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Singapore, Bugis, VF4

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ice-9, Dec 15, 2001.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Perhaps, but maybe in a week it would be Jamboree: 10 - Versus City: 20?

    No. With posts like the one you just made? Please..you've just added 5792 points to the "Same Ol' Bullshit" score. I've never seen someone able to spew out so much mindless rationalization and doublespeak as you: "THE SUPERFLUOUS OBFUSCATION OF THE ELUCIDATION OF MY CLARIFICATIONS IS A CONDEMNATION OF MY POSTIFICATION!!!"

    Consult the "YOU ARE WRONG" and "GIVE UP" sections in the posting guidelines post, freak.
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I never mentioned nor hinted that it is' cheap' to do it

    Rather...it pains me to see players lacking creativity to come out with original ideas to counter..instead of simply resorting to a low p.

    Of coz, I forgot this is Singapore we're talking abt..a place where winning is everything n losing sometimes result in the loser bringing the loser's buddies along n kick the winner's ass..

    oh wait...that's the OLD KOF n SF crowd.(back in the damn old days!)

    Luckliy..from what i heard..it's not like this anymore~
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    btw alan..i forgot to add this in my post
    MT stance...her elbow n knee games are very fricking EVIL! :)
    I think I had her elbows n knees for dinner while I was up in sydney...

    In 3tb..it was 99.99999999% sure bet u will get the throw after the low p Mc opponent.

    I think in 4..the same applies..cause I have used it on many occasions and never countered b4...

    regardless of it being 100% or whatever...psychologically most people seem to stop dead in their tracks... so if you know it, u input a throw right after and it works so well
  4. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    ............ so did you update the attribute chart? the attributes chart is a pretty good guide to show which characters are what to starting vfers.......

    anyway ice ......speaking for myself:::::: you may have experienced and posted what you have experienced but there are people who have experienced what you already experienced hence the "no shit sherlock" feeling..... but hey im not tryin to put ya down but i get an awkward feeling when you do say that you're technically a newbie which makes me feel like not taking your future advice unless what you would post would be really good imo.

    ok now to the point:::::

    you can explain all you want but no matter what.... you can't please everybody. goodluck against chris's lei fei and whoever you're playing against in SG..... oh yea chris can play a good pai
  5. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    You cannot counter this move. I mean I am not talking about err... hitting low P all the time. Every move CAN be countered if you KNOW that your opponent is doing it. For me, Venessa dodge punch is a fantastic counter to low P. But the move is still going to be insanely useful if you mix it up with other stuff.

    For me in VF, winning is a BIG part of the game. If I can kill you using one move, I will gladly do it, although it is a bit boring and I will probably stop playing VF after a while.
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    my pai is shite. i keep trying for the tech roll reversal way too often and get killed. i'm having a lot more fun playing kage now, though... =)
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Alan...where is the best place to get a copy of ps2 vf4 when it is released in SG?
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hey jackybrothas, I have finally played all the characters to some depth, and will be updating the chart shortly!

    As for your awkward feeling, good advice is good advice, and some of the best teachers/observers are not the best players. Ah, WTF, I'm very confident of my own skills, beginner or no.

    I have a post coming up, some "No shit Sherlock!" and some stuff that some people may find valuable. If you don't find it helpful (speaking to everyone generally), chill out aight?! Keep in mind that not everyone's as good as you, heh heh.

    Aight, my bro is pressuring me to get off the computer, I'll add it on later.
  9. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    You are right here alan. It is a fight and you are supposed to win!? Can't have a fight and get 2 losers, uh? The d+P is fine and there are ways to deal with it. I've eaten so many FL kickflips from YH's Sarah when I try to d+P his Sarah.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yesterday, I finally got the chance to sit down with the remaining characters in VF4 that I haven't played with yet: Lion, Sarah, and Lei Fei.

    One general observation is that stomps can definitely interrupt rising attacks, and easily. I know this is true to some degree in VF3, and I remember someone asking about this earlier, but I'm pretty sure about it. I think alucard was testing it out, as his Akira was pounced on four times in a row by Lion while he was trying to rise and kick. I thought it was maybe specific to Lion, but I saw MT Vanessa do the same thing.


    Even though I'm sure Lion experts will disagree, Lion feels very much the same to me, but just better. His elbow-poke is definitely not as useful as it was before, but his f,f+P; b,d/f+P; u+K,K have all improved considerably, and he has several really good new moves (sabaki; b,f+P+K,P,P; b,f+K+G,d+K/P). Among all the characters I picked up in Singapore, I had the most success from the get-go with Lion (and Vanessa), playing Lion much like I did him in VF3 with lots of pokes and okizeme.

    A few random notes/questions:

    b,d/f+P -> f,f+K,K sometimes misses, due to range. Is it strictly a range issue or does stance/counter/opponent matter?

    u+K is really good now that recovery has been much improved, and if you mix the follow-up K with d+P Lion seems very difficult to punish. I used this a lot and got away with it scot free nearly every time. On MC, it'll float nicely for near half-life combos.

    D,f+P can duck under elbows!!

    HCB+P+G -> pounce, the pounce is definitely escapable. I remember someone remarking that it seemed guaranteed, but it ain't (thankfully!).


    Ooh, I really like her in VF4. Unfortunately, I didn't get much CPU playing time with Sarah and didn't have much success with her competitively yesterday--only played her twice against the CPU before trying her out in competition...unknowingly, alucard was the first person I tried her out on, of all people, LOL. My biggest disappointment with Sarah is that she doesn't really have that many ways of getting into FL. Of course, her sabakis are great, but she doesn't have an elbow-quick type of move.

    If you're a gambler, you can try a strategy that Akora liked to use: b+K -> flipkick or 270 throw. It takes a ton of damage either way, but the only bad thing is that the FL throw is a catch throw. A lot of the people I played against were able to recognize the animation and LP on reflex. Sigh.

    Her u/f+P+G catch throw will beat a standing punch!!

    The combo I used after a successful FL sabaki: f+K+G > b+K > flipkick

    Chris mentioned that you can fuzzy guard her illusion kicks?

    It seems that you can no longer combo off her double rising knees.

    It's funny how Kiat can kick ass with Sarah using only P, elbow-knee, and her throws, LOL.


    If you're a beginner and you want to get started with Lei Fei, don't be intimidated with his stances and number of moves.

    This is an easy way/general guideline to playing him when he's in a stance:
    P for fast(er) attacks
    P+K for damage
    K+G to hit dodging opponents (there's usually a d+K+G variant)
    d+K to hit low

    With these basic rules in mind, you can play him semi-intelligently without really knowing what moves are what or what moves lead to what. Not a recommended method of play for self-respecting gamers!

    The one caveat for Lei is that he cannot ever throw while in a stance, so when he's attacking you, don't bother escaping throws and focus on guarding standing or crouching.

    There are several situations when Lei can go for a attack -> throw/attack type of guessing game, and that's his d/f+P,P; f+P,P; f+P+K,P; f+K,TT+P (in this case, G to turn around and throw). There maybe more, but those are the ones that I thought of and are probably the main ones. If I'm missing anything useful, Lei players speak up!

    Chris, you probably know this, but I noticed you went for a P+K,P,P after the d/f+P+G on HW, but d/f,d/f+P,P > K+G works consistently. d/f,d/f+P > d+K is a safe alternative.


    Some stuff that most probably know:

    d/f+K+G is fast as lightning! Staggers even on normal hit I think. It's not a crouching type stagger though, but a fall on the butt stagger.

    d/f+P,P,P (MC) > stomp. Way too much damage.

    SS -> iageri isn't really an iageri, and it may not even be a bug! You can still see the kick animate, but the big difference is the recovery time. When done right, after the kick, Jacky's leg is bent in the knee, as if he had faked, and you have faster recovery. But you can definitely see the leg kick, so it's not near-invisible a la VF2.

    P+K,K, SS is very good, and annoying as heck! To beat SS Jackys, the trick is to use moves that have extreme range, like Wolf's b,f+P for example. If done early enough, you'll MC Jacky before he can have the chance to execute an attack.


    Can Lau still be punched out of his b,b+P,d+P? It doesn't feel like it!

    His b+K+G is quite good and can beat out punches.


    Lots of meatplowers yesterday!


    Maybe it's just me, but it seems like his b+K+G -> P+G is much easier to pull off on MC. On MC, my success rate is like 80-90%, but on normal hit it's just 50%. It's probably just me, but maybe the window to get the P+G in is wider on MC?


    It's all in the u/b or d/b+P+K+G, P baby. The advantage you get on that thing is insane, and does it float on MC? I can't remember, but I think it does.


    I love the expression on people's faces when I pull off her P+K ground inashi/reversal. Or the cry of surprise when it causes the opponent to R.O.!


    I'm sure this can be struggled out of, but on DS, b,b+K+G (stagger) -> f+P,K,K. ~40% life. Arigatou gozaimashita, shit!!!

    On MT, if the opponent gets staggered with the f+P,P,K the entire thing will float. Nice.

    MT f+P+K is fast as lightning!

    MT d+P and DS d/b+P are low punch sabakis.

    I actually prefer playing Vanessa DS with her throws and reversals, but Alan plays her MT almost exclusively. Dude, this guy can kick ass with this woman using only f+P,P,K; G,u+P; d+K,P,P; and her high/low throws! Awesome.


    Just a question for the ninja. Kage players, what are some of the staple TFT wall combos that you use? You can do oh so much damage against the wall with other characters, but with Kage it's hard to get that extra damage. I usually go for TFT > DP > P > flipkick or TFT > knee > P,P,b+P > d+P+K,K if the opponent doesn't bounce off the wall on the TFT. Neither are as reliable or as damaging as I'd hoped though. Any good alternatives?

    Aight, that's enough for now...I'll probably play at Orchard Point from time to time, but I probably won't go to Bugis until Friday. Maybe Thursday. Bugis was really crowded from Saturday through Monday because of public holiday, right? Is it as busy on normal weekdays?
  11. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I dunno but I am thinking it will be released first in Japan and I will TRY to get one copy from Japan.
  12. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    just came back on bugis,

    hey it is even crowded on tuesday evenings!! maybe it is the school holidays or something.

    The Lion b,d/f+p,f,f+k is confirmed. You just have to move forward.

    regarding Leifei not being able to throw, well I just ate a throw from Lei after trying to dodge after blocking a p,p string which normally is a VERY GOOD idea. dunno how fast Lei can throw by pressing G,throw but it is an option for Lei.

    The stupid black book seems to say that Venessa's f+p+k (MT) can punish low moves.... is it true??? I seem to have it missed quite a number of times. but it is a very good counter move for missed high moves. good damage. The f+p,p,k is more or less confirmed (misses sometimes vs heavies) then you take a step forward and LOOK if opponent tech roll. you can followup with a d/f+k if opponent doesn't tech roll. If opponent tech roll, I usually do f+p again or throw.

    Jacky's p+k,cresent,shuffle step is not strong. When you block the P+k you should always crouch under the cresent which will allow you to throw before the shuffle. Else a d+p (MC) is also a very good idea. but first you must block the p+k.
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Regarding Sarah.

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    My biggest disappointment with Sarah is that she doesn't really have that many ways of getting into FL.


    She has four activators, all have their purpose. From the P+K Sabaki, the long range b+P+K, short but quick b+K and the high priority infinite df+PK.

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    she doesn't have an elbow-quick type of move


    Are you referring to the Flamingo? If so then FL: df+K will stagger crouchers and the FL: df+P will beat most moves. Outside of the Flamingo she has the elbow-chop.

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    the FL throw is a catch throw


    According to Virtua Project, Kick Tornado can be escaped via f+P+G.
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Regarding Sarah.

    Hey Adio, the elbow quick type of move was in reference to getting into FL; i.e. she doesn't have anything as fast as an elbow to get into her stance. Her b+K isn't really all that fast and doesn't seem to have that much priority, and d/f+P,K while quick hits high.

    As for the FL 270, the Black Book listed it as a catch throw, although that could be a typo. However, I'm fairly certain that the 270 has longer time to execution when compared to normal throws.
  15. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: Regarding Sarah.

    Both the flamingo throws are catch throws IMO. Sarah has to slide forward and extend her leg before they come out. AND both flamingo throws can be escaped AFAIK. This is why I'm betting that the uf+P+G catch throw can also be reversed...
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Regarding Sarah.

    Don't be so pessimistic!!! I'll bet u/f is uneacapable with u.

    > This is why I'm betting that the uf+P+G catch throw can also be reversed...
  17. kiat

    kiat Member

    How come qisian always spell venessa????
    if u sub a=e and e=a in vanessa,

    new character = venasse!
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Regarding Sarah.

    Sarah's Rolling Face Crash (uf+PG) cannot be escaped. If the two Flamingo throws are indeed Catch throws, make the changes to the Virtua Project FAQ then.
  19. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Regarding Sarah.

    For the times when an elbow type move would be desired use the P+K: Hydro Sidekick. Being a Sabaki, there isn't much that can stop it. Speed doesn't come into it. From the moment the animation starts any attack covered by the Sabaki will be dismissed. Also, because of it's hopping nature it takes priority over low attacks.
  20. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Re: the little black book

    Oh dear............how can I get my hands on the LBB? I'm starting to feel I know very little about the game....

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