Some help with advanced Akira combo

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Obi, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Actually [4][2]+[G]+[P] > [2][6]+[P] > [2_][4][6]+[P] is not guaranteed now in Evo. You can struggle out of it, and there is a practice lesson in challange training dealing with that. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    thank you,man!
    that's what I thought! /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  3. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    It's not guaranteed, but it might as well be.
  4. Obi

    Obi Member

    Actually, in that Training mission, if you don't pull off the dblpm IMMEDIATELY after the sglpm, the computer will block it. So, essentially, it can be blocked, but for Akira pros, I think not.
  5. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    csnape said:

    Dbpm is good in flow charts such as :


    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's [3][P]+[K] ? Is there such a move? Sorry don't have PS2 now, so I can't test.
  6. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    .[3][P]+[K] really exists. It's a move which makes you be automatically in a low position so you can do [2_][4][6][P] by just pressing [4][6][P]. So is [4][3][P]. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ryadus said:

    .[3][P]+[K] really exists. It's a move which makes you be automatically in a low position so you can do [2_][4][6][P] by just pressing [4][6][P]. So is [4][3][P]. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, that's LBF, how could I forget that one? Guess I was really sleepy. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Some clarification here:

    After ST a canned dbpm is guaranteed I'm pretty sure but sgpm isn't. A SDE will hit the quickest of strugglers too.

    Going from sgpm to dbpm IS GUARANTEED but it requires exact timing of the m-dbpm. Spotlite covered this elsewhere.
  9. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif I thought the sgpm after ST was guaranteed since it isn't blocked in training mode (free mode: guard all), neither it was from my (small) experience from fights against human opponents + I saw lot's of pro's doing it in vids however I saw Ohsu Akira just going for the dbpm in a recent vid-and no doubt I'd doubt your word csnape /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif, can that SDE after ST be followed up?
  10. killer_goh

    killer_goh New Member

    mate, i can totally help you with your problem!!
    I play evo at home with my dual shock and i also play with a stick in the arcade. yeah i'm too cheap to buy a stick too. (hey i'm a student!) my guess is most of these guys own sticks, and [3][3][4][6][P] at the end of a combo (such as yoho-p-shrm) is a whole lot easier for me in the arcades then it is at home on a pad. it must be the structure of the thumb or something, it just doesn't move fast enough, or mashes the directions or something.

    like you i could never add a dblplm on the end of any combo that left akira standing, so i got up the input data onscreen and what i realised is it doesn't matter if you mash some directions going from crouch dash to [4] but when going from [4] to [6] you musn't hit any other direction.
    are you familier withb street fighter? if you are you should be real fast at double role move motions for super-combo's ([2][1][4], [2][1][4]). if you input this motion it covers the crouch dash and the [4]. from there all you have to do is raise your thumb of the d-pad (cos you can't mash directions going from [4] to [6]) and tap [6]. so its simply role twice[2][1][4][2][1][4] then tap forward. the role can be done (on a pad at least) exactly the same way and with exactly the same speed as street fighter super combos. after doing this i can suddenly put dblplms on the end of EVERYTHING, from the yoho combo you mention, to after dashing elbows, to the various throws ([6][4][P][G] and [4][1][2][P][G]) that you can add things like [2]
    [3][6][P], dblplm. its smoother, requires less finger gymnastics and so is faster and is the best method IMO for us stubborn pad users /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes sgpm is definately not a guaranteed follow up.

    Go to challenge mode and the stagger recoveries part. The challenge is to struggle out of ST>m-sgpm 5 times in a row. I've done this with Akira. For some characters it is harder than others but it is definately stuggle-able. The reason for BMFs post is that so few players ever struggle out of it. The ps2 training part isn't perfect and has things in it which you can't do/ can do in the game etc but just small little discrepencies. It was the same in vf 4 ver c. Ohsu tends to favour the canned dbpm as its guaranteed and if you originally had your back to a wall you can generally follow with a knee or AS3 off the wall rebound. I'll double check the validity of SDE but I'm pretty sure ST>SDE>m-dbpm is guaranteed. The SDE is only a normal hit and will knock your opponents back so you need to be quick with the dbpm.
  12. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    SDE is definately NOT guaranteed after ST. One more thing i wanted to point out that was already mentioned a few months's 100 times easier to struggle ST-->Sgpm in challenge training than it is in a normal match or even in free training.
  13. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    The stagger recovery is mainly technique rather than braking your stick method i've done all the stagger revovery challenge by this method:
    When you see the green toggle stick on screen press and hold [G] Do muitiple 360's with your stick, and the hard part is to press [P] and [K] repeatedly and get the green toggle stick RED before your opp hits you

    The Wolf one however is a bit more break your stick method

    hope this helps
  14. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    when doing your combos try opening your palm up a little bit. It might help when doing them confusing combos! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah SDE may not be guaranteed but its still do able. As for struggling ST>m-sgpm I've seen quite a few clips of jap players doing it. I was thinking that this maybe why Ohsu tends to favour m-dbpm (well at least in the vids I've seen) as I expect the level of players he plays against can struggle out of it fairly often.
  16. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Akira Pad Combos

    Akira is a hard character to play on a pad, and your left thumb will probably end up hurting, but I found it easy to enter the double palm command as follows:

    [4][1][2][1][4][6]+[P] on a pad... that is the most consistent way i've found to do it... i'd say try the combos first in training mode in slow motion, and then once you get them down there try them in fast motion... Maybe try buffering double palm after a shoulderram not in a combo --- like shoulderram doublepalm, and go from there?

  17. Obi

    Obi Member

    Re: Akira Pad Combos

    [ QUOTE ]
    Akira is a hard character to play on a pad, and your left thumb will probably end up hurting, but I found it easy to enter the double palm command as follows:

    + on a pad... that is the most consistent way i've found to do it... i'd say try the combos first in training mode in slow motion, and then once you get them down there try them in fast motion... Maybe try buffering double palm after a shoulderram not in a combo --- like shoulderram doublepalm, and go from there?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wouldn't know how 'hard' Akira is on the pad, because he was the character I chose right off the bat. VF4 would be the first VF I got into. VF4Evo would be the first VF that I REALLY got into. But regardless, I played on the DSII, and to be honest, other than the fact that I couldn't move the thumb very fast back then, (I had mad struggles trying to do DLC), it was alright I guess. Oddly enough, I was able to do SPoD. But anyway, after I did DLC for a number of times, my ability to do SPoD went away. LoL. IMO, DLC is more useful than SPoD, so I guess that's why I don't use SPoD as frequent as I want. ANYWAY, doing the Yoho--> Standing punch-->ShRm-->DblPm isn't a difficult problem anymore. It's just a matter of timing, and moving the thumb. For me, the double-back then forward would probably be a worse way to pull off the combo. Instead, the [1][1][4][6] if better for me. When you do the [1][1], you sometimes mistakenly press [4] too, so when you pree forward + p, you may be able to pull off the dblpm. But don't rely on that. Just do the full [1][1][4][6].

    BTW, my thumbs have NEVER hurt playing Akira. Does that mean something? /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif

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