Southern California VF Community

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Ni8wing

    Ni8wing Member

    I didn't want to post anything negative here but I have to defend my place since it was unfairly attacked.

    First of all let me say I stopped hosting Virtua Fighter because no one showed up here so I felt no need to keep shoving it down your throats. We're mainly a Street Fighter arcade. I always appreciated Virtua Fighter 5 over the years and I've been trying to hold sessions for it on and off again for the past six years. It wasn't a big following but we had our moments now and then.

    I was hoping Phoxx wouldn't post up and should've just left it alone.

    On Friday July 22 Phoxx texted me and he said he wanted to play VF and SFV. I told him about the no pad rules beforehand. Everyone who's been going here to the arcade for the past six years knows about the no pad allowed rules. On this same Friday several new ppl also asked if they can bring pads and I told them no. They respectfully followed my wishes. If I tell everyone no pads and one guy uses a pad it's gonna make me look unfair.

    For the most part Friday July 22nd the night was awesome and everyone was cool except one guy, Phoxx.

    Agree with it or not when new ppl text me I tell them about the no pad rules. I'm trying to preserve an arcade culture that is dying and the ppl who supported this place for the past six years understand this and follow this.

    So on the night of Friday July 22nd, Phoxx, a new guy who doesn't know how to follow the rules puts in his pad and starts playing. I texted him beforehand pads are not allowed and made it clear. There are also "No Pad" signs posted on the wall. When a person tries to play a pad in my place I don't get mad. I politely tell them it's not allowed and they cooperate. So when Phoxx played with his pad I politely confronted him and asked him nicely and apologetically that he can't play with his pad. So instead of respecting the rules, he argues with me for ten minutes and gets all defensive why pad players can't play here. I let him know that I told him beforehand in the text and asked him if he read it and he said yes BUT he thought I wasn't "serious". I told him yes that I was because this is the way things are done here but he still insisted that he used his pad. I told him politely no and kept telling him no. Luckily another new guy told him: "Hey it's his house and his rules. You should respect them." This other new guy wanted to bring a pad but respected my rules and respected my wishes. He understood what he was getting into. So after ten minutes of arguing and commotion and me being really irritated Phoxx relented and just played on the stick. But Phoxx got me all worked up and irritated because he didn't want to follow the rules and he demanded to my face to have his own way in my place. While everyone was being respectful, he acted like an entitled brat arguing with the owner of the house because he wanted his way. I should've been more cruel and kicked him out on the spot but I played it cool for the sake of our group. He knew in advanced that I told him pads weren't allowed but did it anyway. When someone doesn't want to follow the rules in my house especially when I was polite about it, it makes me mad and feel really disrespected. You come to my house but don't want to take me seriously makes me fume. I should've made an example of Phoxx in front of everyone and kicked him out but I'm too nice again and let him stay. In fact he played all night getting many games in. Usually I'm laid back but I can't be laid back anymore if ppl want to argue with me because they don't want to follow the rules like everyone else and be disrespectful about it.

    Now I'm already pissed at Phoxx but I'm trying to keep my cool for the sake of everyone in the arcade. Ten or twenty minutes later that night, Phoxx leaves his bag/backpack or whatever it is unsafely on a stool in a room where it is crowded and a lot of ppl are walking and someone accidently bumps into it and inside a bottle breaks and all this glass and liquid gets on the floor creating this big mess. It was the biggest mess that ever happened in the place ever. Yes Phoxx said he would clean it up but I didn't trust him by then and I wanted to make sure it was cleaned right. I had to get rid of broken glass and all this liquid that got on my controller wires and underneath my arcade cabinets. I told Phoxx it was okay and I would just deal with it.

    So as the night was winding down I saw Phoxx leave. Usually new guys and first timers say thank you for everything before they leave but Phoxx just saw me, ignored me, and left. Didn't even say thanks for hosting and didn't even say thank you for cleaning up his mess. By then I decided after giving me such a hard time that night and being disrespectful, I decided to not let this Phoxx guy in ever again. His behavior was a big red flag. I blocked his number. Too many ppl already come here and they are fine. I'm cutting off the one who is giving me problems.

    Friday is suppose to be a fun time for me and if you make me mad on my arcade Friday, it's not a good thing because you're making me bitter on my fun day. So just follow the rules. It's easy. I want everyone to have fun. All I ask is everyone to be respectful and follow the rules. It's not as strict as it sounds. This is one of the most free flowing places ever. It's an arcade paradise. Ppl are free to use my bathroom and bring outside food to eat if they're hungry.

    I wasn't gonna post anything and just let it slide but since Phoxx posted and wasn't giving you the whole story I decided to speak out and let everyone know.

    So sorry I'm not here to create drama, I'm just defending my arcade. I invite everyone, I just ask that they be respectful of the owner of the house and the rules. We have an arcade culture we've been cultivating here for the last six years so you must follow the rules. If you don't like it, don't show up. Ppl will tell you what a laid back person I am. This is the first time in my arcade where I never felt so disrespected by a person who thinks they are so entitled even though it was their first time here. He's the only one in this place's history that I had a major problem with who was a first timer. Usually when you're a guest at someone's house for the first time you're respectful. It's common sense.

    So sorry I don't want to make drama. This will be the only post where I will address this. I know this is a Virtua Fighter site but some of you may play Street Fighter. Just know that I open my doors to anyone. I give strangers the benefit of the doubt. If you get banned from this place it's your own fault. We average 15-30 every Friday depending on the night. A lot of ppl know about this place. It has a good reputation.

    Yes a lot of you might not agree with the no pad rule and it's ok. I have an agenda here in my place where I'm trying to promote and preserve arcade culture and the rules must be followed. The way the place is structured is that there are 14 arcade machines (6 h2h linked Astro Cities and 2 linked h2h Delta 32 with an Xbox 360 inside where VF5 use to be in) and two PS4 consoles for SFV with two mad catz TE2 sticks each in each setup. The games in the 6 H2H Astro setups are:

    Third Strike (2 setups)
    Super Turbo
    Marvel Vs Capcom 2
    Capcom Vs Snk 2
    Vampire Savior

    Unfortunately there is no more Virtua Fighter 5 in the H2H Delta 32 Arcade cabinet it's been replaced by another PS4 with SFV. We now have an SFV arcade cabinet setup.

    So ya I have an arcade agenda I want to promote and for six years it's been quite successful. I invite everyone and everyone is welcome except those very few because they messed up bad. I just ask for respect in return and follow the rules. I only banned four people in six years. I don't like banning ppl. I want as much ppl to enjoy. We are mainly a Street Fighter/Capcom arcade and we have a solid scene. If anyone wants to check it out text me at 310 344 9367 and here is the Facebook group page:
  2. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Phoxx's post didn't seem very negative. Saying "Too bad" isn't really "attacking you". When he used to live in Buffalo he'd come to gatherings every Saturday, really nice guy. If you want to "preserve an arcade culture" maybe you shouldn't get so worked up about controllers and concentrate instead on the people who use them.
    Ellis, Phoxx and leftylizard like this.
  3. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Yeah, though I guess I set myself up for disappointment -- even though he had mentioned the rule before, I went into the situation assuming he would just be cool about it: "Yeah man, I understand you're a pad player! Usually we discourage it, but since you're here to help out the VF scene, go for it!" And I was absolutely wrong, he was completely and utterly upset over it.

    During the minute or so (not 10 minutes, but maybe the conversation was so frustrating to him that he felt it lasted that long) that we did talk, all I really did was just keep asking him "Why?" because I really wanted to know the logical reasoning behind the no-pad rule, but he was already so remarkably furious about the whole thing that he wasn't able to give me a straight answer.

    All he ended up saying was basically "Can you not see the sign?" and "Usually I would fine someone $25 for using a pad here" and things like that. It was my fault for pressing him for a logical response when I should have just moved on -- to be honest I really didn't realize just how much I had upset him until I saw his post above. Either way, seemed like a cool spot, just not for pad players, lol.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    Ni8wing likes this.
  4. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Sounds really lame of Don. Your house isn't a arcade mofo. It's 2016 Arcades are DEAD People use pads. Fucking tekken cabinets have pad ports. Don't fucking put a guy down because he wants to play pad and try and charge him money. It's bad enough you charge people for casuals in your house. But $25 pad rule??? Thats some beyond petty shit and I hope Phoxx didnt pay you.

    Its funny how you come up in here 4 years after people in socal have stopped being active, and claim to "want to build a VF scene"....
    where the fuck were you for 3 years when we were meeting at WNF????
    where the fuck were you for the solid chunk of time when we were meeting up at UGC????

    seems to me like you need some more heads to charge and you thought you might try some vf players

    Fuck outta here dickhead. I'm glad Rob and the vsav crew play at game realms now, thats $20 or so you wont be getting now, Hope your rent goes unpaid. @Ni8wing
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    Ni8wing, Phoxx, Tricky and 2 others like this.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    As retarded as the no pad rule is, Phoxx knew ahead of time so there is no one to really blame but himself... Don't go somewhere where you don't agree with the rules of or whatever it's basic shit, basic common sense. You can make all the ASSumptions you want but you know how the saying goes. Perhaps in the future when told about rules he won't think it's a joke anymore and waste his own time, a decent life lesson. Time to move on.

    Oh and @Ni8wing, you're a bitch. Go fuck yourself.
    Jason Elbow, Ni8wing, Phoxx and 2 others like this.
  6. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    haha that's funny, but the no pad rule is just wtf.
    Phoxx, Tricky and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  7. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Weird to come back to this thread after a long hiatus.

    Anyways, it looks like Super Arcade is about to reopen in Azusa, CA.
    Which day would work best for everyone when comes to meeting up?
    More info to come once he has opened.
    Pads allowed :)
    ShinyBrentford, Phoxx, Tricky and 2 others like this.
  8. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Its good news man Anyday really is fine for me
    Tricky likes this.
  9. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    I'm totally down! Bringing my pad ;) Any night is probably good for me other than Thursdays or Fridays.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  10. Ni8wing

    Ni8wing Member

    I'm sorry all of you are hostile to the no pad/outside stick rule but it's the way we been doing things here for a long time. And everyone who plays here respects the rules without question.

    Also the Vampire Savior crew was here last Friday so why are you bringing them into to this conflict? I'm cool with them. They're my buddies. A lot of new people joined us on Friday.

    Honestly I don't care if anyone of you wants to join us or not. Just don't judge this place if you haven't been here yourself. All of you who never been here even though you're hostile to me on this thread are still welcome to join us to see the place for yourself. If you don't want to it's cool. Just come here and meet me and see the place and judge for yourself. If you like playing against competition on arcade machines it's a fun place to be.
  11. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Any idea when Super Arcade will be back up exactly? And the address?
  12. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Yeah, but the "No pad rule" is a bit ludicris. Not everybody can use stick. With a rule like that your hendering people who may want to join your scene. It like your making a selective enviroment.
    adamYUKI, Phoxx, Tricky and 1 other person like this.
  13. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I don't have the exact address, but the crossroads are Azusa and Foothill Blvd.
    Closest freeway is the 210, but is also in walking distance of the gold line rail Azusa station.

    I'm thinking of a once of month meetup on Friday night.
  14. Ni8wing

    Ni8wing Member

    Yes I agree the no pad rule is a very controversial and polarizing one. Some people disagree with it strongly. But my place is an open arcade: Free for anyone to join. The more the merrier. Everyone is invited and everyone can bring as many friends as they want as long as they follow the rules and as long as they have common sense respect. So in that way it's not really that selective. The only catch is that you play with what's here.

    I spend a lot of money on this stuff so I try to provide the players here with the best arcade setup possible. The community here appreciates this. Come see for yourself. We're mainly a Capcom/Street Fighter community so people who play here understand this. Last Friday was a packed full house. We actually had like around 40 players in the garage playing everthing here: 3S, ST, VS, CVS2, MVC2, and SFV. Almost every corner of So Cal showed up this Friday: LA, OC, The Valley, Long Beach, Inland Empire, just to name a few places.

    Even though Fridays can be fun, as a host, it can be a little overwhelming if there's a lot of people here so that's why I want everyone to follow the rules and have common sense respect. There's too many ppl here so I don't tolerate fools. If you mess up and don't follow the rules of the place I don't want you to return. If I tell everyone they can't bring a pad and one guy does it, it makes me look bad and unfair. Pad players come here all the time. They are frustrated that they can use their pads but they still follow the rules and keep returning. Some of them get converted to using fightstick.

    So yes I know we live in America and we all value freedom. I understand ppl want to play with what they want to play with. But we have a system and a way of life here that everyone has to abide to. Like it or not I'm just here to preserve an arcade standard. Yes it sounds elitist and snobby if you never been here and read this. But if you join us and actually see this place for yourself you'll see how well the system works here.
  15. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I would love to.... but i wouldnt be able to follow the rules. See im a advid pad user. I've flirted with using stick and although the imputs are cleaner and more precise, its far too akward. So pad dude i am.
  16. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Jason you should join us at Super Arcade when it's back up, been a pad user since the SNES days and never had a problem there.
  17. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I would love to join you. As soon i get in good financial standing. And as long as there is VF!
  18. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I'm confused? Why is there a debate about this?
    It's his property, so you should respect what the guidelines are when your there. Sounds simple to me!

    I hosted a gathering when I first built my new home. There were 25 people there and I was nervous about my property. One player decided to microwave popcorn for what he thought 2 minutes which in reality was 20:00!

    Did he ask me, no. Did I have rules, no. It was my fault.

    He thought it would be OK to come back after taking a turn. What do you think happened?
    I started to smell an intense burning. I rushed downstairs and investigated the area. Inside my microwave it looked like a m-80went off.

    The fault was mine for not having rules.

    My point is that it's his property and respect wasn't shown, so you were dealt with. In all honesty, learn from the experience and grow.

    My 2 cents, out..
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  19. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Phoxx 3D
    Yep, learned, wasn't planning on heading back, moved on.
  20. Ni8wing

    Ni8wing Member

    I'll post this one last time for old time sake.

    If anyone here wants to join us tonight you're free to do so just as long as you understand the rules. We get a good crowd. If you just want to play and have fun feel free to join.

    Anyone interested please text at 310 344 9367.

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