SoCal VF5 in 2007 and beyond

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Plague, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Opening up my place tonight 3/28 for an unplanned gathering.
    Located in AZUSA
    or IM: Y!: brisal714
    time 8pm to whenever

    Let me know in advance if you plan on bringing a system game and sticks. If there is interest then I will try to get multiple setups going

  2. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I'll be there.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Alright - VF tonight.

    Here's what's a happenin' at Plague's house (not to compete with EL-Brisal - more of an FYI thingie).

    Going to Miguel's Jr. on Hamner RIGHT NOW. Then back to the house. VF for however long after that starting at 10:00 pm - please come on over - two set-ups running already.

    I'm going to ONT myself at around 10:45 - you are welcome to stay and play with Yosuke, Chanchai, and Catherine. I'll be bringing back team NYC around midnight. We can run all night /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  4. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Because I'm short on gas, I'll probably be going to Plague's house instead since it's only about 6 miles away, as opposed to Brian's house which is about 20 miles away. Sorry for the sudden change in plans.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I will never lose to you guys again /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    PLAGUE, Brisal73!!!

    Remember me? I used to come up with Mike92010 to play. I just recently got vf5 ps3 and am playing VERY casually. I would be interested in tagging along with you guys every once in a while though.

    Who else from the '02 crowd is still around?
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Holy crap, dude!

    Good to know you're still around. Keep an eye on this thread for the goings on in this area. You're always welcome to come play VF.

    Lots of '02 people floating about - it's nice.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Wow, Solfizz! I still remember you! Though we did only meet a tad bit.

    Hope all is going great for you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    solfizz lives!

    Anyhow ive been talking with several people about creating a monthly tournament / ranking system in socal. Socal is in need of more competitive style training. Free of entry, or a $1 just for fun, probably want to hold it on the last friday or sat of every month. Or whichever fixed day is convienient for most.

    Basically heres the breakdown
    1st : 10
    2nd : 7
    3rd : 5
    4th : 2
    everyone else, 1 pt for participation.

    Maybe we'll try to end the "season" every half year, incase new players try to join.

    heres the loose ground work for now, let me know if you think any dates, or points system should be changed, because i have no idea whats fair. Location TBD as always.
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF5 in 2007

    I am all for this monthly tournament/ranking system. The $1 entry sounds good, too. I like that better than free entry.

    Change 4th place to 3 pts. The disparity between 2nd-3rd and 3rd-4th seems strange to me. I like points for participation.

    My house is available as a location and I'm willing to travel, too.

    Unsafe_Dan[/size] has thought about ranking battles as well. His collaboration may be helpful.

    All in all I like this plan.
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    heres sort of my reasoning

    1st: 9 +1 for finishing
    2nd: 7
    3rd: 5
    4th: 3 -1 for not making top 3, but an extra point more than the people who entered.

    maybe i should bump 4th to 3 pts
    and give the 5th place ties 2pts.

    but given the size of the scene/ number of entries, i dont think we should award 5th place any points, because it might depend on the luck of the draw.

    i hope that made some sense.

    hopefully more people can give out their opinions, maybe unsafe dan has a better mathematical method than i do. Itll be a several weeks before we can reach a happy medium on this. Ive seen some crazy formulas also that takes the square root of participants divided over the pot or somthing like that.
  12. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Wow Chanchai, I remember you man! You and Spotlite always came down. Is he still around?

    and I totally remember you too PhoenixDth. We played Evo once at Arcade Infinity. I think that was the only place with the card reader.

    I got some people interested in forming a gathering in SD. They along with my two buds with whom I used to play vf4 just might revive the scene down here!
  13. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Hey Alex and Talis!

    Sorry I went AWAL during the weekend but rough stuff happened, I'm over it now and back so lets get to VF'in things!

    I thought of Ranking Battles (also commonly shorted to Ranbats in other communities) for a while for VF cause I thought it fit perfectly with the style that SoCal likes to play VF.

    Traditionally RanBats are single elimination at least from what I remember when i played in a few for other games. And since we can probably only expect 10-14 people for these things happening on say bi-weekly, 1st 2nd and 3rd should only be rewarded points.

    In my opinion this is a good format
    1st 10 points
    2nd 5 points
    3rd 3 points

    And then we can all think of some nice prize for the end of the seaon ranbat, like say $100 or gift cards or something else.

    The reason first place gets so much is to put ultimate value on the skilled player that can win. It is very likely that there will be many ranbats with different people being able to come and many being not able to come. If you reward too much to 2nd and 3rd place it doesn't truely reflect who is the best player since sometimes for whatever reason a last ranbat winner might not be able to make it to the next 2 ranbats, let's say the dude that took second kept taking second. Even though we (not to say the second place player didn't get better) know the player that couldn't make it is significantly better, the ranking points will show the dude having possibly twice or more points than the player that won the first ranbat. If the past winner played in the 4th said ranbat and the he took first and the other took second again, he still has very large gap to fill in with a player that never won a ranbat.

    Please don't take this as a "Screw everyone except the winner" kind of ideal. As if you simply lower the amount of points (and the amount of distributed points) then rankings will be more true to who really wins. If you look up Street Fighter Ranbats on SRK you will notice the consistency in their results which is what a Ranking Battles ae really for, to rank all the players in the region via multiple tournaments.

    Obviously if many players join these Ranking Battles (which of course, we hope will happen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ) then we will need to change the format as there will be obviously skilled players making it into top 5 and possibly top 8. However for now I think this simple format should work best.

    Another thing that really helps Ranking Battles work imo is video recording and even LIVE commentary (no retarded PS3 commentary as funny as Plague and everyone else makes of them). I know video recording is against the secret ninja code of SoCal but it helps people realize that the SoCal VF crew is real cool and that VF gatherings are real awesome. I honestly think LIVE recording, as bad as the quality may be, can be far more helpful than PS3 replays. It puts a human faces and attitude to a game most people are still afraid to touch "cause it's too deep".
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I offer my place for ROUND 1 on April 21st
  15. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I'm for the bi-weekly thing...these need to happen as often as possible. There isn't much time before Evolution and the more time spent gives more exposure, experience, and consistency in execution, etc.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I've got a DV Camera - I can see putting it to use for this. Honestly, I wish I had been running it during the team battle.
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I have the DV camera and the small tripod that can be out in the middle of my sofa. With the added benefit of my big screen it comes out great.

    Let me know if the 21st works for you
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    i thought about 10,5,3 also

    that would work in a yearly season format right? How long are the ranbat seasons in japan. Because if we want to do 6 month seasons, i dont think its enough time for lower ranks to catch up. But also if we do full year seasons, it might discourage newer players who are developing their skills. What do you think?

    maybe we can run 10-5-3 for one season and see if someone really felt screwed?
  19. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I'm not to sure how long the japanese run their ranbats but you make a good point concerning 6 month compared to year long. I think 6 month is good considering EVO is just on the horizon and we all need to start getting serious.

    I understand that 10,5,3 is very newbie unfriendly but we don't really have a large player base like say Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, so giving out so many points for a ranking battle that could potentially have less than 10 people sometimes is a bit much. I hope that new players can look at the format as a measuring stick to improve on and also it helps us as a player community (SoCal) know who is on their A game and who isn't.

    I'm also all for trying it out for 1 season then dropping it if people feel it's too rough.

    Plague & Brian: Awesome! This sure does take out alot of problems. I would also think LA Akira's house would be nice for RanBats as his cabinet setup (newly upgraded to VHGS) is ideal for cool SBO like camera action. But Brian's place is most definately awesome as well.
  20. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    I think we need to decide what the ultimate goal of these ranbats will be first. Do we want to know who the best player in SoCal is and get us used to a more serious tournament style of play, or do we want to build the scene and get a lot of new players into vf? I would rather have the latter.(closer to what Alex first suggested)

    I really like the idea of everyone that attends a tournament getting at least 1 point. The truth is SoCal players need as much incentive to attend a gathering as humanly possible. So something as simple as this helps. I would even go farther and give extra points up to the top 8 or 10 players.

    If we have something like 16-18 players, I'd like to see something like this:

    1st: 15 points
    2nd: 9 points
    3rd,4th: 6 points
    5th,6th: 3 points
    7th-10th: 2 points
    everyone else: 1 point

    I haven't done that math on this, but I hope that a format like this can keep the matches in the middle more exciting and and meaningful, and will keep players coming. I honestly think that if we only award points to the top 3 players, we'll see a major drop-off in attendance in a few months.

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