STLVF: Simple Games Thread

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by EmX, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Tomorrow night I am down for some offline. What's your schedule look like? Pizza, beer, and vf sounds fucktastulick. Lemme know what's good?
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Alright if I come?
  3. Marlo_Lurosci

    Marlo_Lurosci Active Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    The more the Merrier. Let me know when we can beez over.
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Everyone come over now! It's 6:23 and the arcade is open.
  5. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    anybody know someone who can fix my doa stick so i can play this game
  6. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Tim, did you ever consider that maybe it's a little obnoxious and childish for you to spout off a paragraph of pseudo-psychological gibberish to try to analyze why I am who I am? You take every moment of the game so personally and it's stressful for me to accommodate a guy with a reputation for being a powder keg of creepy rage tearing. You have a tiresome and overzealous attitude toward VF and maybe we shouldn't play as much together. That's really all I have to say on that score. Er, well, you're essentially a nice guy but I'm not sure we really align too well if you're going to ban me from your house for winning at VF and wanting to change characters.

    lousnomed: I might be able to look at it but I know from experience hori parts break down and the best way to "fix" it would be to mod the stick with fresh parts. I don't really do that anymore since I suck at building sticks.
  7. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Firstly seth I said, "get out of here" like in sense of get the fuck outta here or stop fucking around. Not actually get out of my home. It was never intended that way at ALL. You on the other hand gave me no time to explain and blew up ranting and raving almost as if you were waiting the whole time for me to do it, so that really wasn't cool. It just showed that you really never wanted to get past old crap. You refused to talk, so I just let you ride out your anger. The childish reply of, "Go on and hit me I know you want to!" This made me laugh and to think I would ever want to bring harm to you is just dumb. As far as your perry mason motive of, "You lost and kicked me out, lol!" You were getting annoying with in my face antics about winning 5 in a row vs my 10th character I hardly use and if I remember correctly it was early in the morning and we were both tired. I then said, "Get the fuck outta here." As in please stop your childish final fantasy win dance. Knowing this, I do recall Ms. sarah winning a great percentage that night, so please don't pull the I got mad cause you beat me crap when in reality she was owning up all night.

    After the crap of you blowing up, saying hit me, and all that bs plus the shit about vfdc vs you I simply asked you never to come back and I meant it. I don't want to spend my time worrying about bs when I want to play and level up. Going back to topic, I figured if you weren't going to talk and had drawn your own conclusions way before you ever came over then it is just worthless to befriend you in the first place. What was the point of your first visits to my house? I clearly remember someone apologizing online saying they used me a multitude of times and secretly hated me lawful evil style.<<(Gary Gyaxx eat your heart out!) TIM IS EVIL INCARNATE!

    Then a couple days later you call me and threaten to call my wife and announce, "Remember that one time when ohio was over and you said I will kill everyone and bury the bodies in the backyard." Lmao! It was a joke and if anyone thought I was serious and would waste my wife, child, and life over them than your casted for dumb and dumber 3. Call my wife? Threaten me? Go to her work and talk with her? Are you insane? Am I 5 years old here mr. rodgers? You need to rethink your priorities about how you intend live your life. This is not the way to conduct relations by threats sir. You even went into a sermon of how I would be sent off to the whacko house, lol. I didn't know you were certified to analyze and prescribe my mental health doc.

    You had your say in the matter and I have had mine. Let us part ways and I wish you the best in your journey.

    God loves you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Well that was quite the verbose face-saving maneuver there Tim, but your rep as being quite the ass toward the FG community in your own ways will chase you a lot longer than you think. Frankly I'm surprised you're allowed at any of these events because your bs goes far beyond anything I've ever done.

    I go back and forth on my attitude toward you because you never can tell when Tim is going to explode into a rage and accuse everyone of shoveling shit on him. You're a martyr and a narcissistic asshole sometimes and it grates on my nerves. You hand new players a guide in Japanese and expect them to have the rosetta stone to decipher the magic code of learning. You try to act the part of the gracious host for everybody then turn around and talk shit about how they'll never play with you again. Frankly you reap what you sow here in STL and I'm glad to go my merry way.

    I was never "against" VFDC, but if you want to construe it that way then you're welcome to that opinion. I had a different vision for how things should be run and it lost out. That was that as far as I'm concerned.
  9. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation


    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

  11. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">here in STL </div></div>

    Is it time for another flame war courtesy of STL?

  12. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    I'm not sure what you mean by this. Tim really has nothing on me. That night I brought over a new player, introduced him to Tim and told him Tim was a valuable training partner. Then when Tim was winning against me I praised him for improving so much. So calling me out for being a negative cynic is complete horseshit. I'm really tired of all the interpersonal posturing that passes for discourse on this site and I won't be posting much at all in the future so you can be glad for that.

    If I threw a "fit" like Tim characterized it as then you need to brush up on your Tim history a bit buddy. Realize that me leaving his place in an largely imagined rage is nothing compared to the rage/shit talk tearing and fits we've had to put up with since day 1 with this guy. Let's bring yosuke back into it too, if you want. Seriously KoD, fuck off already and mind your own business.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    Hey, man. What you write outside of PMs is everyone's business. If you find this disconcerting, please don't air sensitive discussions where everyone can read them.
  14. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: stlvf-a new generation

    You're right. Tim, however, did initiate our little problem with his psychobabble attacking me on an open thread for STL players. I felt it warranted a response after I read over it after a long absence from even reading VFDC. KoD decided to step in and take a cheap shot at me for whatever reason so I guess I shouldn't have paid any attention to it.

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