Sega's Update Information Special Broadcast

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 25, 2021.

By akai on Jul 25, 2021 at 11:32 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    In the latest video from Sega, the first part is a look back at the Pre Season Match finals with Shiro.

    They had a team battle exhibition with players of different skill level.
    Ikeburo Sarah

    No Motion Hoshi no Kotetsu
    Kubinashi Rider

    And the final portion (1h30m) is a look at the major Summer update to Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.

    The update that was teased before release for the game will be in this major update to game:

    Regular Tournaments
    - Online tournaments on the weekends! There is also a special title for the top prize winners!

    Team Battle - Introducing a popular battle format in the domestic virtual community! Cooperate and defeat the other team! Highly customizable that can have up to 8vs8 or 1vs15 team battles.

    Simultaneous Play in Room Match
    - Multiple battles proceed in parallel allowing tournaments and leagues to progress much faster.

    Updates that was not mentioned before this announcement today:

    Options for Stage Selection in Room Mode - option to make stage to be non-random and allowing players to change stage in rematch.

    Side Counter Hit Color has been adjusted - Previously difficult to distinguish from normal side hit, the counter hit version will be purple instead of blue.

    Additional Updates
    - Filter option for Rooms without Passcode
    - Change to how secondary characters gain rank after player's main character reaches a certain rank
    - In League games, final standings will take into consideration the number of battles won and the number of rounds won.
    - Trophies (For the new achievements related to the Tournament and Team Battle modes)
    - More bug fixes

    Side Note: Aoki appears to have found a 1000 t-shirt to go with his 800. For those that have been following, his t-shirts have been emphasized a lot during videos. It suggests how many times the game have been downloaded worldwide.

    Acknowledgement: wrekka for translation clarifications
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 25, 2021.

    1. SUGATA

      Not so simple.

      Medical finger's reaction test to Visual, Audio and Tactile signal:

      "Instead of the stimuli were presented in the auditory mode, the procedure of the auditory stimuli test was exactly the same as that of the visual stimuli test. "


      The brain of monkeys processes sounds faster and recognizes them in those cases if the monkey sees its alleged source, which indicates a complex system of connections between the centers of vision and hearing in primates, scientists say in an article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

      RESUME: visual + audio = fastest way = faster than only audio or only visual.

      This is science.
    2. JCnextinc
      Please my friend ,
      You deserve better than that. I tried to be nice. don't do like all those people in the other forums. Those for whom all that matters is to try to prove that they are right at all cost and I think it's chidlish and immature.
      All matters to me is VF's future. I'd love to be wrong on everything here but see the best VF6 game possible.
      But that's not the way it's going

      Your first statement Was: "Visual recognition is much FASTER than audio"
      Because I've said that Human ear reacts faster to an audio stimulus than the eye at a visual stimilus.
      Reflexes are faster with the ear than the eye.
      Don't twist what I said please. We're not 14 anymore

      I always though that VF specific sound design was made for that purpose. WOOSH sund for circular moves Splash sound for counter HITS.
      To me it was part of AM2 genius.
      I don't know wh o had these ideas first. SUZUKI , KATAGIRI maybe.

      I think THIS should have been modernize (because sound effects are oudated for a lot of people playing or watching VF for the first time.)
      They sound too compressed like when you fall on the ground (it's like a compressed sound of a bag of potatoe falling on the floor) Or the weir foot step since VF 4. And they've never really changed.

      I'll keep the EXACT smae type of sound effects but just improve them.
      Modernize them. less compressed.
      This is one of the first complain or joke new comers are making about VF.

      Not the need of RED BLUE YELLOW PURPLE hit sparks..
      uh God...

      Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
    3. akai
      Just some things to point out as this seems to be veering in directions based on certain statements.

      I have so far only seen the new visual hit effects lasting somewhere between 1/12 to 1/6 of a second long (depends on the strength of the attack I assume).

      From what I have observed for Ultimate Showdown, the peak visual hit effect is brightest on immediate contact between the characters. The peak sound effect is loudest a few frames later (seems to coincide with the character's animation from getting hit). Either way, I think we can agree that in a place with a lot of background noise, it might be more difficult to react based on sound and would be easier to react by visuals?

      The "VF Old Men" (VF Oji) being highlighted multiple times seems to be used out of context. I see it used by Japanese VFers talking about themselves, joking amongst themselves, but not used in a negative way.
    4. OniwabanCL
      Really great news!!! Thank you Sega and Aoki for all the effort and make Virtua Fighter popular again!
    5. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      what I don't understand is this: Final Showdown is 10 years old, and I never read or heard anyone complain about the lack of visual feedback about side counter hits, why it should be a problem now?

      If they start to go this path, it's just a matter of time before we'll see sparks and colored aura basically for every game mechanics.
      masterpo likes this.
    6. akai
      Side Normal Hit in Final Showdown - just a subtle light change
      Side Counter Hit in Final Showdown - blue light effect, so easy to tell apart in FS side NH vs CH.

      Side Normal Hit in Ultimate Showdown - a blue spark hit effect
      Side Counter Hit in Ultimate Showdown - a blue spark hit effect (larger than normal hit).

      So the purple hit effect to the upcoming update is to fix something (in hindsight) that they thought was an improvement to the game.
    7. masterpo
      Of course you're right my friend. I may have spoke in haste.:X3:

      But with respect to hit flashes. As you know I play a lot of 3D fighting games (probably all of them) ;) And there are many many different kinds of visual cues that could have been used to indicate normal hits, side hits, side counter hits etc. HIt flashes did not need to be one of them.

      Of course visual cues are more useful in a crowded venue than audio cues, But Aoki and crew could have used something other than the very dated hit flash. Especially since Aoki often refers to modernizing the visual presentation. Hit flashes date back to the mid 80's early 90's.(n) Several very modern 3D fighting games come to mind (e.g. Sleeping Dogs, UFC games, Def Jam Fight For new York, Absolver) that have hits, side counter hits, high counters, low counters, mid counters etc. and none of these games need or use hit flashes to distinguish those hits. They all use other visual cues (more modern, more sophisticated) visual cues:sneaky: And all of those games have/had a much bigger and more diverse player base than VF.

      And if the goal is to learn how to distinguish between side normal hits and side counter hits, etc then we would all have been better off with a new and improved training mode, dojo, command list viewer, etc. A comprehensive training/dojo mode where high/mid/low,
      side, back, counter hit, launcher, etc can be properly learned, as opposed to this in-mid-match on screen hit flash tutorial approach.:meh:

      Obviously many players like, enjoy and appreciate the hit flashes. And they are definitely entitled to do so. And if it helps then get better at the game and enjoy the game more. Bravo for them. But clearly there are many players who don't like the Hit Sparks and are actually offended by the on screen tutorial during the match.

      The easiest solution is to provide an option to turn off hit effects (Just like the option to turn off hit effects in VF4). If I'm playing single player or in VS mode with family and friends that don't need or want to see the on screen hit effect tutorial during the match we should have the option to turn them off.;)

      I've gone back to VF5FS. I literally can't stand to see the sparks:ROTFL:

      Good news is, we have a version of VF on current gen consoles hit sparks notwithstanding.

      @akai I'm glad you're back:)
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
      faster 10 lightning and akai like this.
    8. SUGATA
      The problem is that for now the size (and color) of Side ch is the same as Side nh, no difference at all (I tested and don’t see any difference in size)
    9. SUGATA
      I played and learned all EA UFC games - no any visual cues for CH, the game is NOT so strict to frame data counting and has ANALOG framedata (fd is different for the move based on many factors like stamina), so this is POSSIBLE for games like this but not for VF with its fast moves w constant concrete fd.
    10. Blessy
      Def Jam FFNY

      Pick one
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    11. SSfox
      I don't have issus with hit sparks, as long as it will still focus on real martial arts it's what matters most.
    12. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      That make sense.
      Honestly in US I didn't noticed that the blue sparks were a little different between normal and counter and I though it was a bit strange.

      But I still don't know if we need a 4th color code, maybe a tiny yellow spark for normal side was enough, while leaving blue for side counter.
      We'll see in action.
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    13. masterpo
      Wow these hit sparks from Aoki's crew and RGG look very similar to the Hit Sparks in VF5US. And I thought Ryu GA Gotoku Studios created the hit spark theme exclusively for Virtua Fighter Ultimate Showdown.:cry: What was I thinking:censored:

      I know Tiger is Yellowish-kinda-orange-ish and Crane is light blue, and normal hit yellow, no counter hit is yellow:confused: no side hit is kind-a orange during Tiger Style????:oops:
      I wasn't able to figure it out.

      Maybe the same rules apply to Judgement that apply to VF5US:sick: I dunno, maybe the if I check the frame data for when VF's Blue sparks occur it'll make more senseo_O What do the hit sparks mean in Judgement, does anybody know:unsure:

      Does this explain which color hit sparks go with counter hit and side counter hit:( Did I see a purple hit spark on the big attack:ninja: Is the purple spark for stun:sick: or for mortal wound attacks:notworthy:
      no, no,no, after the big attack I saw some of the attackers had a purple aura around their heads after and before they were hit:sneaky: Is this similar to VF5US on purple hit?

      Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    14. akai
      It looks like the Team Battle mode/option, players can adjust the format of the team battle -

      Part 1 - - This is the same exhibition from the Information Update Special just made into its own youtube video. Teams play a First to 5 (All players on a team must be eliminated. Winner stays on.) This is what we see in the VFR events.

      Part 2 - - Part 2 was released recently. Teams have each player paired against each other.
      SUGATA and OniwabanCL like this.
    15. SUGATA

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