Sega planning something soon for VF5...

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Serious Question:[/size] Are you really this bloody stupid?
  2. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    dude , thats just mean. Provoked , maybe, but mean.
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    That's sig material right there. Thank you Reno for making me chuckle.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    sorry I lay claim as new sig... it may be mean but damn it's a LOL!
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Serious Answer: [/size] I prefer the word uninformed to stupid. But if you insist... I still would like an answer to my stupid question.

    Do the Japanese even care about console versions of VF?

    If I knew the answer I wouldn't be asking the question to my smart fellow VFDCers. [2] [G] [​IMG]
  6. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Serious Answer:[/size] Yep.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    That's rather vague. Are you talking about consumers who buy console games? The person who built my Subaru?
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I know the guy who built your subaru, Mr. Tanaka.

    He said he doesent give a shit about R, hes too busy with his shit to bother.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Good point.

    I guess whenever I'm on VFDC I hear about what a big deal the arcades are in Japan. I hear that the VF scene at the arcades in Japan is where all the action is etc. I don't recall bumping into posts that mention the VF console market in Japan. I'm an old monk now, so maybe I did bump into it a long time ago but I don't remember now [​IMG] All I know is... whenever anybody on this site talks about going to Japan or goes to Japan, VF and the arcade scene is the major focus.

    I also heard (somewhere) that the average Japanese home doesn't have room for gaming. I don't know if its true. Never been to Japan.

    Reno Cover Your Eyes:[/size] [​IMG]

    Corrected Serious Question:[/size]

  10. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    LOL Reno cover your eyes, but since Reno is about the only Japan based poster here, please read this and add something to your already well stated point of "its stupid to think they do not want it home, where its cheap and convenient"
  11. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I think thats a valid question. On the one hand, you have the hardcore arcade-goer who thrives on the atmosphere and constant competition that only a Japanese arcade can offer. These types probably don't care so much about a console version.

    On the other hand, If I had to pay $1.00 for every single match of VF I've ever played, I'd be so deep in debt I'd need a backhoe. So everyone else in the world who wants to play games like VF but doesn't have loads of disposable income would probably want a console version.

    The real upshot to the hardcore arcade guys would be the training modes on a console, rather than paying $2 for one match of combo practice. Or worse yet, trying to figure out frame data on an arcade machine. That must get expensive real quick.

    So heres a problem: Sega has now included frame data in the replay options. Theres one less reason for the Japanese to care about a console version. While it may seem that this option has opened the accessibility of VF to some "less hardcore" players, I think it might actually hurt the accessibility because theres less reason for a console version.

    Its not looking good for R. Then again, Sega has surprised me many many times in the past. Hell, every time they announce a new Sonic game I have to pick my jaw up off the floor. I can't believe that series is still going!
  12. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    But surely this applies to every fighter, everywhere in the world?
    My experience of living in Japan and with a japanese woman shows me that they are REALLY careful about spending money, so just for this reason I would guess they rather practice home and own in the arcades (pretty much like any other fighter out there? duh?)
  13. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    just to add to this rather shitty thread:

    - Hori announced they have received enough orders of Twin Stick EX controller for Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram, now the controller goes into production and will be delivered around November to December. The price of the Twin Stick EX is 30,000 yen.

    Apparently the Japanese managed to rack up more enthusiasm for an arcade port than we westerners could? maybe if we had 100.000 people email them it would somehow convince them to release it in the west.
  14. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Just look at Third Strike...

    On arcades you pay quarters to play. At home you have console versions with offline play and then GGPO on your PC and you don't pay quarters. Yet even with those options people in Japan still flock to the arcades to play a game that's a decade old. Just like in South Korea many people would flock to a LAN center to play (or just watch people play) Starcraft or Warcraft or WoW or CS or whatever instead of gaming from home.

    Now take VF where the console versions are always inferior, have no updates regarding items, and no VF.Net system.

    In Japan and South Korean arcades and LANs are great. Everywhere else consoles reign supreme.
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I am not sure 3rd strike is one of the most played Arcade games in japan? and you cant compare Korea to Japan, Japanese PC games market its niche. In Korea its HUGE.

    PS: Sega sould release R for DS, EVERYBODY in Japan, inlcuding 98 years old obachans got 2 of those (one light, one phat). Problem with Japan is that they dont care about Xbox 360 or PS3 enough maybe.
  16. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    If you are not sure then why post? Read more post less. It has been in top ten fighting games in Japan even this year and is always hovering in or around the top ten.
    I didn't. I compared arcade gaming in Japan to console gaming everywhere else. And I compared LAN gaming in South Korea to home PC gaming everywhere else. Where everywhere else is America, Europe, Australia, and the like. In NYC we can barely keep functioning arcades and LANs despite an enormous population here.

    Japan = Arcades
    South Korea = LANs

    It's obviously a cultural thing.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Thanx. U never know when helping out an old monk, might bring U
    good fortune [​IMG]

    I know if I was in Japan and had the option to pay for every single match of VF or have a console and only pay some of the time, I would get the console!

    But I never been to Japan and since the Arcade scene is the macho thing to do, for all I know only scrubs and females played the console in Japan. People in other countries have their own thing going on. I didn't want to jump to conclusions. That's why I asked the question in the first place. It makes sense from my Western point of view, but unless somebody gives me the 411 I have no FN idea how the Japanese see the world [​IMG]

    I heard somewhere (I think on PBS [​IMG] ) Japanese have to play at the arcade because there's no room at home to have a bunch friends over to play arcade games on the computer/console, because most families have small living spaces.

    So, now I think I understand Sega(maybe) a little better. If Japanese VF players do own and play VF on consoles, then Sega releasing VF5R would be a threat to their arcade revenue right?

    Why buy the cow when U can get the milk for free?

    Sega would either have to keep the console version 1 or 2 releases behind the arcade version or make the arcade version always superior to the console version in order to make a profit.

    So if we get VF5R today for consoles Sega has to announce VF6 for the arcades tomorrow right? Especially if Japanese VF players own and play the console versions of VF.
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    No sorry, arcades are dying everywhere, even in Japan. keeping R in the arcades is one way to keep the arcades going.

    LAN and PC gaming in Korea are not dying (even if a few guys died in there!) , but they seem to be playing a lot of other games, not really fighing games.

    So either Sega release R for consoles in the west only (LOL) or they get enough pre-orders I guess.

    TBH I doubt 3rd strike is racking in the dough for Capcom, especially now with SF4 out in the arcades/homes? the problem I have with your post is that people dont flock to the arcades to play 3rd strike... I go to japan and I dont see the crowds fighting over the SF3 cabinets lol.

    OH and 3rd strike can be considered quite hardcore, I think the DC version sold about 10K or less and not really made any kind of splash on consoles, ever. Thats the difference between Capcom and Sega I guess, Capcom would port it anyway.

    Edit: the problem is not that R in the arcades is doing so well that they dont want to port it, the problem is that R on consoles would sell so poorly that they cant be bothered.
  19. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

    hey, im curious, do you have any pictures of south korean LANs ??

  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

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