Regular Euro Room Matches

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Krye, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    If you're in Scotland the best folk to add would be:

    Infamous geezer
    Insect prince

    not sure what their gamertags are specifically but they are scottish players who play on xbl.

    I play as well but not very often at the moment, will start playing more once I move home.

    My gamerag is Seidon VFDC. I don't think it'll be too hard to find matches if you add the euro regulars.

    Folk like Blossy, god3l, Kingo, kahn rahn and such are online pretty often. Marly is on a bit as well

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Well I found a room finally last night with a few players and got thrashed. Bit intimidated by the whole experience as nobody was chatting on mic...just dishing out serious thrashing on myself. I need allot of practice but meanwhile would be nice to join some more friendly rooms where peeps are discussing the game a bit.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I'm playing with pad just now but in the market for a stick.
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Oh I remember playing you! Sorry, I got invited by someone and I didn't really know them. You were playing as Sarah right? I was thinking about using a mic, but nobody was so I was like er.... I'll just play. haha Sorry, I was kinda just trying to play my best. Next time we play, I'll try to go easy on you.

    See you maybe later tonight.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    it's fine...i guess i just wanted to verbally apologise for my piss poor play :) i only downloaded VF5fs a few days ago and am sorely missing my old arcade stick. it's taking me a long time to remember even the basic mechanics of recovery, evade ect. no need to go easy as i like to play better opponents but would be nice to discuss where i'm going wrong.
  6. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Hi guys, sorry, I don't often have the mic on, unless others are chatting away, catch 22 I guess hehe
    If you are going to discuss the game in real-time, I would strongly suggest to get yourself accustomed to the number-pad notation on the keyboard, for example 66 = forward forward, dash, or 1KK = back-down kick kick (Pai's notorious low-high double kick).
    I'm hardly a VF trainer lol, and still picking up many things about the game myself, but I would say to you Max, try and hook up with Blossy some time, as he has plenty of Sarah stuff you may be able to emulate.
    Also, in room lobbies like that, it's kind of the basic etiquette that the winner stays on, and the next person underneath them on the list plays next, unless people are speaking or texting that they will sit the next one out ;) Oh, and the clock, when that gets stopped, if can often mean invites are being sent out for more players to arrive, which may take a few minutes.

    Anyhow, about 20 minutes after this post, I'm jumping back on; let's see what the action is tonight (Saturday)...
  7. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Oh... winner stays on... I thought I'd just let someone else play... oops.

    No need to apologise for something like that. We all started somewhere along the line so doesn't matter how well or bad you think you are doing. What matters is that you're enjoying the game. :)

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    found a nice room last night with some chat going on. still got heavily thrashed. blaming the xbox pad but the truth is my dithering and incompetence. still, in the interest of pretend progress ive ordered an arcade stick. this is good and bad news. good because it might improve my play a little. bad because ill have no further excuses for my terrible play.

    thanks for the games everyone who played me.
  9. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    It takes time to become a good player. It's one thing to have read about all the intricacies of the game, but to actually be able to apply these in a match is another matter entirely. Even the basics are harder than they appear. They're simple, but the speed at which the game throws situations at you makes recognising what action is appropriate for these situations difficult, and actually making a decision at the right time even more so. Then throw in the fact that you can't even be sure of the outcome (since there's always an answer to everything you do), which means you won't even be sure if you did something right or wrong when the opponent defeats your choices, and playing might become very frustrating indeed, because you're constantly questioning whether it was you that messed up, your opponent is just that much stronger than you, or if it's just a crappy game that doesn't suit you (From my own experience (I've asked the last question more than a couple of times, especially during VF5 vanilla questmode when I'd lose the last match of a 32 man tourney and missed a rare item), it's not the game).

    And despite all this, getting better is actually a very smooth ride, just take it one step at a time and don't try to do everything perfect at once. It's fun to see yourself become a better player, gradually taking more matches from those you couldn't even touch at first. As you gradually begin to understand the game, the game just becomes more and more fun.

    To make a long story short: don't beat yourself up over your losses. Do that next year.
    Unicorn, Sozos and CheekyChi like this.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    some well considered remarks there…thanks. i'm not really beating myself up, more firing a warning shot so people don't expect too much from me (for the moment at least). i used to play vf3 and vf4 locally with some good guys a long while ago and at least got to the level of being respectable, but i can honestly say never a good player. despite that i still enjoy vf immensely. it's such a deep and fascinating game that i'm happy to participate in it as a spectator as much as an active player. that said, i'm very glad to find some rooms of people to watch and play with.

    pragmatically, i need to sit down and go through the dojo mode for a few hours as there's some huge changes from what i remember in evo and vf5. lion's attacks and ranges have completely changed. i'm probably going to wait till my Hori RAP arrives before committing myself too heavily. i really can't abide the stock xbox pad.

    thanks again for the advice.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I remember playing on the pad... I was so happy when I finally could do Akira's dragon lance on the 1P side 7/10 times (and his bloody knee). My thumb struggled to move afterwards though hahaha. But then I got used to the pad for playing 3D games and used stick to play 2D games. Now I use stick for both. What I found is that although execution may be slightly better, it didn't mean I became a better player. Being able to perform moves is only one part of the game. Understanding and applying knowledge is where the difference comes in.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Ur absolutely right...I've been beaten by plenty of folks on pads when I had my old Namco stick. I guess it's down to time for me...with extremely limited free time I don't want to sink hours in on pad when I prefer and feel more comfortable with a stick.
  13. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi


    From what I saw, you need to stop mashing buttons and use the Guard more.
    It's the basics: don't attack when you don't have the advantage, guard or evade instead.
    Lion's PPP or 2KK are like his worst moves, just use a single P or only 2K if you want to safely poke. 6P or 8K alone is enough, and continue with the second move of the strings after hit checking: if it's blocked, stop from that.etc.
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  14. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    .... or just spam 43P if you play Aoi

    Sorry for this "useful" post but I couldn't let go this opportunity :rolleyes:
    Krye, Feck, Chibitox and 2 others like this.
  15. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Only scrubs get caught by 43P(blocked), 43P(blocked), 43P -> KO -> Triple replay !!:D
    G0d3L and Feck like this.
  16. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    I've got another story in my own replay! Ahahah!!!:p

    Kingo' Style!!!!!
  17. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I've never played you but have you considered special sparring? I'm not sure playing online is the best arena for training in all cases. If you jack up the difficulty in special sparring to the max and start trying to work your way through the matches you find there you will soon begin to see what works and what doesn't. Plus you can start to get your moves and setups burned into your muscle memory from trying them against the AI. The AI fights pretty tough on the top level so I find it's excellent training but without the pressure of online.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    thanks, I may well try this. my capcom fightstick pro arrived this weekend and since then my game has improved a little. nothing major but I'm enjoying the game allot more with familiar controls. I used stick in my vf3 and vf4 days so it's hard adjusting to pad. my main challenge is finding the time to get play in. we have two young kids and a busy household so even stealing an hour or two in the evening can be a difficult.

    still, I'm getting some good online matches going now which is great. I think I must of added around 20 folks although only a couple seem to play consistently. thanks everyone.
    Mister likes this.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Okay, so to get this thing flowing a bit again, I was thinking it would be a good idea to make a little list of the guys that would be willing to host on tuesday/sunday night. This way, we can do a rollcall on these days to see who can host for a couple of hours. That way, the tags of the guys hosting could be added to the announcement on the day itself, making things a bit more transparant for those wanting to join.

    Say Pai-Chun and myself would be hosting, the message would be something like:

    "Tonight is VF Night, come online and play! Hosting rooms will be 'Krye NL' and 'Lishao Tao GPK', add one of these and ask for an invite if you want to join! See you guys online!"

    Of course, invites would still be spammed. Let me know if the days should be changed. I won't really have time to play let alone host on set times the next 3 weeks, but after that I'll be playing a bit more again to prepare for Sega Cup Europe!
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Confirmed, Sunday 8 'til late is fine for me. I have a fairly good connection, and plenty of tags on list. I usually do them (the rooms) 5 slots, with a couple set on public. Once everyone is in, I tend to skip the timer fairly quick with the X button. I will try and have the mic in, but generally, I'm more of a typer than a talker :p

    Do please post here then if you're from the EU region, and have a fairly solid gaming connection. If someone joins and lags the whole thing down, or acts unpleasant, I will simply close the room and restart without them. Bring your best custom outfits!

    OK then, tomorrow night, 8pm GMT onwards. Obviously if there's enough interest, I can increase the number of slots, but frankly, I've found over 6 can cause desynch and of course takes quite a while for the loser to come back on ;)

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