Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thread

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Your logic is... bad. I will not hesitate to call it "aristotelian flawn logic" - the logic (often intentionally) flawn by arguing with non-related arguments, which are covered to look valid. Best example of this logic is simple: Argument 1: Aristoteles have whiskers. Argument 2: Cat have whiskers. Conclusion: Aristoteles is a cat.
    At 1st glance, this looks valid. But if you look deeper, you may realize that there is no connection between whiskers and being a cat.
    And your "logic" in this "argument" have the very same flaw. It does not show nor prove anything except that the system can be partially exploited with intentional stupidity.

    Just to show you this, I will do the SAME scenario as you, the very same one, just taken more into extreme to make this flaw obvious:
    Scenario: We have a GrimSlayer in the PSN now.
    GrimSlayer keeps challenging anyone he run into and is loosing on intent. He keep playing until the once Grimslayer is now just a Destroyer. But the Destoryer is determined he keep loosing on intent until he's been busted away back to Hunter.
    Now just for the sake of argument, the guy that once was the GrimSlayer is actually much better than everybody else on PSN. But now his rank says Hunter.
    Does this sound fair?
    Taking arguments into extreme is the best way how to find if they make sense or if they are just plain stupid. Maybe this is not common for AI and Linux experts, but if you study Faculty of Law, this is what they will teach you in the very 1st year.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Always the latter with Po, always.
  3. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I heard from an inside source that some wiseguy hacked the game and now the final supreme title is "Fudgepacker" and SEGA can't fix it. I am not sure how this will go over with the macho fighting game community.
  4. Ranks are fun, but not a true determiner of skill, as Ive played kyus who have dominated me. Im a Barbarian right now on PSN and I think we all feel a little good when we rank up haha! But if you get up to say Hunter but everyone youve been playing has been really bad, you may not be up to par with other higher ranks, etc
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I always finding it interesting, how ppl degrade into personal attacks. Unicorn have I attacked you somehow at the personal level? If I did, I apologize. I'm trying to make a point about a paradox that demotion can cause in ranking, and from that you attack my credentials on the most basics of syllogistic flaws. Anyway, you're point taken to the extreme, proves my point [​IMG]

    In my flawed argument a guy which really has the skill of a GrimSlayer becomes a Hunter by continuously losing to the only person online better than he is.

    In your not flawed argument a guy which really has the skill of a GrimSlayer becomes a Hunter by continuously losing just for the fun of it, when in reality he is better than everyone else on line. Let's reword it...

    Grimslayer has definitely destroyed all competition online(1000 other ppl) except 1 player who is Dragonslayer rank. The 1000 other ppl that Grimslayer destroyed never made it past assassin. The Dragonslayer defeats Grimslayer over and over again until he is a Hunter.

    You and Mlal are saying well if Grimslayer can't hang on to his rank then he deserves to be Hunter right? [​IMG] My point
    is, although Dragonslayer has demoted Grimslayer to Hunter. The once Grimslayer is still better than the other 1000 ppl that he destroys online. Problem is they now all have high ranks than he does. They have ranks like Assassin, Warrior, etc. He is ranked Hunter, because he continuously loss to the only guy better than him? Is it clear? Do you see the problem with demotions beyond your group?

    Because of demotions, a player who is by far superior to everybody else except one player, can end up with a lower name rank than everyone else only because he can't beat the one person superior to himself.[/size]


    If I'm the only guy in the world that can beat you, and because of your persistence you keep playing me and I keep beating you until you're demoted to Hunter, does that mean that all the other ppl who you've destroyed reguarly, that now all have higher ranks than you have deserve higher ranks than you? Only because you can't beat one guy [​IMG]

    That's not about hardening the fuck up. There's always someone that can kick your ass(somebody you will never beat). According to Unicorn's and Mlal's logic you never really deserve the rank you have, because that someone can always demote you back to Hunter [​IMG]
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Although the following is not 100% true all the time. It is true in most cases( most = 50.1 + percent)

    1) Higher Rank = Harder Fight
    2) Lower Rank = Easier Fight
    3) Higher Rank = More Knowledge of game mechanics
    4) Lower Rank = Less Knowledge of game mechanics
    5) Higher Rank = More strategic
    6) Higher Rank = Less mistakes challenger can make
    7) Higher Rank = Less mistakes player will make

    Although these are not true 100% of the time they are true most of the time, and the higher rank you go the more true they are most of the time.

    A lot of ppl are under the false assumption that rank is not a true indicator of skill. What they really mean is that Rank is not Always a true indicator of skill.

    If you doubt me, try a little science experiment on the PSN (XBL results might be different LOL)

    Play 10 matches with players that rank Conqueror and above.
    Play 10 matches with players that rank 1rst Dan and below.

    I would be correct over 50% of the time in assuming the matches at the top ranks were more difficult, tolerated less mistakes, demonstrated more skill and a far greater knowledge of the system, than the ranks at the bottom. [​IMG]

    If Rank was not a indicator of skill I couldn't make this assumption, but I can, and I do, and I'm usually right.

    So the next time you bump into a Doomslayer, Grimmslayer, or Darkslayer I strongly suggest you bring your A Game [​IMG]
  7. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    MasterPo, it's hard for me to take anything you post seriously. Not due to the monk thing, but because of how you go on about this ranked stuff in such a noble fashion, which only masks a possible shady agenda.

    I had already heard from quite a few people that you try to avoid players from VFDC if you can help it. But I was like, "Nah, bro's a grown man. And he wouldn't go on and on about this ranked business and intentionally do such a laughably preposterous thing." At least that's what I thought.

    But came across that 'Lastmonk' tag this weekend while in ranked for a little bit. Recognized it and tried to challenge you. You bailed. This happened 4 times before I realized what had actually happened. I don't play much ranked. I grinded out for a few hours one day, and that prob accounts for whatever I am now. At first I was thinking it was something on my end. But we had good bars, I had a green smiley face, I had a PRECIOUS title (Defender I think). What was really good? And before you say that you didn't recognize my name, it's possible. But it's also highly possible that you did, with me previously posting in this topic and all. And you addressing everyone in it. *Shrug*

    So I'm not offended or angry or anything. I just got instantly mindfucked that someone could be out here in plain sight ducking and dodging to salvage a ranking title. Yet, brazenly continue to regularly post on a forum full of players he has avoided on the merits of Rankings online, with an overwhelmingly blatant disregard for true self-preservation. Who does that?? Yo.....that takes guts man. In a weird reverse way, somewhere deep down inside of me respects you for such flagrance.
  8. Mazzic78

    Mazzic78 Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Hey, maybe you are not demonic enough ;D
    see his sig
  9. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    .........LMAO! Good one! Lolol
  10. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    lastmonk, i want at least one game against you. i dont care what mode: ranked match, player match, even a room match. hit me up. [​IMG]

    just one game. thats all i ask.
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Wont happen.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    There were no personal attacks.


    Attacking your "credentials," which he didn't do, isn't the same as attacking you. He attacked your argument, and then you construed his argument as being one that involved an ad hominem fallacy. Unfortunately, you seem to make this same error over and over. Please stop being so quick to assume that personal attacks are being made against you. It only ends up aggravating the people you misrepresent.
  14. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Thx Libertine.
    Was not sure how to write this without being accused of another "perosnal attack."

    Master - saying that your argument is wrong is not personal attack against you; yet I saw multiple posts of you where you seems to misinterprett this 2 things into 1. Please try to reconsider your assumptions; because such behaviour is very discouraing in terms of holding any argumentation with you.
    Because to tell the true, your last post about me made me completely unvilling to hodl any discussion with you. Not only that you did not understand my point, but also accuse me of personall attacks I never made. And only because I do not agree with you.
    Howg [​IMG]
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Why do you guys think we won't play. First I have played many of you(ppl at VFDC), some of you recognized me at the time, some of you didn't. Some of you cats are on my friends list, which definitely means we've recently played. There are three players that I am ducking from VFDC that I intend on playing later:

    Happy Friend
    VF Numbers

    In my first encounter with these cats I got totally and thoroughly destroyed. I'm sure they didn't realize it was me at the time, or I would have got some kind of message. [​IMG] They are so much better than I am, I couldn't even learn from my loss [​IMG] But as far as the rest of you:


    I don't know you cats(At least I don't think so)

    If you challenged me an I clicked no, I was probably stalking someone else at the time [​IMG] Or if you're higher rank than me
    I may say no, just depending on how much higher.

    Also the best way for us all to be sure we play each other is to set up a room and invite me. If I'm on I'll come.... Please friend me:


    Set up a room. I think on the PS3 you use R1 to do an invite, if any of you guys invite me to your room I'm be glad to come.
    Or if you friend me., I'll set up a room and invite you all. Domaug, why only one match? Razer why wouldn't I play Domaug?

    As far as holding on to a precious rank, you all have it so very wrong. Anyone that wants to take my rank at this point is more than welcome to it. I think I'm Sentinel or something like that. Come get it [​IMG] But from a point of curiousity,. instead of going after my low rank, shouldn't you guys be targeting those Doomslayers,Grimmslayers,etc? My claim to fame on this site , is that I am a expert loser. That hasn't changed [​IMG] I'm certain I've lost more games than all of you have played. I'm certain of it [​IMG]

    MasterPO has been beaten, and will be beaten many many many many times. I've said the following so many times, you have to know that I believe it, I'm hoping if I post it a few more times you'll believe it.

    There is no dishonor in loss only in how loss is handled. When ever I lose a match I win experience and knowledge. In my losing I like to study how others win. To me that's part of the fun of the game. On this version of the game, I have about 1200 matches played and a little over 4000 BP. I have my arse handed to me 215 times. Sometimes by KYU's sometimes by Hunters, Raiders etc. Hell, just yesterday, I was 2p-ed ring out three consecutive times by an obvious beginner. I get caught all the time so what [​IMG]

    Razer, I don't see why you think I wouldn't play you guys, why not? I lose all the time, so that's no big deal. I've lost to ppl on this site, again no big deal. I don't get it [​IMG]

    As far as my arguments for rank. I understand everyone else's argument.

    Many of you believe:

    1) Ranks are not a true determiner of skill
    2) Online Ranks are not as legitimate as Ranks in the Arcades
    3) If you can't defend your rank, you don't deserve your rank
    4) There's nothing wrong with total absolute demotion

    Each of these points can be rationally defended. No problem.

    My point is that because of demotion the current ranking system can produce a Paradox. It is possible for the 2nd best player Online to get demoted by the best player online to the lowest named rank, even though the second best player is actually far far better than everyone else (except the best player).

    Why do you guys think because I'm making that point that somehow that means I desperately need to hold on to my rank [​IMG] If you need some extra rank points, to help you meet some goal you're welcome to mine.
  16. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Po, need Akira to face palm you. With both palms. Through a 20 story window. Which is something that'll probably happen in DOA5.

    Stop it man. You're farting in the bathtub. Just because it's under soap suds and bubbles still doesn't make it right. What are the chances of you disconnecting from, or backing out of matches with players who just so happen to coincidentally be from VFDC, and you not having any inkling of who they are despite you replying to posts from them on said site. You just randomly back out of matches from random people? Consecutively and consistently? Who the hell do you even play to rank up then? Lol is your brain even functioning today? Or do you just believe ours isn't? You're killing yourself dude.

    I'm sure you're a chill, cool guy. But your logic is just fucking weird man. You've succeeded in making this whole convo awkward as shit. I'd rather talk to a FPS hacker or renowned plug puller. At least they would be somewhat creative with their alibi, just keep it real, or not say anything at all. You should've took your choice of those 3. Because any and all justifications you've made up until this point are too looney to even be put in a Dr. Seuss book or Twilight Zone episode.

    No hard feelings except from the headache I got by being in this thread. Good luck to you in all your future endeavors, whatever they may be and however you go about them. Later.

    P.S. Your signature is destroying the balance and ripping a whole in the fabric of the universe as we speak. Be a hero and change it. For the fate of the world...
  17. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    Master Po is [Duckhunt]
  18. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    You avoid me too. Sadly.
  19. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    if it's for fear of losing to someone you know is good, don't be.

    i say this as someone who HATES losing. even if i send a "gg" out to someone who rightfully stomps me, i'm secretly fuming on the other end. as soon as i get a fight stick, i've convinced myself to entirely rework my VF game from the ground up because i've been making the stupidest mistakes over the last few weeks.

    now, i've ducked from people who've beaten me good already. i shouldn't, but i have. some of those players include exzetyXaTl, king_ruckus, and Cha-mame3. but at least i give them a shot at me first. anything can happen in VF, so why not chance it? the only person i've beaten and ducked from later is BlackBeltSpartan for obvious reasons to those who've had the displeasure of facing him already (world-renowned plug puller, just pure coward through and through).

    ask anyone i've played and they'll probably tell you i'm a good sport (at least i hope they would). i've apologized for anything wrong i've done (like lashing out at White_Worm when he was doing combos after a round he won to keep his muscle memory fresh). you don't have to play the people you encounter all the time, but at least give the people you haven't played before a chance. that's the best way to better yourself.

    who knows? you could be playing a rubbish Warrior (like me) or you could be playing a very tough not-as-high-title player on the rise. but you'll never know until you start accepting more challenges and you won't get better unless you continue to challenge yourself.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thre

    I know., my post was to long to read right? [​IMG]
    I'll make this one shorter.

    1) Set up a room., If I'm online, Invite me I will come (always)

    2) Friend me (all of you), then when I'm online, I'll set up a room and invite you. We can play as long as you have time.

    How can I make it any easier than that?

    DomAug, I don't fear losing to anyone. I lose to ppl who are bad [​IMG] why should I care if I lose to ppl who are good [​IMG]

    Let me repeat:

    1) Set up a room, Invite me! If I'm on, I'll come to your room and play as long as you'd like

    2) Friend me, then whenever I'm on, I'll set up a room and I'll invite you we can play as long as you'd like

    I've made this offer several times already, is it that my posts were too long to read them fully [​IMG]

    I am just realizing English might not be everyone's first language. My apologies.

    For the record: I am the master at losing. I have been the master of loosing for 6 years! I have lost more VF matches than most of you folks have ever played. Once I thoroughly learn the new stuff in VF I will be able to make unbelievable predictions about how I will lose. I've lost to very good players, and I've lost to very bad players. Losing to any of you won't be special. I'll just learn your various styles, gimmicks, and tricks, like I learn everyone elses. To starting with VF4, I've lost 43,415 matches (with about 1/4 of the losses coming to th computer) and the majority of the matches being in 2 player. I've only lost 215 online, since this is the first time VF for the PS3 has been online.

    For the record:
    I lost a little over 4000 games a year for the last 10 years! So how many ppl on this thread are calling me out, 3 or 4? [​IMG] Do you really believe adding 3 or 4 more losses will make in difference to me....

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