PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    GGs to Jide last night. Also GGs to griever for when we played a little while back.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  2. Futubaaoi

    Futubaaoi Active Member

    bus orez
    GGs to shaka_zulu.
  3. S1p3r_W0lf

    S1p3r_W0lf New Member

    I'm very horrible remembering names. But GG to everyone I've played. I'm the guy who plays Wolf with the all red wrestling gear, championship belt, and red towel.

    I've been destroyed by plenty but it's been fun games!
  4. Rip_Ridah

    Rip_Ridah Member

    GG's to you too man.
  5. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ggs if anyone I've played lately is in here.

    I will never get out of hunter, it's too fun fighting people I know will kick my ass. Plus I still fight kyu's and dan's 90% of the time, and I still lose to stupid bullshit all too frequently.
  6. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    ggs to everyone I've been playing aside from BlackBeltSpartan although I'm sure he doesn't frequent this site.

    extra ggs to the guys in the room match I joined, seems much more fun than ranked and I get to show off my sexy pink Jeffry.

    Up for more room matches with anyone and everyone. I need a bigger friend list of VFDCers. PSN tag is Koenraku.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    GGs to the peoplez I met in the room last night. C-Man and Esipo get shout outs for just being fun.

    Also, JaLoHa...I'll get my revenge sucka...
  8. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    ggs seyu/volX. u have some nice custo's [​IMG]
    are you usually on in the later hours?
    where are u from europe-wise?
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I've seen you in ranked quite a bit, always good games from what I can remember. Not sure if you're the Kage player or not though...
  10. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    GGs last night to M-F-B. Can't remember your VFDC name, but it was good getting more matches in. Keep working the Jean!
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am surprised at that serious as good as your Aoi is. I would have figured that random auto reversals would stuff most of the cheap crap people use. If I played Aoi and I knew they were spamming I would own them with that. That is why I go out of my way to avoid using aoi whenever I can so I don't start doing that. You can choose to play custom and choose your opponent because you will get a lot of kyus and low dan ranked people if you just go random search the whole time. My Pai on PSN is a Raider after 200 matches and she was beating named ranked people when she was dan ranked. You should be ranked higher than me personally based on what I saw from our room battle earlier.
  12. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    oh hey man didn't know you were on VFDC! ggs before and thanks for the kind words but your pai is super solid, you were beating me up real good [​IMG] I certainly should not be ranked higher than you, I have a few nice combos but as hard as I've been playing, I am still a noob just learning the basics in this game.
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    GGs to Mike-Mike2818 (I think that's the username) in the Player Match lobby.

    I played under my Alt-Account: PoppaTwink. Originally went online to play with a friend who is on that buddy list (Chanchai buddy list is full and with people I do not want to delete).

    I apologize if my asking you if you were Mike90210 was annoying, was just hoping to see an old friend online ^_^

    That said, nice Jean! I really enjoyed the fights!

    And sorry if my comments about online play came across the wrong way, Mike90210 would have known I meant I was just commenting about things I should try to work on for online play because I'm not used to it in this game yet. Again, not a complaint, just out-loud thinking "I need to work on this." Netcode is great though.

    I just need to:

    * tweak my online combo list

    * realize that some-dash-cancelling stuff might get delayed (I was trying to get used to backdash-cancelling online and this is why I kept doing stuff from too far online, I usually cancel it at the right place offline, I'll get used to it)

    * tell myself to make the low/high block decision sooner and not "confirm" so much as react early in the animations or because I know it's going to happen (I tend to wait pretty late offline before doing a reflex low block).

    I like your Jean, really like your knowledge of enemy strings, and you were watching to learn sequences and what not. Good combos too. Maybe too defensive when your health was at a disadvantage and time was running out. Really good, solid play overall!

    Nice to meet you!

    P.S. To JaLoHa21, I'm really sorry we didn't get to fight today!
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GG's pcmrco.
  15. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    That was me. GGs. You were destroying me with Shun, he's so hard to read, I never know where you'll attack next.

    We'll play again soon.
  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    GGs to the many people I fought. I do remember playing Cha-Mame3 quite a few times. Out of the several matches we had I managed to snag a few wins, and then he turned up the heat. I accidentally rung myself out in one round though [​IMG]

    Hope to get more matches in and strengthen my Jeffry.
  17. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GG's xBadNewsx, Venco, GoTigers, and everyone else who I played over the last 4 or 5 hours.
  18. x_BadNewsBear_x

    x_BadNewsBear_x New Member

    GG. I need to remember that I have a guard button, lol.
  19. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    -kneeninja. don't know what to do vs lion [​IMG]
    -darksoul173, good games there
    -Konradinho, nice pai!
    -0despair0, too scared of brad!

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member

    GGs to u too. Sooo sooo gdlk.

    LMFAO yeah those were fun Chai. And you're a great guy and strong player. Thanks for all the info you provided in the FB group page too. Very helpful, and improved my game a lot.

    Also vggs to truewiseman. Christ can't mix this guy up if my life depended on it lol. Incredibly good player.

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