Sarah's Move List

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Deniz, Mar 30, 2002.

  1. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    * If all mid level attacks that stagger a crouching defender also stagger a crouching non-defender, then there's no need for the "Crouch Guard Stagger" note, and simply "Crouch Stagger" will be used instead.

    If this were true, then yes; but it's not true. There are plenty of attacks that stagger only a crouching defender. For instance, Kage's d+P+K Upward Chop. So the "Crouch Guard Stagger" note is needed (in fact, in the Jacky errata thread, you said you preferred to use it), and I have been very carefully denoting such attacks in my comments with either the term "Crouch Guard Stagger" or "Low Guard Stagger." They have been interchangeable terms for me. When I use the simpler term "Crouch Stagger," I have been specifically referring to those attacks that stagger all crouchers. This is consistent with your outline, so as I've said, I am essentially already doing what you are suggesting. For the future, I will just need to avoid "Low Guard Stagger" and stick solely with "Crouch Guard Stagger."

    Jacky's f+P is a "Crouch Stagger."

    Yes, and I noted it as such in the Jacky errata thread.

    Akira's d+P+G is a "High Guard Stagger."


    Kage's [JM] f,f,K is a "High Guard or Hit Stumble."

    That's not wrong and is acceptable, but why not simply say "Guard or Hit Stumble"? There is no loss of clarity...

    Are we there yet?

    Still need to clarify a few situations. There are midlevel attacks that stagger both a standing defender and a crouching defender, but not a non-defender. An example would be Kage's f+P+K+G Jumping Kick wall attack. To avoid ambiguity concerning the meaning of "guard," I would use the note "High Guard and Crouch Guard Stagger." Hopefully you agree..

    I already mentioned that Kage's f+P+K Reverse Leap Frog wall attack is a midlevel attack that staggers standing defenders and all crouchers, but not a standing non-defender. I assume its note should say "Guard and Crouch Stagger." Right?
  2. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    Reversal levels for Sarah's rising attacks:
    All of Sarah's low rising attacks are SW; however, she can't do a low rising attack from face up head towards, no roll (no delay).
    Midlevel rising attacks:
    Face up feet towards: All are MCR.
    Face up head towards: All are SK, except for face up heads towards, no roll (no delay), which is a handspring kick that is not reversible (it also comes out if you try to do a low rising attack).
    Face down feet towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MCR
    2. delay: SK
    3. longer delay: MCR
    4. sideroll: MK
    5. backroll: SK
    Face down head towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MCR
    2. delay: MCR
    3. sideroll: SK
    4. backroll: MCR
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    Added Rising Attacks for Sarah.

    I've omitted the longer delay rising attack due to missing frame information. If it's similar to another rising attack, then I'll use the data from that.

    Also added the back turned Moonsault.
  4. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    Also added the back turned Moonsault.
    What an unexpected but greatly appreciated surprise! Thank you very much.

    Going back to another comment:
    4. The Guard Stagger note for the fully charged version of the (while standing) K+G Crush Tornado should be changed to a High Guard Stagger note. It does not stagger a low guarding defender, but instead knocks him/her down.
    After initially disagreeing, you subsequently agreed to use the term High Guard Stagger for situations such as this; so the note for the fully charged version of Sarah's (while standing) K+G Crush Tornado should still be changed to a High Guard Stagger note.
  5. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    1. The reversal level for the b+P+K Double Rise Kick is actually SK/SK, since both component kicks are reversible. And as I metioned previously, either of them can cause a crouch stagger.
    2. As I have been asserting with some other characters' side throws, I believe the (side) P+G Shell Break Elbow should be divided into two entries: a (right side) P+G throw and a (left side) P+G throw. The (right side) version, for instance, leaves both opponents facing each other in a closed stance, but the (left side) version always leaves them facing each other in an open stance.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    After initially disagreeing, you subsequently agreed to use the term High Guard Stagger for situations such as this; so the note for the fully charged version of Sarah's (while standing) K+G Crush Tornado should still be changed to a High Guard Stagger note.

    Updated stagger note.

    1. The reversal level for the b+P+K Double Rise Kick is actually SK/SK, since both component kicks are reversible. And as I metioned previously, either of them can cause a crouch stagger.

    Updated reversal level.

    2. As I have been asserting with some other characters' side throws, I believe the (side) P+G Shell Break Elbow should be divided into two entries: a (right side) P+G throw and a (left side) P+G throw. The (right side) version, for instance, leaves both opponents facing each other in a closed stance, but the (left side) version always leaves them facing each other in an open stance.

  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    I'd like to request some amendments to Sarah's Evo movelist:

    1. [P][P][P][8][K] (Combo Scarecrow) Crouch Staggers.

    2. [8][K] (Feather Scarecrow) Crouch Staggers.

    3. I was mistaken all along. There is an [7][K]+[G] variant of the Somersault Kick. It has instant execution but poor recovery (Like Jacky's).

    4. [6][K]+[G] (Spin Heel Sword) is a MK and slams on an Air Hit.
  8. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    Sorry to be a pain, but i just noticed no detalis on the Heel Kick Moonsault move[9][K],[P] when guarded,hit and MC.
    The idea that [9][K],[P] can also be [G]-cancelled was also not mentioned, as you can do [9][K],[G] and not can the moonsault.
    Obviously on hit or MC the move wull result in down, but I i was just checking to see if this move when guarded either gives adv or a dis.
    I generally do a DTE if this move is guarded, but if the opp is at a dis when guarded a DTE seems inappropiate when i could use forced chioce tactics.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    [ QUOTE ]
    stalwartsamurai said:

    Sorry to be a pain, but i just noticed no detalis on the Heel Kick Moonsault move[9][K],[P] when guarded,hit and MC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The reason why there is no data, is because the [9][K][P] is not an actual attack. It's just the Moonsault.

    What you need to look at is the [9][K] on it's own, and you'll find it has all the data you need there.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The idea that [9][K],[P] can also be [G]-cancelled was also not mentioned, as you can do [9][K],[G] and not can the moonsault.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Being able to [G] cancel a canned series is a part of VF's engine. To list it for every single canned combo would be redundant.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Obviously on hit or MC the move wull result in down, but I i was just checking to see if this move when guarded either gives adv or a dis.
    I generally do a DTE if this move is guarded, but if the opp is at a dis when guarded a DTE seems inappropiate when i could use forced chioce tactics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, if you look up the [9][K] data you'll find that in Evo Ver.A it's just throw counterable on guard, and of course knocks down on hit or MC. However in Evo Ver.B it's actually (fast) punch counterable (i.e. -11 frames). Ver.B updates on VFDC are forth coming.

    BTW, I'm assuming you're referring to Evo Sarah. This thread was created for VF4 Ver.C. In future, please post in the relevant command list thread.

  10. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah Command List updates

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    [9][K] data you'll find that in Evo Ver.A it's just throw counterable on guard, and of course knocks down on hit or MC. However in Evo Ver.B it's actually (fast) punch counterable (i.e. -11 frames).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks thats cleared things up /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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