomorrow, but this scene needs a shot in the arm
  15. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Damn, now I have to buy VF5 for 360 as well as a 360 stick. Glad I never wasted money getting another stick for PS3. Fuck you Sony and your shitty online setup! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    You guys kill me that you post when there is a new announcement for vf, but never to play even <u>MONTHLY!</u> WTF is up with that? Hook a vfer up once in awhile and post up for some games.

  17. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    im off tommorow if ya want games. ill be playing doa, if you want vf you will need to bring ps3 and set the settings off high def before yall com over :D. PS Im going to evo to play vf and doa

  18. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

  19. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    as usual, i see stl is back to tekken all day err day.........yawn. Oct 30 cannot come soon enough, but for now im playing evo on ps2. starting fucking with lei, wow he is cheap
  20. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Hey Tim,

    I am hoping to take a whole week off during labor day and come back to St. Louis. I will let you know my plans and maybe on one of the days I will see you (been 2-3 years I think! 0_0)

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