Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. MadeManG74
      Well Valkyria Chronicles getting a PC port is certainly positive news for potential ports/re-releases. I wouldn't get my hopes up though.
    2. Jide
      The hilarious thing is Krye you wouldn't have to buy a new PC probably... VF5FS Engine is Old!
    3. cruzlink2
      True Jide, VF 5 runs on a 3ghz pentium 4 1 gig of ddr 400 and an agp 7800gs nvidia graphics card. Those are the specs of lindbergh yellow which run all 3 versions of VF 5. Very outdated indeed, but damn does the game still look good.
      Ellis likes this.
    4. Krye
      Lol, you clearly overestimate my pc.

      It considers playing a youtube video smoothly to be a task far beyond its capabilities. Also, it freaks out whenever I use the right mouse button in explorer. It takes at least 15 seconds for it to recover from the shock...

      So yeah, a new pc for fs ;)
    5. DigitlSamurai
      That sounds more like a problem with your internet being too slow.
    6. Krye
      Nah, I have taskmsgr on so I can see what's going on. Youtube or other processes that need some extra power (big pdfs, video's of any kind, that kind of stuff) take up all the processing power on my pc. It's a very old laptop, so it's no surprise really. I don't really care either, as long as I can listen to music, browse the web and type I'm fine.
      Ellis likes this.

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