Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. GodFistEmissary
      Funny enough, you know me. I'm Yanabon on Xbox LIVE.
      Stl_Tim likes this.
    2. Unicorn
      @Strider786 I just wanted to say that as much as I like this initiative, it means nothiong without signatures and you will not get them with VFDC members only. To get them, it will be neccessary to propagate this thing on others sites and places
      Ellis likes this.
    3. Strider786
      @Unicorn that's exactly what I'm planning to do this weekend :D
      EvenPit, Ellis and Unicorn like this.
    4. DK
      you know what, ill ask aris if he can post it on TZ or promote it on his Twitch Streams or something
      Strider786 likes this.
    5. Strider786
      @Dhaval Katbamna I was going to put it up on TZ myself, but If you can get him to do it it'll probably get more light. Thanks man :)
    6. DK
      I asked him to do whatever he wishes with it i.e. twitter, TZ, his twitch channel, his website... the lot. ;) Hope it helps.

      Edit: Aris says he can't help, and he provides good reason for it. I asked him to just do it anyway, we will se what happens.
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
      Strider786 likes this.
    7. jimi Claymore
      jimi Claymore

      I really want to play with Akira in Final tunned

      soo Good luck!!! ;)
      Ellis likes this.
    8. Myke
      What was the reason?
      Strider786 likes this.
    9. DK
      In summary, he said the main reason he wouldn't do it is because he wants SEGA to concentrate wholly on producing VF6 and have that be really good. Maybe it was a little of a BS answer, but it's his choice.
      KiwE, Myke, Jacko and 1 other person like this.
    10. YOMI
      It isn't a BS answer, it's the only answer and the one Sega is going to bounce back at you IF they take notice of this petition. Basically the same as every naysayer has said in thread which you decided to ignore.
      KiwE and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    11. DK
      Yeah, it makes sense... id rather have SEGA progress forward rather than divert their attention. But to each their own.
      KiwE, Jacko and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    12. Stl_Tim
      Great, we get your point! Please go play vf or contribute to a character thread or anything to benefit the community and leave this thread alone.

      Is this too hard for you to understand mr. read??
    13. DigitlSamurai
    14. Strider786
      Who have I ignored? Ok you all said your pieces, so what now, you want me to take this whole thing down or something? All I said was "help or go away", because I already get what you all are saying, I knew from the start as I posted previously, so whatever you say does nothing but irritate me and I don't appreciate it pls thnx.

      @DigitlSamurai Im going to be posting up a thread about this tomorrow on: SKR, TZ, 8wayrun, DOAWorld, FreeStepDodge, Neogaf , Neoseaker and a SEGA forum I found tomorrow. Anybody else thing of any other places I could post this?
      Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
      Ellis likes this.
    15. Jacko
      Honestly, even if this petition doesn't get to the ultimate goal of re-releasing FT in HD, it does bring about one good thing: Awareness.

      Most Japanese players have said that VF4 was their favorite incarnation. Even if Sega does go "we're concerned with VF6", if they at LEAST see that people show more interest in a previous entry, perhaps they just may consider trying to make VF6 as close to how VF4 was as possible.

      IMHO, there's no replicating VF4, but at least they can try to make a better game. I personally think FS is a fun game, and realistically I can easily see people who try to play FT flock back to FS.
      ToyDingo, EvenPit, Ellis and 4 others like this.
    16. MDSPrime
      Hell yeah VF4:FT gets my vote, there's plenty of VF fans like me who dislike FS but love the older VF series.
      PaulMartinKPG likes this.
    17. DigitlSamurai
      Maybe the fighting games board on gameFAQs, but last time I went there they were pretty much troll-infested. There's also Dustloop, Test Your Might and Fighter's Generation. There used to be DOA Central and Calibur Forums too, but I'm not sure either of those still exist.
      EvenPit and Strider786 like this.
    18. cmase1989
      why isnt there a petition for sega to make a vf6??
    19. Myke
    20. Krye
      If this works and we get FS on pc and Sega is kind enough to include the custom intros and other stuff we missed out on, I will buy a new pc for this.
      Ellis likes this.

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