Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Saiten, May 15, 2006.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    Really, all there is to say has been said and linked. I'm suprised over the patience BK has shown in this thread. FL is not broken Saiten (honestly not), you just lack knowledge in the game and although you've played for 2-3 years you don't seem to have many matches still on your profile (and even then it's quest).

    Learn what the following things mean; catchthrow, specialhigh. If you strive for perfect defence you need to understand the specialproperties of different things like this in order to defend against them.

  2. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am using AOi too..I dont found a problem against FL myself, YY stance is a good choice, it can deal with most of her FL moves but lose to her throws. But at the end of day it's about reading your oponent's habit.

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    What moves do you use to follow up Tenchi in’you? Sarah recovers really fast.

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    Seond point of advice: The multiple kicks in FL are not force guard moves. It means you can move after guarding the first kick. Assuming your opp. like to do the full string, you can Try this: block the first hit of the chain, then go into YY stance and inashi her attacks, and you are most likely to get a 44P+K after the inashi. It's need a bit of practice tho.

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    Thanks for the tip.

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    Understand something. You're playing the CPU.... the cpu READS INPUTS. YOU CANNOT FOOL THE CPU. Playing quest mode gives a close emulation of human responses, but YOU CANNOT FOOL THE CPU. (especially on harder difficulty)

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    I’ve noticed that the people I play, don’t do anything close to what computer Sarah does. It’s insane.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Really, all there is to say has been said and linked. I'm suprised over the patience BK has shown in this thread. FL is not broken Saiten (honestly not), you just lack knowledge in the game and although you've played for 2-3 years you don't seem to have many matches still on your profile (and even then it's quest).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That’s true. VF is not the only game I play. Plus I had VF4 I had a bunch of matches on it but when I got VF4E I started over.

    If I completely knew the game then I would be on the boards right? I think that’s why most people are here.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Learn what the following things mean; catchthrow, specialhigh. If you strive for perfect defence you need to understand the specialproperties of different things like this in order to defend against them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know what they are it’s just that Sarah’s flamingo stance just fucks me up all the time. She out guesses me and she takes down more power than Aoi.

    I agree with you on a lot of things but there’s no way you can tell me that Sarah’s floater combo, which takes down half of Aoi’s life bar, is NOT broke. That’s ridiculous and it’s the Main reason why I posted this thread. If Sarah’s floater kick properties were lowered or if her flamingo attacks damaged was reduced then I wouldn’t care. VF is suppose to be about skill, not landing a lucky combo to get a cheap kill.
  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    It is about skill, ive been playing a sarah player for 4 years or so now. What you're arguing is no different from a disadvantaged situation, theres always ways to beat it.

    1. The easiest way, is not to let sarah get into flamingo, you play aoi you should have an easier time with that.

    2. Your reflexes are too slow and your not used to flamingo properties. Train to react with training mode.

    3. Low jab (or better) after you duck the first high kick, the rest arent special high.

    4. Try sidestepping a couple of times.

    5. Dont tech roll against flamingo, or you'll have to deal with it again.

    6. If all else fails just duck and guard. At worst you'll just eat a flip kick for not so much damage. You should be able to react fast enough to any other mid kick.

    7. and of course the AOI option stance beats like 80% of her moves.

    Seriously flamingos not that bad.
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saiten said:
    She out guesses me and she takes down more power than Aoi.

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    Thats because of a lack of training

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saiten said:
    I agree with you on a lot of things but there’s no way you can tell me that Sarah’s floater combo, which takes down half of Aoi’s life bar, is NOT broke. That’s ridiculous and it’s the Main reason why I posted this thread.

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    It not broken, its 16 frames, just as fast as any launcher. You picked AOI. Your character is to discourage players from attacking, and beat them, by speed. Of course if you play computer all day, your not going to discourage anything. The disadvantage of AOI is being one of the lightest.

    Consider this, would you trade up Y/Y stance (one of the best if not the best in the game) and elbow cancels for flamingo and Dragon Cannon. If yes go play sarah, AOI's style is probably not suiting you anyhow.

    if you want to complain about broke as F*CK complain about VFDC, gawddamn triple posting nonsense. COUGH ICE-9 COUGH.
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saiten said:

    there’s no way you can tell me that Sarah’s floater combo, which takes down half of Aoi’s life bar, is NOT broke.

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    If the damage is the reason why you are complaining, then you must have a problem with 75% of the characters on the game, because most of them have combos which can do as much as, or more damage than Dragon Cannon (which isn't half bar damage, it's more like 80-90). Akira, Brad, Jacky, Jeffry, Wolf, and many other characters all have the ability to take the same amount of damage in one move.

    If you think Sarah is really so good, then why don't you play her?
    I used to think Kage was broken because of TFT and the large amount of 'safe' moves he has, but when I took the time to learn his frames I realised he too has his flaws. I then tried to use Kage myself to see if he was as good ad I thought he was, but I found it hard to use his techniques and flow charts effectively.
    Each character has strengths and weaknesses, if a character on this game was truely broken, then everyone would be using him/her, and all you would ever see in tournament results would be that character winning all the time.

    The AI is your biggest problem, because it doesn't play like a human plays, so you are bound to experience so difficulties.
  6. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It not broken, its 16 frames, just as fast as any launcher. You picked AOI. Your character is to discourage players from attacking, and beat them, by speed. Of course if you play computer all day, your not going to discourage anything. The disadvantage of AOI is being one of the lightest.

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    Really? I know one thing. IT beats Aoi’s 3p. So if those two moves are the same speed, Sarah’s has more priority

    [ QUOTE ]
    If the damage is the reason why you are complaining, then you must have a problem with 75% of the characters on the game, because most of them have combos which can do as much as, or more damage than Dragon Cannon (which isn't half bar damage, it's more like 80-90). Akira, Brad, Jacky, Jeffry, Wolf, and many other characters all have the ability to take the same amount of damage in one move.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No it’s not. Because the only other person, that I know of, that can juggle like that is Kage. It isn’t the damage I’m mad about. It’s the damage she does while I’m in the air. There’s no way to guard/evade/ fall faster.

    If you think this combo takes down 80-90 then you havent seen this combo. It’s a six hit combo and it ends with a backflip. It all happens while I’m in the air. If it doesn’t take down half bar it’s very close to it.

    Why don’t I play Sarah? Because I don’t like her. Just because she has and advantage over my character doesn’t mean she has the same over anyone else. She doesn’t have the kind of defense I’m looking for. Also If I did have to switch because Sarah had an unfair advantage wouldn’t that kinda prove my point that the game is broken?

    There’s only 2 people in VF that I play with. Aoi and Vanessa. If they cant get the job done then I don’t need to play the game. (cuz I don’t like any one else)

    I’ll save TFT for another topic. If I start talking about that I’ll go off topic.

    Oh, I’d also like to say thanks to everyone for helping me. Thanks to your advice the match is more even. She still has the advantage though. Maybe Sarah vs. Aoi is a bad match up for Aoi?

    I’ve came across another problem. Sarah’s PK (from normal stance) beats 2p among other things. What all does Sarah’s PK beat?
  7. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Dural is overpowered!

    The execution for aoi's [3][P] is 18 frames for evo version b. A little something about priority, if two moves execute at exactly the same time, the move with higher damage wins. If both moves have the same damage, each move lands with major counter.

    Aoi is the lightest character in the game & Sarah's specialty is putting you in the air with her feet. Go figure when you get MC'd (yellow flash, big float) and don't fall forever as your lifebar drains away.

    For right now you need to get it out of your head that the game is screwing you over because from the looks of it, your limitations as a player using aoi versus sarah far outweigh aoi's inherent limitations vs sarah. Aoi is a kickass character and has everything she needs to give anyone fits.

    More practice & less typing. Heck, ask people what to practice and you'll get some good feedback. But no one can help you if you've decided you are doing everything right against sarah and can't win and the game's broken, et cetera.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    Once again, AOI is not a Combo character. Shes an attack pressure character, with cancels, reversals, and very evasive properties. Sarah lack almost all these features except attack pressure.

    to create combos [4][4][P]+[K] is a better option definsively since it can cause a lot of opponent moves to whiff., 3p needs some range to execute. But again Combos are a secondary priority of Aoi. You shouldnt concern yourself with combos so much.

    If you really like combos,
    Sarah, Pai, Lau, Jacky, Brad, Lion, Kage, and even Jeffry come to mind. If Aoi, had a 16 frame launcher, im sure most people would consider her broken as well.
  10. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Saiten said:

    No it’s not. Because the only other person, that I know of, that can juggle like that is Kage. It isn’t the damage I’m mad about. It’s the damage she does while I’m in the air. There’s no way to guard/evade/ fall faster.

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    Kage doesn't have many high damage float combos, he is about working in throws, and making use of his evasive/sabiki properties, not landing a huge combo. A lot more practice and a lot more training, that is all that is needed.

    Also, when people refer to the damage a move does, this includes the damage which is guarenteed as a follow up.
  11. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    Once again, AOI is not a Combo character. Shes an attack pressure character, with cancels, reversals, and very evasive properties. Sarah lack almost all these features except attack pressure.

    to create combos [4][4][P]+[K] is a better option definsively since it can cause a lot of opponent moves to whiff., 3p needs some range to execute. But again Combos are a secondary priority of Aoi. You shouldnt concern yourself with combos so much.

    If you really like combos,
    Sarah, Pai, Lau, Jacky, Brad, Lion, Kage, and even Jeffry come to mind. If Aoi, had a 16 frame launcher, im sure most people would consider her broken as well.

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    I dont care about combo's. I just dont like the feeling of me being cheated. I already told you I'm not switching characters.

    Well since I play with Aoi it really doesnt bother me if she's broken or not. that's something my opponents have to worry about /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    Aoi is the lightest character in the game & Sarah's specialty is putting you in the air with her feet. Go figure when you get MC'd (yellow flash, big float) and don't fall forever as your lifebar drains away.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    Kage doesn't have many high damage float combos, he is about working in throws, and making use of his evasive/sabiki properties, not landing a huge combo. A lot more practice and a lot more training, that is all that is needed.

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    One of the combo’s he does off of TFT takes down quit a bit of damage. He’s the only other person that I have seen that juggles just as much/as bad as sarah. I’m not haveing a problem with him so I don’t care too much about it though.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, when people refer to the damage a move does, this includes the damage which is guarenteed as a follow up.

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    I don’t know how much of what combo(s) are guaranteed or not, I just know when I see half my bar red and I cant block. So when I’m talking about damage I’m talking about from when I start getting hit to when I can block again.


    I’ve came across another problem. Sarah’s PK (from normal stance) beats 2p among other things. What all does Sarah’s PK beat?
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    If you think that stance is tough, don't fight a good Lei or Kage player.
  13. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    THat's just it though Lei doesnt give me any where near as many problems.

    And my problems with Kage are with TFT. Outside of that I dont have any complaints (kage beat's a lot so I say complaints instead of problems)

    THanks to the advice everyone as given, I'm not having no where near as hard a time as I was with sarah. Now if only sarah couldnt juggle as much.
  14. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    One of the combo’s he does off of TFT takes down quit a bit of damage. He’s the only other person that I have seen that juggles just as much/as bad as sarah. I’m not haveing a problem with him so I don’t care too much about it though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think kage gets 89pts max damage

    akira gets 93pts on average in a 4-hit juggle

    but in most cases ur right, because kage is wayyy too over blanaced to be average, and besides, TFT is a distance / ring out tool also. but then again who doesnt complain about kage /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif~~

    oh, and sarah's PK is a hopping tool aswell as a sabaki against high punch high kick, mid punch, mid kick, elbow,, crouch staggers, aswell as gains advantage on block.

    too much? well, it's 27 frames, so just use a knee launcher ur sure to win each time.
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    P+K sucks and isn't active in it's earlier frame as a sabaki. If that's what he's talking about now that is. Not that it's bright for a Sarah to use it in adv as compared to other nitaku if you catch my drift... I wouldn't be suprised if he's talking about p2k though (nothing suprised me anymore).

    Oh snap, swe just did 1-0 against Canada at the start of the hockey, I'm out \o/

  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.


    (OT like hell i know)
  17. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    [ QUOTE ]
    oh, and sarah's PK is a hopping tool aswell as a sabaki against high punch high kick, mid punch, mid kick, elbow,, crouch staggers, aswell as gains advantage on block.

    too much? well, it's 27 frames, so just use a knee launcher ur sure to win each time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    W....T.... F....!!!!!

    27 frames dont matter when the active time is from the very first frame of the move. Oh well, when sarah's not in flamingo I'll make sure to add 6K to my game.

    Does the AI in this game get smarter? Sarah goes into flamingo now a lot more then when I first got the game.
  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    Just backdash.
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    Please, Saiten... Stop complaining about Sarah as f*cking moron.

    I will give you real-life advice from my own expirience, hope it will help you to stop kidding nonsences:

    My friend starts to play Sarah some time ago. I play Jeff. It is harder to play Sarah with him that it is with Aoi AFAIK, but does not matter.

    At first, he ownz me completly - like 50-5. I was out...
    After I go over the phase you are now in (f*king flamingo, broken Sarah), I spend some time in practice learning Sarahs movelist and her possibilities.
    Next time he still ownz me, but not as hard as before, because I know something about Sarah. It was like 40:15
    After I stop complainning again about f*cking flamingo and overpowered Sarah, I take her and spend some time with her in Quest mode - and watch what and how use CPU against me. And I ask (without some stupid phrases, which means that ones using words like "fucking" and "broken") ppl on #VFhome about some help.
    Next time we where nearly even (like 53-50 for me).
    After I stop exult like a moron, I go to practice again and starts to searching about possibilities Jeff have against flamingo and whole Sarah.
    Next time I beat him like 40-25.
    After that matches, I start to think about his flowchart and spend some time in pracice again learning how to broke his flowchart.
    Nect time I own him.
    After he spend some time complainning about ower-powered Jeff, he switch for Aoi.
  20. Saiten

    Saiten Active Member

    Re: Sarah’s flamingo stance is broke as f*ck.

    Unicore, nice story. Your post is a little to late though. I stopped "complaining" on the last page.

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