ShinZ went to Japan...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by AkiraKidWannaBe, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. AkiraKidWannaBe

    AkiraKidWannaBe Well-Known Member

    a prompt report:

    Finally, Shinz vs. Chibita
    According to the post at Nomercy, they finally fought each other.
    the result? I don't know yet, but I think it will be posted soon.

    Against Segaru, the Korean team won quite a lot against him.

    I will bring the result asap.
  2. AkiraKidWannaBe

    AkiraKidWannaBe Well-Known Member

    There are some other posts about Shinz and his gang.
    I wish I had all the time to translate but I have an exam tomorrow.
    Anyway, it's really funny how those top Japanese players met Shinz.
    They knew Shinz was coming, so they waited at West Sportsland, but he didn't apprear.
    So, Mk2 and Shinjukyu Jacky went Kanispo and Shinz was playing there winning 40 consecutive times.
    So, they kidnipped Shinz to West Sportsland ^_^ and
    met all other top players.
  3. AkiraKidWannaBe

    AkiraKidWannaBe Well-Known Member

  4. EDK

    EDK Active Member

    Isn't Shinz said that he will be shy to play with Chibita?
    At that time he already predicted that he'll lose?
  5. grant

    grant Member

    ShinZ isn't shy about Chibita. He was shy about that kind of question.
  6. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    That is somewhat to be expected... Chibita is afterall just as talented a player as ShinZ is. I thought ShinZ and his team did very well Vs the rest of the gang, considering the fact that there is no ver.c in Korea and they have less VFers to play with.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    ANyone got the original Japanese info? Wouldn't mind taking a look. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. jyaki

    jyaki Member

  9. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    So, what happened with this story? I was expecting to hear some news from Friday night at Kani-spo...

    Movies of ShinZ vs. Chibita yet?
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'll gladly translate it when I get a computer that can read Japanese. I'm in England now, using the one in the hotel -- English only... damn it. How tormenting.
  11. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    That'd be great. Thanks.

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