Side Topic from VF5FS Online Rank Titles Thread

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    *preamble - I did not read this entire thread, just most of the last two pages

    I really like what Myke said about rank being a reflection of where you are as a player. This version of VF certainly pushes that idea much more, because after Hunter rank people start showing their skill at a pretty consistent pace. Hell, people don't even start blocking till Barbarian!

    But I gotta take issue with MasterPo on this one. I'd had you on my PSN friends list for like 2 years now, and as soon as VF5fs comes out suddenly I don't see you anymore. Did you remove me? I also take issue with you talking about your win loss ratio when you seem to "cherry pick" your matches. You played me once in ranked and have avoided me ever since. Whats up with that? More importantly, how can you claim a win ratio when you're only playing people you think you can beat?

    honesty time, bro.
  2. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Has anyone on VFDC ever fought Masterpo?
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Only in my dreams...
  4. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    From where I sit, the biggest difference between TuchmaBallz and Masterpo is that Masterpo likes to philosophize a lot. That's actually weirder if you think about it...
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    You guys made my day.... [​IMG]

    @Whiteworm, please friend me again, I was cleaning my friends list one day, and go too happy with delete (It was very unintentional)

    As far as playing both you guys,

    1) I think I played both of you and was utterly and totally, without prejudice destroyed. I'm, almost certain, that I didn't land a single 2p against you whiteworm. Now, I like to lose probably more than any one else on this site, but I've got to at least see what it is that's beating me, both you cats are so incredibly good, and incredibly fast, I remember the announcer saying "Ready GO" then the next thing I know my rating bar was gone LOL"

    So here's the deal,

    Set up a player room, invite me, and I'll be your punchin bag for as long as you like? [​IMG] However, I'm am not going to let to guys that are way above my little ole miserable rank, demote me all the way back to KYU just for the fun of it [​IMG]

    And I know neither one of you would be caught dead, using me to rank up right?

    And I do cherry pick my matches in ranked mode:

    I wait until somebody challenges me and I decide yes or no
    based on:

    1) if they're my same rank or lower
    2) we have a reasonable connection
    3) they don't have a brown frowny face
    4) they've never sent me a nasty message
    5) if I don't recognize the name (I like playing players I've never played, especially to see the dress up)

    I do typically assume that ppl who are two,three,ten ranks over me will probably dispatch me faster than I'd like to go, so I'll meet them in the higher ranks.

    For all you folks that know me, but are at a much higher rank than I am, friend me, set up a room invite your friends and and lets put the masterpo training dummy to work [​IMG]
    But I can't let you rank up on me, that would be unfair, to all the other ppl in rank who are working so hard.

    And since you all know, that my claim to fame is losing, then you all know, that I would be a free rank up right? [​IMG]
    playing me in ranked mode is almost like boosting , and I know,none of you cats want to be guilty of that,

    Besides, I'm still a Class C1 [​IMG] Technically I don't even have a VF license to fight in the new VF5FS.

    @Whiteworm, happy_friend, don't you really want to have a go at it after I'm licensed and finished the Dojo Tutorial [​IMG]

    At least then, I won't give you such a predictable wake up game [​IMG]

    I forget which one of you punished me with Jean, but I'm totally vunerable to him and Taka (at least for now).

    Don't worry give me time, I'm not going anywhere.....
  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    My comment wasn't to get you to play me, po. It was to get you to play ANYONE in ranked who can beat you. Honestly, my longest philosophy has been "you don't learn anything from a win".

    In fact, I actively seek out players who can beat me. If I hit Quick Match all the time, my win ratio would be 99%. But when someone beats me or presents a challenge for me, I rematch them over and over again. Just ask Sekaijin (you're welcome for the rank boost, btw [​IMG] )

    My point is, if you want to get better you really shouldn't duck anyone. If you're getting destroyed by a particular move, then you obviously need to SEE it more. The more times you see it, the faster you react to it. The better you react, the more you win. The better player YOU are, the better player WE are.

    Food for thought.

    (ps. Why does everyone ignore the _ in my name? I end up being "whiteworm" in posts. WHY!>?!?! [​IMG] )
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Oh.... LOL

    VFNumbers beat the bejesus out of me. His win was so fast, I don't even think he realized it was me?

    I've lost 160 ranked matches. Of those about 20 were just lucky wins by my opponents,. The rest were ass whoppins, me getting stomped, served, comboed up against the wall with out mercy,out guessed, out flanked, out nikatued, and out manuevered.

    Worm, you've got to know, by now, I'm Mr. loss, but when someone is so much better than you, you can't even deconstruct what you did wrong.

    There are some cats on PSN, that have some serious game, I've played between 10 and 15 of them. When VF Numbers trashed me, TBH I can at least tell you why I lost and what he was doing. But there have been a few other cats that totally brutalized me, and I had no idea what was going on. Its like they had their shit on turbo or something, or like I was playing an AI or extra hard that could read all my moves before I thought about them.

    Here's one my longest philosophy no matter how good you are there is someone out there that can absolutely kick you butt, beyond your ability to know what they did. Under those circumstances about the only thing that you learn is there is still more to learn [​IMG]

    Oh my friend, I'm here to learn, now that I have access to so many more ppl than I did in my two-player space, I'm going to have an absolute party! In my two-player offline world I had regular access to about 200 ppl, now that VF5FS in online for the PS3 that number has jumped significantly. Which means my skills are probably going to grow by a factor of 2 or 3 over the next few months. It'll be fun....
  8. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    ...but you challenged me and my not-a-scrub-but-not-a-contender Lion once, so this quote isn't necessarily 100% correct... :p
  9. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    DomAug, I have to fight people at least once to know if they'll be a challenge, right? And sometimes I rematch people I beat because I see potential in their game to beat me (because I like rematching people who have beaten me, so I try to give the same courtesy).

    And sometimes I rematch people because they're the best player online at that moment.

    So, DomAug, my quote is correct, but if I ONLY played people who could beat me, I'd be just as guilty of cherry-picking, wouldn't I? [​IMG]
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I don't know how your philosophy pertains to me, but each time we play, you absolutely and utterly violate my Sarah...

    I'm guessing you see potential there or something? Or you just got bored...either way, I'll beat you one day -_-*
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Po I'm not even on psn and you talk too fucking much. But....I kinda agree with some of the things you said though. Too bad i know with that record you cherry picked.
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Personally I don't care about my rank at all, I play cause I enjoy the challenge. Whatever title I happen to have at the time isn't really important and I just use them as a general tool to try to find opponents who at least try to play the game the right way.

    I understand to some people you think of it as an accurate way to label player skill (a sentinel is a better player than a barbarian etc) but that isn't really how it goes in reality.

    None of this is really important to me until you get to the issue of people refusing to play because they don't want to lose rank. Aside from it making your rank even less of an accurate indicator of your skill, didn't you buy the game to play it?

    I don't see how you can claim to be a fan of the
    game /series if you're more interested in which stupid little name the game gives you than playing good, challenging matches, taking your losses like a man and using the experience to level up your game. Leave that rank dodging shit to blackbeltspartan and all the other douchebags like him.
  13. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    ^ yes yes yes. Well spoken, Elite

    BrodiMAN, We must be remembering our matches differently. I don't think I decimate you. Not the way that L_A decimates me. You play very well and I have to use better fundamentals on you than I do most players. So keep it up!

    But also keep in mind that your rank is in the "Mono" group, right? That makes you a higher rank than most players on PSN, so you're going to appear at the top of the list and I'll probably want to play you.

    Just as much as I want to play people who can beat me in order to become better, I know I have to give people who are less experienced the chance to play me so they can improve. Plus I think just about every player brings something unique to the game. Its all a chance to get better.
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Decimate or not, I'll still accept your challenge any day of the week. One of two things will happen as the result of multiple ass whoopin's: 1 - I get sick of it and quit, 2 - I'll keep playing.

    I've been on VF since VF2. I'm not about to quit...

    Plus being of "higher" rank (I think I'm a Warrior now) it's hard to find matches [​IMG]. Most peeps tend to duck you.

    But, whatever. Bring it on sucka!
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Well, I'd say its the most rewarding to play people close to your rank. Rank is kinda like a means of grouping players. I've certainly been enjoying my ranked matches against EVERYONE I've played. Oh and its cool you can back out of matches but I haven't had a reason to recently
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Proud Myke supporter here... HARDEN THE FUCK UP!

    Seriously I don't understand how you guys took his post as being offensive and directed at new people. Did you all forget that when it comes to this website Myke lives for nothing more than attracting, educating and helping new people learn how to play VF. The post simply said when it comes to ONLINE RANK, don't take it so seriously because offline or in a tournament you might get your feelings hurt when you realize that online Destroyer rank means YOU get destroyed offline or in a tournament setting.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @Brodiman,Cozby et al, I think some of the solution to this ducking business, is to just start a room and keep the room open. That way we are unaware what rank you're even playing (unless you research them) you could be playing someone higher or lower in rank, and win or lose ranks are not affected. So I think there will be less ducking and dodging in that instance.

    And since rank never really matters to all you superstars at the top, you shouldn't have any complaint about playing in non ranked matches right?

    Lets get the player rooms started, then we don't have to worry about any rank related issues [​IMG]
  18. CANON77

    CANON77 Active Member

    I just want to say that L_A_Akira is a class act! I have watched plenty of live streams with him talking about his passion for VF in a humble and open way which shows maturity and good leadership qualities that help the community more than hurt it. I have been playing Tekken for years and there are only a few people that don't come off as elitist in that community. There are some really cool cats into Tekken like MYKE, RIP & Suiken that are helpful and cool, but at the same time a lot of pricks. Elitism is in every hobby known to man, but the popularity of certain hobbies is testament to a friendly environment that calls out the jerks and helps the new blood. Most of the VF community is real helpful actually compared to other fighting games. Now that there are more fans, expect more dick heads. It's up to the community to be mature about this and show people why VFDC is better at helping new blood, not back handing them. I do understand the frustration of dealing with novices in anything, but being patient and helpful might get them to bring more people to the fold. Word of mouth is important in any community or business. It only takes one off hand remark to spread negativity through out all gamers. By the way many people on fighting game sites have commented in the past that VF players act ELITIST because we talk about the depth or how complicated it is to play. I think that helped hurt VF in the Western World more than promote it.
    Ellis likes this.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Firstly, I challenge anyone to show me where I was attacking or being unwelcoming toward new players? If there was anything I had an issue with, it was with a certain mentality that is apparent in some players. I'll quote masterpo, but it seems there are others in agreeance with him:

    It seems like only Tony, L_A and Rodnutz actually got what I was saying.

    Admittedly, I'm not one to be dropping f-bombs and vaginal references in my posts, but considering I do have years of ranking experience, both in the arcade and online, I thought I'd chime in now with a "tough love" approach, and it seems to have gotten your attention.

    For those new to "real" ranking matches, I'm trying to do you all a favour. The sooner you realise that your rank is not precious, nor a reflection of who you are, the sooner you'll be able to enjoy this game.

    Embrace the tension and excitement that ranking has to offer. Liberate yourself from the false notion that your rank is something you "deserve to keep". Part of the fun in ranking is being able to defend your current position. To think you "deserve" it just because you once attained it is ridiculuous, and the entire concept of ranking is lost on you.

    Let your rank be a by-product of your experience online, and not the result of an artificially constructed "achievement".

    Ultimately, your rank provides you no comfort, no protection, no entitlement, and no validation. Anyone can get a black belt from a McDojo, but what good is it when someone without a belt stomps your face into the ground?

    Bottom line for me is this: stop hampering yourself from enjoying this game to its fullest extent.
    Ellis likes this.
  20. CANON77

    CANON77 Active Member

    I personally agree with what you're saying. The other guy(not naming, names) I think got everyone's panties in a knot. I'm not sensitive to it myself, but I can see how it caused a flam war. The other guy that is. You are not your RANK, just play the game is the bottom line! I notice that people barely go on PLAYER MATCH which is strange to me. In Tekken people would play on that before going to RANK MATCH. Mainly to warm up. Plus the Netcode is shit in TEKKEN6, so you almost had to get a feel for it first.

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