Sega's Beginner Video Tutorials for Final Showdown

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Tricky, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I never commented on these videos and foolishly hoped they remain unnoticed :( As far as Vanessa is concerned, the moves showcased, particularly the OS portion, is rather misleading:

    Players new to Vanessa should not be considering OS [K] or [6][K] strings; they will get them killed since they are high-high and mid-high-high strings. Why not showcase her [6][6][K] mixups, that are actually useful due to the possibility of a mid followup? The [9][K] combo on display is also misleading: yes it is "max damage" vs Akira on NH (the video has the knee land on CH btw) but ending with [3][K][K] or [6][6][K][P] is the better option unless that extra 2 damage kills he opponent.

    The DS part is not ideal either: DS [P][+][K][P] is duckable - the real mixup string being [6][P][3][K]; the combo proposed for [4][P][+][K] is suboptimal. There's a passing mention of [1][P] but not of her other sabakis (if you're not planning to use these then why are you playing from DS?); instead there's a showcase of her "sweep" (a horrible move to recommend to new players! please use [1][P][+][K] instead) and a combo showcase for [1][P][+][K] (sure, it tech-crouches and I learned to love the move but, being slow, it frequently lands on recovery hit, which doesn't yield a combo).

    So, overall, lovely initiative but could have been better, content-wise, as far as Vanessa goes. I cannot vouch for other characters' content, however, she does share her video with Akira, and although I am not an expert in that character, I am pretty confident that [4][3][P] mixups are not very high on Akira's top ten moves - so maybe more time could have been spent on his shoulder ram, [4][6][P] or maybe his complimentary semi-circular moves?

    Revisiting them many years later I do have to acknowledge that the overall good production values are good and they did a fancy splitscreen to show the 50-50 options out of Akira's [4][3][P]. I will add a link to Vanessa's wiki - they are official SEGA material afterall.

    And the first three vids are a must-watch, IDK if @Myke would like to link them to the main wiki.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The same could be said for almost all the character videos. I'm not sure if I shared this in the past, but these "official" tutorial videos were produced by LA_Akira, myself and a handful of other VFDCers in a very short timeframe prior to the official console launch. As you can imagine, our knowledge of the characters was quite immature (compared to now) and overall experience in Final Showdown was very low. We also worked on a tight deadline to have these ready by the time the game launched, so we did the best we could with the limited resources we had.

    Despite their content (compared to today's standards), I still think this was a great initiative on SEGA of America's part to reach out to us, the VFDC community, to ensure some learning material was ready on day one of release.

    Will consider it!
    MadeManG74 and erdraug like this.
  3. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Oh wow I didn't even know this! With what little info that they had i would say they still did pretty good.
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @Myke lol, good thing I didn't bash the videos, I dodged a bullet there :)

    Really though, as I said, I was foolish to disregard them back then, my Vanessa-related nitpicks were trivial compared to how well produced these videos are, and how efficient they could be for luring-in new players.

    Why not do a retrospective on that whole experience? Besides, I snooped around the main page archives and couldn't find a post where all of them were collectively posted.
    MadeManG74 and Myke like this.

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