SoCal VF5 in 2007 and beyond

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Plague, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Brian, I know what you are saying but lemme explain my history.

    First xbox (original black beast) died 1 and half years after purchase from a disc drive error. This was the famous "crappy THompson DVD drive" problem.

    Second xbox was refurbished and died a glorious death from an advanced firmwire failure which I partly blame on myself for softmodding it.

    My first 360 was a launch that died of the evil RROD. It was sent in for work and they just gave me a completely new 360.

    This new 360 has died from a fan motor failure. My guess is a soldered joint got lose.

    I have always put my xbox in a high ventilation open area and I play with the room fan on.
  2. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Do you plug it into a wall or a power strip? As weird as it may sound they do say to plug it into the wall and not the power strip.
  3. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    That doesn't make any sense, electrically the opposite would be true. Most quality power strips have surge protection and current limiters where as in the wall plug you're PSU is eating whatever line AC the grid is feeding you.

    Regardless, I'll take a look at this dead fan and see whats up. I don't play enough video games to be emotionally attached to any system but, I would like to enjoy VF5 360 without this nonsense.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    I learnt to never plug my 360 into a power strip, constantly getting electrocuted wasn't fun.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010
    select a system and go to Page 7

    or read this:
    As with many other electrical devices,
    failure to take the following precautions
    can result in serious injury or death from
    electric shock or fire or damage to the
    Xbox 360 video game and entertainment
    Select an appropriate power source for
    your Xbox 360 console:
    • Use only the power supply unit and AC
    power cord that came with your
    console or that you received from an
    authorized repair center. If you are not
    sure if you have the correct power
    supply unit, compare the model
    number on the power supply unit with
    the model number specified on your
    console. If you need a replacement
    power supply unit or AC power cord,
    contact Xbox Customer Support.
    • Confirm that your electrical outlet
    provides the type of power indicated
    on the power supply unit (in terms of
    voltage [V] and frequency [Hz]). If you
    are not sure of the type of power
    supplied to your home, consult a
    qualified electrician.
    Do not use non-standard power
    sources, such as generators or
    inverters, even if the voltage and
    frequency appear acceptable. Only use
    AC power provided by a standard wall

    • Do not overload your wall outlet,
    extension cord, power strip, or other
    electrical receptacle. Confirm that they
    are rated to handle the total current (in
    amps [A]) drawn by the Xbox 360
    console (indicated on the power supply
    unit) and any other devices that are on
    the same circuit.
    • Do not connect any other devices
    between the Xbox 360 power supply
    unit and the Xbox 360 console or
    between the power cord and the Xbox
    360 power supply unit.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    You are misinterpreting what that means. It states that you should not use, say, a gas powered generator to run your 360. It also means you should not plug a power inverter into your car's cigarette lighter and then use that to run your 360.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Pretty sure it says in the manual not to plug it into any kind of power adapter, like I said earlier i've had enough electric shocks to know it's not a wise thing to do.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    I have mine plugged into a bar and I've never had a shock.
  9. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    It's as Plague pointed out, it tells you not to use an inverter or generator to power the 360 as sometimes the line regulation on said inverter or generators can be sketchy.

    I mean, I broke open my strip (which says "surge surpressor" but alot of times that's bull) and sure enough the MOVs are there and they haven't blown so it's not like Edision nuked my 360.

    I think I'm just gonna yank my 360 out of it's box and put it into a PC box and heatsink the crap out of it.
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    lol... that is all
  11. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    I will not be able to make it on Thursday nights until the end of the current semester. Queenie has class Thursday nights.
  12. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Plague, homie, I'm sorry I can't make it. Fuck one these thursdays.
  13. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Can't make it. Not feeling well so I'm gonna rest up for work. Sorry guys.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Yeah - offline was a little quiet last night. Catherine and I got in some good fights. Hope to see you all and more in two weeks.
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Let's play offline VF this week! Come to my house on Thursday, March 25th, 2010 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm. Hope to see you all there.
  16. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Sorry I was unable to make it tonight.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Hey! Let's play offline VF this week! Come to my house on Thursday, April 8th, 2010 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm. Hope to see you all there.
  18. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Unless something dramatic happens today, I will be there.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    SoCal VF5 in 2010

    Greetings! How about some offline VF this week! Come to my house on Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 from 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm. Hope to see you all there.
  20. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF5 in 2010

    I am not feeling well, and most likely will not make it. I would hate to get you guys sick as well.

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