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Discussion in 'General' started by Myke, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with the writter? I dont found it funny at all........as if it meant to be......
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Doesn't like soccer and sounds like an ass.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    This is safe for work unless you think it's as funny as I do... /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif (really)
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Jesus, What's the world coming to?

    I actually agree with a Weekly Standard article. I hate soccer.

    The best part of that whole tourney was Zinane doing his impression of Jeffrey McWild on that Italian shmuck.

    The last thing the Italian player said was: "Zidane Mama got gold nipples!"

    Big Mistake. Kaboom! Don't fuck with a Frenchman.

    What kind of sport is it where you can have the best player in the world and still know that he probably won't score in a given game?

    I know that this shit is all subjective and I like baseball which can definitely be called boring, but still, how is soccer more popular than basketball worldwide?

    Kick kick. Prance prance. Run run.

    Wake me when it's over.

  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    Jesus, What's the world coming to?

    I actually agree with a Weekly Standard article. I hate soccer.

    The best part of that whole tourney was Zinane doing his impression of Jeffrey McWild on that Italian shmuck.

    The last thing the Italian player said was: "Zidane Mama got gold nipples!"

    Big Mistake. Kaboom! Don't fuck with a Frenchman.

    What kind of sport is it where you can have the best player in the world and still know that he probably won't score in a given game?

    I know that this shit is all subjective and I like baseball which can definitely be called boring, but still, how is soccer more popular than basketball worldwide?

    Kick kick. Prance prance. Run run.

    Wake me when it's over.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    ._.''' i totally agree with you

    now see that link:


  6. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    How many matches have you seen? Which leagues hav you seen. Have you personally played the game. Do you know the skill it requires.

    *sigh* Alas there are many people from different parts of the world who feel like this about football and others likewise about American sports.
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

  8. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

  9. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I have played soccer before. I've seen enough matches to know I don't like it.

    The whole world is stupid for liking soccer.

    Just kidding. I realize that there must be like a lot technique and nuances that make the sport beloved by millions of people.

    I just do not get it. And I think that Jordan, Lebron, Dwayne Wade, etc. are more exciting to watch than Zidane or Chester McMagicfeet or whoever else is kicking the ball around on a given day.

    There's no accounting for tastes.
  10. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DissMaster said:

    There's no accounting for tastes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True to that. I just wish that people were a bit more understanding and open. The same goes for people who don't like American sports.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    DissMaster's dislike for football sounds as intelligible as a VF fan dissing Tekken.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I have played Tekken before. I've seen enough matches to know I don't like it.

    The whole world is stupid for liking Tekken.

    Just kidding. I realize that there must be like a lot technique and nuances that make the game beloved by millions of people.

    I just do not get it. And I think that Ohsu, Chibita, Kurita, etc. are more exciting to watch than MadDogJin or Chester McMagichands or whoever else is flicking the joystick around on a given day.

    There's no accounting for tastes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As for that cbsnews article, I should be amazed that something so ignorant is published on a (major?) US media website, but I'm not.
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Maybe not to everyone's taste (to be honest it isn't entirely to mine but I think it will grow on me) but thought I would link to this.

    Mike Mignola (of Hell Boy fame) has optioned his Comedy, Lovecraftian, Steampunk comic "The Amazing Screw On Head" into a cartoon on the sci-fi channel. Paul Giamatti stars with David Hyde Pierce.

    Intrigued? Check out the entire pilot online. You'll need Flash 9. http://video.scifi.com/player.html?dlid=24379

    also, check out the interview with Brian Fuller at Newsarama. http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=77342

  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    myke i find your post just as ignorant.
    Rememer we "ignorant" americans have virtually no media exposure to soccer, no role models to grow up with, collegiate level "pro" teams on the world level. Plus soccer is not a very media friendly sport. I hate it when teams scores 1-1 in the first 20 minutes then you watch 70 minutes of a draw. Plus about a third of the goals ive seen comes by error, or someone being at the right place at the right time because the ball bounced funny (not that it doesnt take skill to take advantage of the situation but still disconcerting). Basically Dissmaster is saying, we can respect soccer, but theres absolutely no reason to like it because the world does.

    Some people grew up with soccer, we grew up with baseball, basketball, a. football etc . . . . No sport is better than the other, its just preference due to what you grew up with, exposed to and what appeals. I also know that some countries are smaller than certain US counties, and are unable to develop a league. So I pretty much wont force anyone to like basketball as well. If a country puts all their hope into one sport so be it. Although it does bother me that people use this game as a way to riot over war disputes that are hundreds of years old. Thats another story though.
  15. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    we "ignorant" americans

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not about calling the people ignorant, it's about someone who just disses a sport just because they don't like it. I personally don't like American football, but I don't go around saying it's a stupid sport.

    That's what I hate, bratty and ignorant people. You don't like a sport, fine I respect that, but if a huge amount of people are playing and enjoy the sport then it can't be that stupid. As I said, this happens on both sides of the world. All of America likes American football and if some guy from England says it's stupid then obviously he's wrong.

    Now let's end this topic before it gets too big.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    myke i find your post just as ignorant.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you referring to my lack of surprise at the ignorance in that cbsnews article? Otherwise, please enlighten me, because not once in this thread have I said anything negative about American sports (only one particular American media site).

    Not understanding or enjoying a particular sport is one thing, but to ridicule it in such a way appears, to me, to be an exercise in justifying one's own ignorance.
  17. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    It's funny that you wrote that, myke. I was actually going to compare soccer to tekken, but I didn't want to piss off the soccer fans who hadn't really done anytihng to me to warrant such an analogy being dropped on them.

    I do not exactly know why Americans are so apathetic about soccer. One guess: Americans can play any sport they want. If you live in a third world country, what will you do? Probably play soccer. That still doesn't explain its popularity in Europe...

    American football is very expensive. It still seems to me like it should be more popular, but the rest of the world does not care about it. Maybe the time between plays or something. But the about football is that the game is played at near 100% intensity, with everyone sprinting on about every play. For my money Barry Sanders was one of the most amazing atheletes we will ever see. Every game he did something amazing.

    Baseball has tradition and the sloooowww pace makes it a great game for stories and characters. That said, I totally understand why some people cannot watch the game. It's rules are relatively arcane and it's ultra slow.

    I think that basketball will eventually surpass soccer as the world's most popular sport because it's the most entertaining to watch in my opinion. College and yes, the NBA. I watched a lot of the last playoffs and they were awesome. Look at Steve Nash and Dwayne Wade and Lebron - all those guys are great and they are going to take over games unless you deal with them. The players make the sport great because they can be counted on to play a very high level on nearly every night. When was the last game in which Shaq did not dunk or Steve Nash did not hit a jumper?

    Kobe's a dickhead rapist, but I digress...

    The only thing I like about soccer is that once, every four years, the world is tured upside down and the USA is the world's bitch, getting pimp-slapped by the likes of Ghana. Our military and corporations and fast food and pop culture may run wild across the globe, but we get spanked at the world's favorite sport. It is funny and we do deserve it.
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    i just find you very defensive, when soccer comes around as a topic. It was more of your response to dissmaster if anything and trying to make him look like an idiot, even though he claimed it was personal preference issue. If someone smudged your pumas, let it slide. . . .

    im sure someone will get that joke. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  19. Neko

    Neko Well-Known Member

    I don't hate soccer, I even stayed up from 2 to 5 in morning here to watch the world cup, and the head butt made it all worth it, that was classic.

    But I would like to express my individual opinion on soccer. During the "cup fever" here in china, soccer was just about all you could watch on television, before coming here, I can honestly say I had never watched a complete game of soccer. But a possible reason occured to me as to why so many americans find it boring.

    I don't know of another sport where a team can just kick the ball around in the backfield and just stall like a soccer team. I guess technically you can do that in ice hockey, but that is whole different enviroment and in my opinion much more dangerous. I saw this in many matches, where a team is up like 1-0 and they just kick the ball around in the backfield for what seems like a lifetime, all just to eat time off the clock. A korean match sticks out in my mind, for like the last 10 to 20 minutes of the game they just kicked the ball around, and even the fans started booing I think. But the announcers where like, "smart smart, don't make the mistake like japan made" (they had a match where in the final minutes the opposing team came from behind to win)

    you dont have to score a lot to make a sport exciting, but attempts must be made. I guess you can say attempts is the key. Which is why low scoring games of say hockey and even american football, are generally more exciting to watch than soccer. This is due to the physical contact involved and larger number of these "exciting occurences" (ie hard hits in football and hockey, long passes/runs in football, the larger amount of shot attempts on goal in hockey, and so on)

    last thing, a long time ago when basketball was first formed there was no 24 second clock (and obviously no 10 second (8 second now, i think?) backcourt violation), the games would sometimes consist of players throw using the length of the court to not score a basket, but to keep their lead and keep the ball out of the other team's hands...could you image watching a basketball game like that today? Well...I guess you don't have to, you can just watch soccer /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    PhoenixDth said:

    i just find you very defensive, when soccer comes around as a topic.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What are you talking about? How often has it come around as a topic around here, and when/if it has, when have I been defensive about it?

    You know what? Who cares if you find me defensive!? And what's wrong with being defensive anyway?

    [ QUOTE ]
    It was more of your response to dissmaster if anything and trying to make him look like an idiot

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sorry, that's not right at all and I can't help it if that's a conclusion you came to. Anyway, what's with you jumping to everyone's aid around here suddenly? DissMaster is hardly someone who needs any help from the big bad forum admin allegedly trying to make him look like an idiot.

    What spaked my reply was him agreeing with an article which I thought was ignorantly and arrogantly written, and I consider him to be one of the more intelligent users around here. Anyway, judging by his reply to me, I think he understood full well the point I was trying to make with the analogy. I guess it's a shame you didn't.

    First you call me ignorant and when asked to explain, you call me defensive? ummm... nice one.

    <insert obscure joke reference here>

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