Sega planning something soon for VF5...

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Lol Wut? Is this E-sarcasm?
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter


    Lol Wut? Is this E-sarcasm? </div></div>
    Nope, I'm guessing it's more crazy zen codswallop.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Lol Wut? Is this E-sarcasm? </div></div>

    MP_Lupin, Panda is under the impression that I must be terrible at Virtua Fighter. I gave him my real statistics.
    There's no E-sarcasm here. In mastery of defeat there is victory. I would go out on a limb to say that I have lost more VF matches than Super Panda has ever played [​IMG]

    I will leave it to him to judge whether I am terrible at VF [​IMG]
  4. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    LOL at the wagging of the e-dick.

    As for you losing more than I've ever played? That would be impossible. Believe me. Just... impossible.

    If anyone can ever find out the date when VF1 arrived at NJ (I think it was sportsworld?), that's when I first started playing, and I haven't stopped playing VF since. VF5 is the disc in my PS3 at the moment. Even when I compete in other games (such as BR at the arcade), I'm still playing VF at home, just waiting for the scene to come back.

    Seriously mate. You're wagging your e-dick at the wrong player.
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    E-Clitoris AKA da vibrada!

  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Fair enough., but I do have almost 4000 losses since VF4. I didn't know what VF was until VF4 so U got me there. I was a
    confused Tekken player until I bumped into VF4 [​IMG] I started with Tekken 1 [​IMG] Its just that U had a feeling I was a terrible VF player simply because I'm worried that Sega's bad marketing might let games like UFC 2009 dwindle our
    Fan base.

    I might be a terrible player, but its not because I spend too much time playing UFC 2009 [​IMG]

    Truth-b-told I really can decide when and how to loose as well as how much health my opponent has left (more wagging of the e-dick) [​IMG]

    Peace [​IMG]
  8. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Actually, to be perfectly honest (with no malice intended), I was actually a bit annoyed when you sort of compared UFC to VF (by posting the stand up video).

    My brain just went: "Wow, you've been on this board for how long, and you still think the two are comparable?"

    I know you probably didn't intend that, but it came off that way.

    The difference is just too huge mate. Too huge. I know one of the UFC boys read this forum, and I promise I mean no offense, but UFC still feels like a casual game that you pop in the console when your friends come around.

    It's very hard for me to express what I'm trying to get at without insulting anyone, but the gap between the UFC and VF depth-wise is like the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

    Just in case you've forgotten:
    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

    sanjuro: I actually didn't get to read what you said though. Terribly curious now.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I absolutely agree!!! If you look back at my posts I routinely protest that VF is the best fighter on the planet [​IMG]

    UFC and and VF are different animals altogether. UFC is in the same genre as Fight night series. I know that.

    The point that I was trying to make (obviously poorly making)
    was that Sega is missing a marketing Window here by not releasing VF5R, because I'm starting to hear young pups talking about UFC 2009 and EA's MMA. I know some of those are
    potential VF players. But if Sega doesn't have any kind of marketing plan for VF over the next 18 month I think our potential fanbase will shrink. Although they are apples N Oranges when it comes to game play, the market size is what it is, and if the hype is all Tekken 6 and these new MMA
    fighters that means an even smaller VF community.

    In terms of depth, UFC 2009 , is casual play compared to VF

    I'm talking about marketing though [​IMG] and in that are VF
    looses because Sega is out to lunch [​IMG]

    Yo Panda, no offense taken dude. I'll try to be clearer next time [​IMG]
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Not really man... I would say ufc is nearly on par with vf. The only thing missing is multiple fighting styles. Frames, MC, mC, rock/paper/scissor decisions; it's all there. The way your health recovers, and timeout decisions are made, might actually give the game a slight edge.

    Its an easy game, imo, but I think vf is too
  11. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Sega's secret announcement is on the 3rd of august

  12. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Anyone remember any announcements that Sega has made in the past? Like a precedent?

    How did they announce VF4:EVO for the PS2? Was it at KSII Tournament (Minami Akira!) or was that just the reveal of the VF 10th Anniversary Game? Or did they have a standalone announcement for VF4:EVO port to the PS2?

    Anyways I'm prepared for the lamest announcement ever.
  13. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    valkyria chronicles costumes

    i'm calling it right now
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Wooh! I'm so glad they're finally deciding to announce a worldwide release of R. I swear, it feels like we've been waiting a Lifetime! Thank you in advance, Sega!
  15. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    All good po. No worries.

    I'll have to disagree man, sorry.

    I'm not saying UFC isn't a deep game, but you pointed out one crucial thing: the lack of different fighting styles, that, and the random flash KO factor, eliminate a lot of the amount of learning that FG's like VF, Tekken, SF, and SC require.

    UFC's good fun, true. But it's not going to hold my attention for more than 2 months, whereas a proper FG would for years.

    Again, no offense meant to the UFC fans. But if anyone should understand, it would VFDC people: once you've been spoiled, there's no looking back.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    LOL a "proper" fighting game... ok...
    I would say the fighting styles in VF aren't nearly as diverse as in UFC. Jabs in VF5 are 10-11-12f. +2/+5/+8

    In this game, with the character creation, anything is possible. So in actuality, the characters in UFC DO vary. And much. As far as instant KO's go, thats ur own damn fault.

    BUT! I respect your opinion.

    Although, it doesn't seem you know enough about either of the games to shit on one or the other yet. If you played the first UFC game, you would be surprised how similar it was to VF, right down to the animations, I kid you not.

    If you can find a vid of Marco Ruas, look at some of his animations. Also, look for the standing K.O. animations too.

    Vanessa @ 6:29
  17. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I actually have the UFC game, played it, checked the forums, studied it, played it some more, but in the end, I just couldn't enjoy it, so I sold it and popped VF back into the PS3.

    I also prepared a long reply, but as I wrote it, I realized that a lot of my issues with the game boiled down to how much random variables were in it (char. creation affecting actual gameplay, etc.), and then I figured I could sum it up as:

    VF = Fixed aspects. More chess-like.
    UFC = Random aspects. More sports-like.

    I will say one thing though: character creation randomness affecting core gameplay (frames, etc.) makes a game a bit more mash-friendly: Why? Because you're receiving/throwing attacks, and you're never quite sure what the consequences (± frames) are.

    UFC's approach suits it perfectly. But a VF game is still strategically deeper IMHO.

    Flash KO is also something I'm not comfortable with. I don't appreciate that a lot of my practice time, studying, etc. can be "shit on" by some masher who, by some stroke of luck, managed to press triangle and punch me.

    Btw, I do have that UFC game (my DC still works), and it was actually the reason why I was skeptical about purchasing the new one.
  18. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    This got me to believe someone found out actual information about the announcement >.< It's been two days since I last read this thread lol. Don't play with my hopes like that!!
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yo Coz,

    I think UFC 2009 is a hot game. I own it, I will get UFC 2010 when it comes out. But make no mistake about it, VF is a deeper game. UFC 2009 Complements VF. It doesn't compete with VF. You don't really believe that UFC 2009 has more fighting styles than VF. UFC 2009 has six basic styles with each fighter being able to pick a striking style and a ground game.


    Kick Boxing
    Muay Thai



    This means there are nine combinations so at most nine different fighter styles that you can create in UFC. We have 17 different fighting styles in VF. Even if you consider transitions, and submissions, the UFC 2009 movelist is considerably shorter than the standard VF movelist.

    Once you add VF combo and sequence possiblities its definitely over. You can go to the actions and combo list in UFC 2009 and
    just count whats available. Although the we can simply count the the moves in the VF movelists I'm not sure we could easily do this for combos and sequences for each character in VF.

    I'm down with the Octagon, but you can't compare it to the 18 stages in VF. And stages do effect game play. All of the Octagons in UFC 2009 (I believe) are the same size. Stage size varies in VF. Small stages (one style of fighting), Large stages(other styles are available) VF stages can also have high walls no ring out (but a wall game), low walls (possible ring out), no walls(ring out) that actually adds depth to the fighting action in VF. (I know you know that) Not trying to be condescending here [​IMG]

    Speed and decision making differentials are considerably different in VF vs UFC2009. This past weekend I did exhibitions in both games. The hand-eye coordination and speed requirement differences could be seen and heard in the sticks [​IMG] and felt in the hands and arms.

    Coz U play VF, you have to admit, that after playing some serious VF, UFC 2009 feels like your taking both a mental and
    physical time-out [​IMG] It has almost a casual feel compared to VF. VF is physically and mentally more demanding.

    UFC 2009 is a solid very solid sports combat game. But Virtua Fighter is the 'Complete' Mixed Martial Arts fighter, and its in the class of video games that requires the most speed, acuity, hand-eye, reflexes, strategy, decision making, memory and pure skill than any other type of video game (bar none).

    U can legitimately compare VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, DOA
    (VF wins IMHO) but they can be legitimately compared. UFC 2009
    is a different kind of game with different objectives.

    It is an excellent complement to Virtua Fighter, it could never substitue for Virtua Fighter.

    Coz be careful to dude, If you play too much UFC 2009, you'll start to loose your VF chops [​IMG]
  20. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I hope you guys are joking.

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