SNAKE BOSS got pwned so badly that he had to DC

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by kingo, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    he's frauding his way up so he can promote his other account past stormlord. Don't accept challenges from red smileys :/
    DomAug and BlackGeneral like this.
  2. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Kingo u exposed him lol. Y are u still wasting time with him? Who cares? let him die off. Your to easily trolled.
  3. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    Maaaaaaaaan we have to find this secret Itazan technique. Then it's done, we can settle it up with Kingo!:cool:

    I'll be in the lab for a few days now...:eek::eek::eek: Practising my anti-kingo styles technique!!!:D;)
    EvenPit likes this.
  4. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    *emerges from the mists*
    LOL SnakeBoss
    *disappear back into the mists*
    DomAug likes this.
  5. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    sorry i'm late to the party but i'll post this because i CAN

    Nomas edit: Although this took place way back in Vanilla (DMPK and all) and your reputation for pulling the plug at that time went back even before VF5; to games like Mortal Kombat and Capcom vs. SNK 2. Even with all that I'm going to assume you don't do this kind of thing anymore now, at least not in FS. Of course, I'm not playing on Live anymore so it's not for me to say. Now if you were under the guise of BlackBeltSpartan/SNAKE BOSS however...
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    The guy in the video is funny!

    Not sure I'd call that 'D/Cing' though - it looked more like the Blaze player realised he'd been 'figured out' and that the Jeffry player was now going to keep beating him, and decided not to play any more games with him. In my book, there's nothing particularly wrong with not wanting to play against someone or saying 'you have me beat - I'm gonna find an easier opponent'. To me, that's fine - the problem comes when people D/C during a fight to avoid exp losses and what not.

    In short, it's okay not to accept a challenge or decide not to play against someone any more, but if you do accept and you're in the fight, be sporting enough to take the wins or losses as they come.
    Modelah and complexz like this.
  7. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    pullers pulling each other?
  8. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Wtf has this crappy vid got to do with anything with what we are talking about here? This vid means shit!! To tell you the truth it actually makes shirt look worse off considering he had been playing VF series a lot me than me at that point yet I still manged to win against him. I've no animosity towards the guy so i don't know what he was trying to prove with this.
  9. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member

    Wow! I'm glad I saw this!!! Shocking!!!!

    I guess I was SAVED BY THE BELL!!!!!!
    kingo likes this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    InnerSanctum Games,

    SNAKE BOSS has repeatedly said that he doesn't conduct himself in a poor manner anymore yet his history suggests otherwise. As he suggested, you can ask around if you want. Nobody on this forum respects him. He's a loser for the way he conducts himself, and for trying to cover that misconduct through lying. Recently, he has boosted his rank to Skylord through cheating. He even made a thread about it bragging:

    Check the date. He says he hasn't done anything wrong in awhile? This was recent. His behavior doesn't extend to just pulling the cable when he's losing or other means of cheating. People have reported him harassing them with spam on PSN, most recently GeneralRipper. He has been on this forum for nearly a year, and he has only gotten worse. Do yourself a favor and just put this guy on ignore. He should not be allowed into any tournaments.
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Hey I did not mean anything about this being a scam or anything like that its just there were some people on here that made a fake blog and started posting in it with my name but it was not me so everyone knows that now, and those same people were posting on this thread first so i taught they might have made this up too. Now I see others post in this so I see that it is legit so am i still signed up for the psn side of the tournament? You can talk to me on psn too, my psn ID is BlackBeltSpartan.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  14. InnerSanctum Games

    InnerSanctum Games Well-Known Member


    I must admit, those videos hurt lol They hurt me baaaad!

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    thanks for liking my post but you did not answer if I am still signed up for the tournament. Also I want to be in the tournament for vf and to support your tournament and not just prizes. Its cool you are doing this and if I am in it then that is cool too but if I am not then oh well.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    yea the thing with those videos though is that person who posted those has also disconnected on me but he did not post those videos where he disconnected, so you see where I am coming from.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Excuse the off-topic, but please don't include BBS in your tourney, it'll make you and the whole tournament look bad and just waste everyone's time. It's also the perfect opportunity to teach him a lesson in cause and effect.
  18. SoulTruth2013

    SoulTruth2013 Well-Known Member

    He is banned from it.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  19. SoulTruth2013

    SoulTruth2013 Well-Known Member

    He won't be in it.
    InnerSanctum Games likes this.
  20. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member


    InnerSanctum Games likes this.

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