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PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Good games to Piccolo and Brodiman (wow you are a lot stronger than how I remember you were). Also gg's to Dhezz, wanted to finish our last match but PSN acted up. Been getting lagged out nonstop in the past week, hopefully this will change as it was hard enough trying to get games in before.
  2. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Why Valkrie no play in room with Nomas, Me, and the crew??

    GG's shadow, Nomas, and phoxx.
    Wanna say that your Vane has improved quit a bit Shadow and that I really like the phoxx Eileen! We need more Eileens, nice that there is another solid one on PSN (Blaze is obviously very good).. Nomas wolf is a cheap Shang impersonator ^_^
  3. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Damm. I never get invited to rooms anymore. Only that one special Halloween room. Im missing all the action :(
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    SNAKEBOSS didn't invite you??

    All my rooms are public unless the entire crew is on at once.
  5. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone in DomAug's room today. Lots of good matches and aside from a few hiccups psn ran smoothly.

    Even got to play some people that I had never played before like Libertine and Phoxx. Hope to play your guys again in the future.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    GGs to Jaytecx, LegendOfTheTofu, domaug, ExzetyXat1, VF2011, Valakrie, banok, Phoxx, Alstein, Detriment99, and everyone else that I've played recently.
  7. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    GGs to Libertine, Nomas_Tomas, M-F-B, Phoxx, exzetyXaT1, Nammerai, redblizzaga, and everyone else who stuck around tonight in the room match i hosted.
    steelbaz likes this.
  8. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    I actually never know when these rooms are actually created tbh lol. Besides my connection has been really incompatible lately, even with people who I normally have a perfect connection with.
    steelbaz likes this.
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GG's Rodnutz, Vencabot, Phoxx, McTriple, Shadow, DoMaug, Nomas, and everyone else I played with over the weekend.
  10. llMICll

    llMICll Well-Known Member

    ggs to everyone i played last night: M-F-B, WirdoGuy, and especially LauVF (we're always going back and forth with the wins, I haven't gotten the edge on you yet). And it's very cool to see new people popping up and playing VF online because it's the best fighting franchise right now.
  11. Vick Vega

    Vick Vega Well-Known Member

    Even though it's a stupid name, TUCHMAHBALLZ has a pretty good Lau.
  12. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    You really think so? I don't.
  13. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Ggs to Frogzilla and Hades J last night. Connection was pretty bad but still learnt a lot.

    No doubt that Hades would totally whip me offline, but I managed to sneak in 2 wins against him(he had at least 10 on me), which was very encouraging.

    I wanted to play Frogzilla more as well but someone else kept beating me to him. I think he's the highest ranked Aussie on PSN right now?
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    You're joking right?
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  15. Vick Vega

    Vick Vega Well-Known Member

    Uh, no. As far as Lau's go, he's the only one who doesn't spam the same 4 hit combo over and over like every other Lau player
  16. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Tuch_MyBallz? The guy that's ranked #1 on PSN? But he's only #1 because he only plays players that are extremely weak? And once those players start beating him, he no longer challenges them? That Tuch_MyBallz?

    I must have caught him on a bad day then, because when I played him (the few times he was willing to accept my challenges), he couldn't seem to remember any other string other than PPPK or PPP2K...

    But, hey, as long as you had fun, that's all that matters I guess...
  17. Vick Vega

    Vick Vega Well-Known Member

    He only plays once in a blue moon. He never plays me either. Only when he picks me. He's number one? I'm shocked
  18. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    he's number one only because he plays people he assumes he can beat and he'll probably DC if you beat him. if you're, say, an Assassin or higher, he will almost never challenge you, and if you challenge him, there's a good chance he'll turn tail and duck you.

    i thought his Lau was VERY spammy the one time he allowed me to play him.
  19. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    GGs to Cha-mame. I only managed to beat him once. After that he took his game to a whole new level and crushed me. Every game that passed became easier for him as he completely read my play style.

    I need to work on my game if I want to get my sarah to the same level as him. Anyone who wants to play a good sarah should definitely try to play him in ranked.
  20. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    TuchMaBallz Lau is kindergarten level brah.
    Zekiel and Koenraku like this.

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