Sony announces next console: PSX (playstation 2.5)

Discussion in 'General' started by Ragnafrak, May 28, 2003.

  1. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    when ps2 first came out it was announced that the console itself would be running linux.. after i posted that i checked around and was told that many multi-platform games these days will have their own OS loaded along with them.. i do know however that the original games were all written for linux, and that the ps2 sdk machine is linux

    and by linux i don't mean redhat or one of the pc distributions, i just mean the os by itself with (like fishie said) minimal driver and controls support. many things run on linux that do more than what the PS2 does (not graphically), like this:,1056,112,00.html
  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    No they dont, they never did and it never will.
    And no the XBox doesnt run windows or whatever, the fact that it has a HD doesnt change a damn thing, check the contents of the stock disc on the XBox and Windows wont be what you find.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I did some quick looking around and found this thread. I know nothing about this so I don't pretend to lean either way...

    [ QUOTE ]
    The PS2 doesn't use an operating system. Whatever APIs are required for each game are compiled into the game code, so there is no separate OS and application. This makes sense if you want to minimise the RAM space taken up by eliminating unnecessary space taken up by the OS kernel. In addition a game doesn't need many things provided by the kernel eg. memory protection and most of the standard device drivers.

    The PS2 development system is Linux based and runs on a PC using a cross compiler.

    The PS3 will need a proper OS if it is to run Grid apps or Cell objects. Linux is the OS of supercomputing, and being open source, it can be recompiled to eliminate sections of unnecessary code and so it can be made to be extremely compact. It can also make a very powerful full featured PC type environment if required complete with desktop applications if required. It also runs on more CPU types than any other OS. Hence Linux is the only real choice for a PS3 type of system.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  4. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    What people seem to be messing up is that no game console currently uses a OS in the way that a PC utilizes it. The main association an OS has with a console is software creation. This is to help the original coders with they recieve their Software Development Kit (SDK). Sony and the PS2 have their on proprietary stuff right now that is closest to Linux if anything. They even sell a Linux kit to convert your PS2 to a Linux based desktop for game development. The Dreamcast used a modified version of Windows CE, X-Box uses a modified version of Windows 2000, and Nintendo Gamecube uses proprietary software as well that is similar to Windows 2000/NT from what I have heard. Your game console does not run off of any OS, but it can be modified to do so with limitations. The OS operations on a console are barebones minimal so that they control hardware recognition, operational instructions, and optimal resource management. That is why a game is written specifically for the PS2 (example) and will not work on another system. It's coding is done very specific to the hardware used to create a standard and efficient rate of game operation and recognition. It gets more complicated from there, but I'll add 1 set of numbers to help you get a perspective of how a PC OS and a console OS differ in ability and size.

    Windows 2000 = 1.2 GB (600 MB w/out a lot of useless crap)
    X-Box Windows 2000 (modified) = 500k (Yes, that's "K".)
  5. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Well, it's trickier than that. The PS2 doesn't run Linux as it, the games are designed in a Linux development environment. That's about as far as that goes. The DC did support Windows CE, but programmers also had the option of disregarding WINCE enitrely and coding to the metal with no real OS running the game at all.
  6. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    Yes, but the VMUs and their interaction with the game was universal i believe (windows ce) ;]
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    No it wasnt
  8. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    whatever fishie, sit there and troll the thread all you want, but every console that had can boot to an interface without a disc has an operating system, and surprise, Microsoft Xbox has a small version of Microsoft Windows on it.

    Your cellphone has an operating system.

    Your computer loads an operating system before it even reads the hard drive.
  9. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    to Fishie :
    a hardware is a just piece of shit without any O/S
    you a computer nub or something?
    and why are you so stubborn about yer opinions?
    I see some enemies of yers on this forum
  10. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Hmm. It really depends how you define 'Operating System'. In a general sense an operating system is something like Windows or Linux, where in a more specific sense it's really anything that controls the hardware of a computer and has the function to run programs. When I hear the term operating system I think of either Windows or Linux.

    My point is that the Xbox may run a 500k version of Windows (incidentally I could only find one link supporting this which was a small article written by 'Mr. X' who was taking his information from a book that I won't buy) but in my mind I wouldn't consider it an operating system. Also if you believe any of the definitions here: then an operating system must also run programs as well as hardware, (something like the BIOS would not be considered an OS for instance) and the 'OS' that runs on the PS2 or Xbox may not be running any programs on top of it at all.

    Anyway my stance is that consoles don't run an operating system, although from the sound of it now that consoles are becoming more like PCs running various OSs on the next generation of consoles would be quite possible. Imagine the Xbox 2 running Windows - makes PC ports easier I'm sure. If TV's had resolutions more like monitors then you could take your PC game and run it on Xbox 2 /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif.
  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Could get crazier if the Phantom Console (Linux Based) and PS3 (Presumably Linux Based) come to light. I really don't like the blurring of console and PC lines, but as long as good games keep coming out I won't complain.
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    I dont have a cellphone and the cpu doesnt acces an OS before reading a HD, it checks the bios where some simple code outlines what a HD is, what a CDRom is supposed to do etcetera.
    Consoles have a bios not an OS, the OS if one is used is shipped on the gamedisks and is gamespecific.
    DC games that ran some form of WinCE shipped with it on the disc, the DC doesnt have WinCE burned on the console itself.
    Same with XBox, Cube or PS2.
  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    If these systems HAD an OS, why would people be hacking the BIOSes with modchips to allow INSTALLATION of operating systems? (That's how a modchip works, y'know.)
    And why can't the PS2 run Linux without a special kit?
    And why do emulators require system BIOS images to function? Why not just use an operating system on the PC?
  14. Homer

    Homer Member

    how did you get a moving picture ragnafrak? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  15. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Homer said:

    how did you get a moving picture ragnafrak? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]just find one on the web.. they are usually .gif format instead of .jpg (use the private msg next time /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif )

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