SoCal VF4 locations anyone? Dyin here.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Kiuju, Aug 30, 2001.

  1. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: See. What we have here is a failure to communicate

    Actually Ice i thought you mentioned singapore had vf4 must have been tb. Oops sorry to give your hopes up.

    Man i'm still mad at myself. I was so bent on not going to SHGL ever again for the simple fact that nobody played 3S good enough or would play for that matter. Of course when i'm not there this happens. I guess i'll go back and ask one of the attendees whats the low down. I doubt they'll know anything about it anyways.

    Its kind of funny you mention valle and his buddies played vf4 I wonder what would get them to play 3S once in a while.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: See. What we have here is a failure to communicate

    Hasn't Valle been playing Remy in 3s at SHGL? This is what I've heard anyhow.... Could be wrong. But it sounded to me like the 3s scene at SHGL has been pretty healthy lately (though overly crowded with Ken and Chun Li users). I'm interested in seeing Arlieth's Makoto though.

    Too bad you missed out on the VF4 test, but eventually, you'll get to play VF4 (unless fate says otherwise).

  3. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: See. What we have here is a failure to communicate

    hahahaha Makoto. We used to bring her there and streak for days with her. I remember in those days whenever I did a choke or any kind of setup they would cover the screen. LOL haters. I've given up on them we used to go constantly and we only played Makoto and at that time nobody did which is why they were surprised when we snatched their asses. Funny my brother used to roast heads over there with Elena.
    After we met SOS our skills went way in that game. We recently went back last friday and to our surprise nothings changed same people. They seem to forget over there so we haven't been back.

    Anyway, I just hope Vf4 doesn't end up at gameworks or powerhouse. They idiots charge way too much probably 1+ just to play. Thats a rip off big time. Just like part 3.

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