Season 2 - Team Events Plan and Discussion

Discussion in 'VF Circuit' started by akai, May 18, 2013.

  1. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    I think I have a team, but I'll have to ask if they all still agree.

    Also, would it be O.K. if I enter the team circuit on 360 only, but the individual circuit on both consoles? I don't have a PS3 mic and in my experience team events are next to impossible without voice communication.
  2. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    I have a few guys in mind for a team but I'm going to need to hurry up if this is going to work Should be fun
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    After work today (12 hours from now), I will make a list of people that have expressed interest. For this to work, there would need to be at least 3 teams in each region (Europe, North America, etc). If interest might be low, we might switch to a maximum of 3 players instead of 6 players on a "season" team.

    Digitl - you can participate whichever event or league you choose.
  4. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I m in, just to find a team
    Craigbot and Shinobi like this.
  5. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Im in, i want a team!!!
    Shinobi likes this.
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    New thread specifically for posting teams and seeking team members:

    Some ideas on composing a team roster:
    1. Choose people that you get along with.
    2. Invite people new to the game or not part of the VFDC scene to be part of your team (everyone should be recruiters to VF!)
    3. Don't be shy, PM people and ask them to be part of your team!


    I will continue using this thread to discuss format for the team events. While people have shown interest, it comes down to if people will participate. I think for the XBL team events it will also be a more flexible format...

    Just some random musings...
    VFR (Virtua Fighter Relationship) Team style = the season is made up of numerous tournaments (multiple teams participating together in each event meetup). While I like this format and was the original plan, I think number of people participating would not make this viable.

    MLB (Major League Baseball) Team style = the season is made up of numerous team matches (2 teams in each event meetup). This would be more flexible, as only two teams have to set a time that work for them, instead of scheduling a time that work for 3 plus teams). Disadvantage is this format would not allow the "rental" player option, for some person who don't have a team to just come and join the season. Also if we go for the flexible route, should teams be limited to just 3 players at max? Extra members on a team cannot participate?

    Most likely will find some middle ground to make things work...trial and error!

    Most likely will be a merger of the two
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    I moved posts about looking for or making your teams in the Team List thread:

    ...Is 10-15 minute wait between matches (for a replay to be uploaded to the FS server) too long of a wait?

    Thinking of formats on how to make a team league work the best for online...

    For example, lets say Team A is scheduled to play against Team B. The two teams then decide on a time to meet online and play. Give 1 week for all the players to decide on a set time. Everyone on a team should be able to participate in the Circuit.

    On the set date/time: The teams will give me their team order privately. I will match the players of each team against each other based on the order. Team A player 1 plays against Team B player 1 in player mode/rank mode; Team A player 2 plays against Team B player 2, and so on. After the match, the players upload that match (it took 10-15 minutes for it to appear viewable on the server). Can use the wait time to allow the teammates to discuss with each other. The teams can look at the replays or go on to play their second matches. Estimated time it takes no more than 30 minutes.
  8. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I am not very familiar with the VFR format, but the top priority for VF Circuit Season 2 is to guarantee that every team member will play against everyone from the opposing team.

    Also, we have now the experience to deal with the usual PSN problems in order to maximize playtime and minimize the waiting time with all the frustration, so the team events will run smoothly.
  9. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    The format BloodStyle and Craigbot use is similar to this, except the players fight in a set of 2 out of 3 matches. After everyone has played their matches, the players go into a private chat and privately choose a different order. The team that wins 2 out of 3 rotations wins.

    I know PS3 doesn't have private chat, but a private conversation on VFDC could be used as a substitute.
  10. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    PS3 does have a private text chat option i think that you could use and you could invite people to your session to talk that way. I would prefer a private voice chat option but PS3 has it own version of it i think.
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    So the question I have people that are already committed to playing in the Team Leagues or is interested. How many team match nights or days do you want per month (please take the poll)?

    Working on my draft for the team format of the VF Circuit. Quick outline on what it is looking like...

    Lets say there are 4 teams total in the league (Team A, B, C, D). At the beginning of each month, I will draw up the match ups between teams:

    Month 1, Team Match 1:
    Team A vs Team B (A and B team will set a date and time that works for them in which they will have their matches)
    Team C vs Team D (C and D team will set a date and time that works for them in which they will have their matches)

    After completion of Team Match 1...
    Month 1, Team Match 2:
    Team A vs Team C (A and C team will set a date and time that works for them in which they will have their matches)
    Team B vs Team D (B and D team will set a date and time that works for them in which they will have their matches)

    ...and so on. The plan is for each team match day or night should not take more than a hour (for the speedsters likely 30 minutes). Of course you are more than welcome to continue playing with each other longer.
  12. Yamato_Angeal_

    Yamato_Angeal_ Member

    this sounds awesome,i'm really excited to participate in this //_^
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    For you Euro XBL folk, Unicorn and mister are still missing teams afaik.
    Unicorn likes this.

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