Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Shang)

Discussion in 'General' started by tonyfamilia, May 29, 2008.

  1. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Once I saw this, I almost cried. Not because of the scuffle.

    Mostly because everyone thinks Plague is this nice/good guy.

    Obviously this is not true AT ALL. I wonder how long this guy is going to mask his true self, online or off?
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(Renzo is really my friend)[/size]</span>
  3. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

  4. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Here's a certain something you said to a certain smoeone to refresh your memory Plague:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"(Oh! My goodness!) I had NO IDEA..." sounds like you're taking lessons from DubC, Renzo, Stephanie, and Srider. Fucking spin diversionary subject avoidance tactics bullshit.

    Ooh, maybe that was too harsh. Maybe it isn't really your fault. Maybe this confirms the existence of a new VFDC disease... "Norcal Incognizant Prima Donna Syndrome." You're afflicted with NIPDuS! The cure is a huge pain-in-the-ass, too... awareness of your sphere of influence (hint: it's WAY bigger than you think).</div></div>

    As with the posts from a year ago in the Socal thread, why did you not take your shit talking to PMs towards me? Why say it to other people and not man up?

    Funny how your name is're a pretty shitty disease, you know that?

    You're the prime example of a hypocrite.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    As with the posts from a year ago in the Socal thread, why did you not take your shit talking to PMs towards me? Why say it to other people and not man up?

    Funny how your name is're a pretty shitty disease, you know that?

    You're the prime example of a hypocrite.</div></div>

    Bro, chillax man... look, you guys have known each other longer than I've been here but one thing that you have to try to keep in perspective is that none of us are perfect.
    Yes, a lot of us think Plague is a good guy but that doesn't mean that we think that he can't do no wrong. Meaning that if Plague had came home tired and stressed out from a long day at work and then suddenly snapped at somebody that doesn't immediately make him a bad person, he's only human.

    We all are, we've all done or said things that we regretted, that goes from me to you to even DubC. I'm only mentioning his name bc I want him to read this and understand that it's alright to have done things that were less than "cool" but he, just like everybody else, is human and can bounce back and show another side.

    Bro, we all have a dark side. We're all capable of killing if we're put in the proper circumstances and we've all had shitty days and misinterpreted somebody else's actions or words and/or have acted out of anger, frustration, ignorance, pride... you name it.

    What I'm saying is: don't judge Talis over some things that he might have done wrong, in your opinion. You wouldn't like somebody else doing that to you, just making their opinion about you as a person from your "mishandling" of a situation.
    I don't fully know Plague and I don't fully know you but I have a pretty good instinct for evil and none of you guys are, imho.
    If Plague, you or myself are not nice/good guys then what are we? Are we naughty/bad guys? Come on bro, we're all somewhere in between, even the nicest of people has off-days.

    Now let's all hold hands and sing "We are the world", huh?
    We'll gather around a fire, roast some marshmallows, it'll be great, a White an Asian and a Hispanic singing Kumbaya /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Yeah...he's coming back home stressed and tired...

    But there's a steady pattern. That's doesn't seem fishy at all? His constant attacks towards Norcal, his anger for no reason, yelling or giving dumb ass looks when someone asks a simple question or does something unintentionally, etc.

    He ALWAYS does it. Shit is fucking annoying and I confronted him about it like 1000 times, but he continues to pull off his stupid acts.

    And no I wouldn't like it if someone else did it to me...have I ever been like how Plague is towards you or anyone else for NO APPARENT/LOGICAL REASON?

    The shit is plain and simple. He'll act all nice and shit in front of people, irc, whatever is public. But when that's not there, he's another person (ie. an ass). I'm not the only one to say this, feel this, etc btw.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Sorry I put that stuff in a private message to Sebo.

    Maybe this will make it better...

    Renzo, Enfantin_Chloe, and DubC fail to see past their own noses from time-to-time. If I call them on it, I often hear "What do you mean, I just wanted to do a little thing (fix my hair, get a chair, something innocuous)."

    Srider will often veer a conversation off its path and defend his logic to the bitter end.

    You all are from NorCal. So I made up a disease name.

    I have said very nice things and very mean things in the past.
  8. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    See? Exactly what I just said. Acting all different, desperately trying to save face...

    Give it up...seriously. You're trying way too hard now.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Oh shit it's got a thread too!
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    And just incase you want more stuff from a private message to Sebo (since he might choose to reveal this publicly, too)...


    It was uncalled for that I brought up people that live near you. Just in case you were curious as to why...

    DubC is your friend? I've read words you use to describe him. I wouldn't use those adjectives about my friends. I used his name to rile you.

    Renzo will hold up 29 people so he can make his hair just perfect. That sounds like self-centered prima donna to me.

    Stephanie asks for the keys to my locked house so she can convenience herself - even though we're all 30 miles away and there's thousands of dollars of other people's stuff in there. Then she gets bent when told no. Then she goes around the restaurant to get people to side with her.

    They aren't evil or always like this. They're often quite nice. You can share that with them, too, if you like.
  11. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    So no one can get a chair plague? No one can request something to make them play their best?

    As for the hair thing...I guess I should grow out my hair like yours...nappy and homo-erotic!

    Give me a break...last time you were all up on Stephanie's grill and all that you turn over a new leaf...are you bi-polar?

    And for the record, I have never said "HEY. I NEED TO DO MY HAIR."

    I always woke up early to do it, and the times it took a while...I apologized. How come you can't use different issues to argue your point? I have so many, but you just have 1 or 2?

    Shit gets old man...just like you.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Thanks, private stuff is always good.

    Got cock pics?
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    I am sorry I've said things you find offensive. You are welcome to list every issue you have with me - everything I've done or said that's pissed you off.
  14. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    What # of times is this? Your track record indicates you say shit, but don't live up to it.


    How many times do I have to say this? Is thing really fucking complicated?
  15. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Please explain what "IT" is. Yes, I find this complicated.

    Again, I am sorry I've said things you find offensive. You are welcome to list every issue you have with me - everything I've done or said that's pissed you off. Be as detailed as you like. List specific instances if you like.
  16. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Talis, you know what "IT" is. You know damn well. I don't need to say it, because this was between you and I and we both know what's going on.

    Please stop with your charade. You know you do not act like this towards me or Norcal in any way shape or form for the most part.
  17. Dobi

    Dobi Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Can't we all just get along?
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    In all honesty, sounds like you have issues only you can solve..
  19. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    OK this shit is stupid.

    Plague can do whatever he wants. The stuff Plague was doing (attacks on Norcal, talking behind our backs, always trying to find a way to snap or get angry at us, finding a reason to treat us differently, etc.) was the "IT" I was talking about. I was trying to get him to be honest in what he was doing.

    If this continues, I'll take it with a grain of salt since it's so troublesome trying to defend in what I believe in without a hassle. Saying people aren't perfect also isn't an excuse to let someone do these negative things to you or to anyone.

    You can't call someone a friend or anything when they talk behind your back like that...CONSTANTLY. Talking behind someone's back is probably IMO the worst part, especially when all this time, you thought they're one of the coolest people and good friend of yours for the longest time.

    So Plague, if this continues, whatever. If it doesn't, that will be pretty swell and we can be happy.

    So, after this is done, hopefully I can still hang out with the friends I've made through VF and VFDC, be around each other comfortably without things going on in the back of their minds, negative thoughts about either of us and play VF with them. When I go to LA or any other gathering, it's not just for's also because I'm hanging out with people I'm cool with and am comfortable with, especially when you only see them only once a year at most.

    Eating, drinking, watching random shit on Youtube, and especially laughing shit up and conversating with friends around the country is IMO more fun than VF.

    I already have said that I am at fault as well in this situation. I should watch what I do or check with others before I do a certain action. If there was a problem, I would honestly apologize. I have before, so there would be no reason for me not to now.

    And no, starting this drama wasn't a "just because I felt like it " or "to stir shit up" reason. This problem was deeper than what has been said and heard.
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Side Topic from Lion vs Kage Thread (Myke = Sh

    Awesome post. The true spirit of the VF Community. I've got no negative thoughts left over. Me bashing you, your girlfriend, and NorCal is stupid. Thanks for making things right.

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