Sign the VF4:FT - Online edition petition

Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

By Strider786 on Sep 10, 2014 at 3:32 PM
  1. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    This is a petition for Requesting Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned to be released first on either/both PS3 or XBOX360 and secondarily PS4/PC/XBOXONE, optimised for the chosen platform, with full functioning online features (room, player and ranked matches, like FS) and including the tutorial and training mode from VF4:EVO.


    !!!!!!!SIGN HERE!!!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014


Discussion in 'General' started by Strider786, Sep 10, 2014.

    1. Riskbreak
      Good job on the petition. Signed of course.
      Strider786 likes this.
    2. DigitlSamurai
    3. Rodnutz
      Strider786 likes this.
    4. def
      I love VF4 especially. I actually play the vanilla version of VF4 every now and then over VF4: Evolution because i like the stage designs and music better.

      VF has come a way since it's seemingly death in Western territories. Look at it now:
      -VF5: FS on PS3/360 with an appearance on PS Now
      -VF characters in the resurrected Dead or Alive series.

      Also I did pay for VF5: FS to play on PS4 via PS Now. It was fun to play on PS4 despite the limitations due to it being emulated via PS Now.
      -Not the complete edition; can't use my DLC.
      -Can't play online (or so I think)
      -Lags every bit here and there.
      Strider786 likes this.
    5. Ronin
      I totally want this for PS3/PS4!!!
      Strider786 likes this.
    6. Rodnutz
      Curious about something @Strider786 why didn't you push for current gen consoles though since they will be the standard by the time this " would " so to speak come out
    7. Strider786
      @Rodnutz I figured more people owned last gen consoles than current gen ones because 1- they've been out so long compared to current gen consoles and 2- there aren't too many good titles out on either current gen consoles, so I doubted many people (almost all of my friends and family included) would want to get one right now.

      Basically, current gen may be the standard for the industry atm, but I assume most people own last gen consoles.

      Not only that, I figured porting to a PS3/XBOX360 would be easier to develop because as they already have more games out on both last gen consoles, they could recycle some of the code they used to develop on those platforms. Not that I know anything about porting games though, I could be completely wrong, but if it is infact easier sega would be a little more likely to come though on this one.
    8. Kruza
      Interesting point, Strider786. However, I think by this time all video game companies have shifted their focus and directed all their resources toward developing for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

    9. KiwE
      Lol @this petition. VFDC doesn't even have 50 active people at this point and there is no economic incentive at all for Sega to make a good port with a new onlinemode for those 30-50 people that would actually play it online at all over the latest DOA and what not.

      Stop living in the past, what's important is for new players to play the next instalment.
      PaulMartinKPG and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    10. Strider786
      @Kruza If sega are looking to primarily develop on current gen consoles, then I'm sure they'd go ahead release this on current gen, if they come through on this.
    11. Strider786
      This thread has had enough negativity as it is. You aren't adding anything here.
      Pls thnx.
    12. Kamais_Ookin
      I love it when you cover your ears with your hands and continue to go LALALALALALA, Strider. It is you who's adding nothing, this has 0% chance of working... the petition that sudden death linked in the previous page on the other hand actually has a bit of merit to it.
    13. Stl_Tim
      You bring back such shitty memories. Thanks for stopping in and complaining about the past. Looking forward, I'm going to ask people please to refrain w/ your negativity and help a cause.
      It's pretty simple, so please help or move aside.

    14. Stl_Tim
      Not too long ago troll boy, I remember people like you complaining that fs will never happen, stfu.

      @vf vets:
      I think the new schoolers are afraid that if a real vf takes over until 6 arrives they might actually have to play REAL vf and not this sloppy 2-d/3-d broke abomination.

      Not just wanting a real vf..
      Just, "Dr. Fsinstein, the towns people are coming for your creation!"
    15. Strider786
      Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    16. Kamais_Ookin
      I would have thought when Cruz was giving you a clue the other day that barely anyone was playing the ft cabinent that you would get the message but whatever if living in your little fantasy world makes you happy then by all means! Yeah Sega, Timmy reaaaally wants ft so therefore let's make it for him and 20 others!! This petition is ridiculous compared to sudden deaths link or even the past one for vf5r/fs.
    17. Nathan S
      Nathan S
      Although the probability of this actually happening is low, I gotta keep hope alive. Signed, and shared on Facebook.
      Strider786 likes this.
    18. Rodnutz
      And this is why the VF community can never thrive! Someone gets an idea and is fired up to make something happen. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The hater crabs always gotta grab at that one mother fucker trying to make his way out the barrel. Sure it's a long shot, but fuck it man let him try in his own way. Who cares if it's a long shot just STFU and sign the petition. If you don't want to sign it then put this thread on ignore and move on. Why stop in just to shit on someone else efforts?
      DigitlSamurai, Shag, Stl_Tim and 2 others like this.
    19. ultralewis
    20. dreamcast_fan
      The VF community is over because Sega's time is over. They're like the Soviet Union. VF's best days are behind it.

      It's not hating when the guy points out that petitions, especially online petitions, mean absolutely nothing. If you asked everyone who signed it to donate even $1, how many takers do you think you'd get?

      The fact is Sega has already done enough to gauge interest in the VF series. When they gave away VF5FS with the revamped PlayStation Plus, the leaderboards did not break 100,000 for a long time. Keep in mind that this game was "free" for a lot of people. It's just over that now, and that means the best Sega can hope for with VF4FT is 100k sales. (You know what? I'm not sure that it broke 100,000 registered on the Xbox 360 leaderboard yet.)

      They also released VF2, Fighting Vipers, and Sonic the Fighters. All of these games and VF5FS have excellent netcode and poor sales, even though they were priced low at $5. (I think each of those only had 1000 registered on the leaderboards.) Sega also did great to get VF cameos into Dead or Alive and the upcoming Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax.

      Lastly, and I'm not trying to sound like an a-hole here, if you're going to request something from a company, don't call any of their products "weak" even if they are. Weak emulation is not something they can control.

      Our best bet right now is to see how DOA5: Last Round fares on Xbox One and PS4. When that game releases, what we could do is kick up a public awareness campaign for VF by playing those characters exclusively online. There's four VF characters in DOA - a fair chunk of the VF roster - and DOA players will hopefully start to wonder why these VF characters are out in a show of force.
      Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
      Strider786, Myke and Kamais_Ookin like this.

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