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PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I ran into a local guy I've wanted to play for a long time and he wanted to meet in ranked, so I declined a few really nice green bar matches so I could play him. Just wanted to say sorry if that was anyone from here and I was not cherrypicking and if you see me again please challenge again... nice rank greenbar matches are always nice :)
  2. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to KillaKen, Syncere99, Hydrakid, Nomas_Tomas, and everyone else I played today! :3
    KillaKen likes this.
  3. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    ggs everyone on rank...

    sorry to KillaKen for rage quitting man, but the 2nd to last fight we had I got a low sweep on you and u hit the cage and i inputted my overhead to nothing, you came back and got a run up throw on me -_- Nothing personal, but the last fight it happened again on wakeup when I inputed a dash evade guard cancel and got smacked...take it personal if you want and we won't play anymore, just doing what I thought was "fair" in my own head anyways...I really do have anger issues though, even if my daughter turned off the TV during a fight, a loss is a loss...nothing personal, online and pais' in general got the best of me, sry again...i'm actually thinking about quitting altogether, it's making me too competitive.

    oh yeah, fuck everyone who calls lion cheap. I have to think about almost every move before I do it, he has like no strings, but kage, pai, jacky, el blaze etc...get to keep you in blockstun for 3-5 seconds at a time while they decide the ending to there mix-up -_- lol...lion just has an annoying voice, nothing cheap about him, especially once you realize all his lows are punishable...

    btw--no one has a chat room on PSN? think I'm gonna start one up...

    Should we call it a custom name like Hadouken Haven or Sidestep, or just keep it VFDC? thoughts?
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone I ran into in Ranked tonight. Some extremely good matches.

    Shout out to KillaKen, that Pai is quite strong...
  5. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    Feel you man...I used to play jacky and all i got was omg he's so cheap, all he does is lp and throw etc etc. Honestly today i played in a room full of guys that thought lp was cheap and my calculated sweep was cheap(if it's cheap, block it, and actually punish it). I play lau now and find myself burning out on just the sheer amount of time i spend playing different levels of ppl, to trash talk me for lp'ing and sweeping you is like a retard saying why you talking down to me?!?!

    Lets get something really straight here, If i'm not talking to you in voice chat, I don't respect you. It's easy to misinterpret me being super patient, with me actually starring at my opponent thinking to myself, "seriously? this was your flow chart??" I'll just stand here and watch you...Given that fact I played for hours today and fought many MANY guys that think my playstyle is cheap and easily stopped. I'll leave you with this, those rounds you get excellented and starred at, are statement rounds....be sure to make a note of those. Til then, I'll look forward to seeing some of you scrubs at ACTUAL tournaments with non lag conditions and face to face so i can tell you what i'm hitting you with and why you can't react the way i can....

    PS: just vented, some of these psn guys have me wondering if I should go Xboxlive cause they can't even tell when someone is fucking with them.
    Omnistalgic and shadowmaster like this.
  6. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    u have it worse, jacky has the infamous flip kick as well?! Akira's shoulder ram on counter hit does like the same damage -_- no "CHEAP fAGGOT" hate comments there...lol

    meh, every fighter has it's exploitable things in fighting games, I think the only reason I'm getting so frustrated is because I had a much higher standard of VF5 because of it's reputation, but there's "DERPY" stuff in every fighting game it seems. And I'm sure all the heavy string characters won't agree, but, especially with someone starting off like me, I feel they definitely have the advantage in beginner/intermediate level, since you don't have to be as patient and thought reserved with your attacks. Which is a shame, beginner/intermediate is likely where I'll stay forever and my favorite characters are lion/akira -_- although I do like Jean and he's pretty easy to grasp.
  7. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    @shadowmaster, yup I'm one of the few Taka players there. Stuck at Hunter right now tho 'cause cant play with anybody on player match, so been practicing moves on rank instead.
    @Omnistalgic, ggs but I try to avoid ur Lion, I find it hard to guard/shift against those tracking lows and mids.
    @KillaKen, ggs and thanks for the advice, I might be able to fight off your Jacky now.
  8. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    @BlondieVF5, ggs I think... but with how easy Jacky can go from low punch to a flip kick, idk :)
  9. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member


    So basically what you're saying is because you fucked up your wall combo and lost that you felt it was "fair" to rage quit when you fucked up again in the next match.

    Yeah that makes sense. If you drop a match that you feel like you "should" of or "could" of won then run it back. I've lost plenty of matches where I dropped a combo, and I never EVER rage quit. That's the most bitchmade thing to do in a fighting game.

    Nobody is cheap in the game, because everything in this game has an answer to. You're just whining because you lose. LOL @ Lion having no strings, but then start naming characters who have far less options overall than him. Maybe you should check some high level Lion videos so you can understand how the good ones play him.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  10. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I play Jacky? Didn't know that.
  11. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    You'll spend more time looking for matches than playing them on XBox Live.

    I have it on the both systems. It's way easier finding matches on PSN. There are hardly any disconnects in Room Matches on XBL though, but it's literally like a ghost town during some hours.

    I have to add more VF people on my Xbox Live account because I can't find too many matches.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  12. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Omnistalgic, even though we've only played one game in Ranking mode, you are a good Lion player and I enjoyed our mirror fight despite the fact I lost the match. There's no need for you to be frustrated. Try to remember that every loss is the result of two things : the performance of your opponent and the things you do or you don't do, in a fight.
    Chanchai and Omnistalgic like this.
  13. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    dude, why do you think I posted this on the forum? I said what was "fair" in my on own head...well, I guess you can't see the tone of the argument, but it was shameful at best. I have no problem getting demoted, or losing 10 times in a row, you can ask anyone on here who's played me, I didn't quit on you personally, I literally threw the controller and smashed my PS3 power button and TV lol...like I said, I have anger issues, and right now that's just coming out as frustration in the game. The other side of me, besides the childish rage however, is another pathetic defect, I need people to accept me -_- So I'll keep apologizing to you, even if you never play me again, till u at least accept it wasn't anything directed towards you. And, after remembering how that felt when people did it to me, I know & understand why you would take it personally. After someone's d/c on me, I usually put them on my blocklist, so (especially since we were having good games) I'm sure you felt that was a personal jab, but I assure you, it's just Omni's ridiculous immaturity and growing up he has to do, even though I'm 25 with a kid, when it comes to competitive anything, I really am still a brat. Just so you know I'm being genuine, here's something else embarrassing. When I was 10, I used to stay up all night and play SF2 on very hard, and cry until I beat Bison at the end -__-

    On the watching videos, Yeah, that's what I'm doing now atm...looking at high level play for all characters. My rant wasn't saying any character is truly cheap, but that certain characters are better suited for beginner, intermediate, expert play, and it'll be easier on you based on skill level, but that's also subjective. Strings, especially when first starting, just seems like it'll give you an easier time, but I know for a fact that a new player beginning with Jeffrey, will just shake his head at me for ranting about Lion's lack of strings. This is why it's just a rant, it the moment whining, and I take full responsibility for that.

    sorry again, and great footwork and mix-up on your Pai, you made me damage my PS3'-)
  14. Omnistalgic

    Omnistalgic Active Member

    much appreciated sir...

    After the incident with KillaKen, a player I actually respect, I see my anger/frustration is much bigger than just losing and videogames. I literally beat myself up for missing an opportunity/failing at inputting something correctly. I think my performance in games is actually effecting my self esteem. I just realized how I had to get into the "top" bracket of just about every fighter that I've picked up since the online boom, and now I'm truly realizing how much I'm damaging myself, robbing myself of fun, and disrespecting some nice people...appreciate the post tho bra...tks
  15. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    GGs to the few people I ran into in Ranked and Room matches.

    I hate to say it, but it looks like the player population of VF on PSN is shrinking :(. Getting hard to find matches these days...or atleast it seems that way during east coast daylight hours...
    Riq likes this.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Cha-mame for destroying me for what was probably like 20 matches in a row. I almost managed to win a fight a few times. That counts, right? No? Damn. Props to you for letting me try and try again though; most people would have gotten bored and moved on. I think I could get a fight on you eventually, with enough practice and a shit load of luck. You're definitely in the top three players I've faced.
  17. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Good games to Elite (Koenraku) and LibertineVFDC in Elite's room. I was just getting batted around like a toy and was feeling super weak, but I managed to take a couple of lucky wins here and there. I can't feel bad about losing, though, because you guys are some of the strongest players that I've ever seen. It was nice to finally see Libertine around, too; I wasn't even aware of who he played. Is Brad your main? Whether or not it was, it was certainly super, super strong. Good stuff.

    Thanks for the matches! Back to being relegated to the PS2 while my brother plays Tales of Graces f.

  18. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    sorry about that, I should have said Pai :)

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member

    Well it's been fun people. Losing to throws and mashing buttons. But this is my retirement post. Tekken comes out on Tuesday and I probably won't be playing much VF tomorrow. But if Tekken Tag 2 is good, then fuck VF haha.

    Maybe next time.

    GGs to everyone I EVER played in this game. And the good players who know they're good, good shit on trying to defend in what u believe in...for this game. I respect it. Even though I don't "get" it.

    Oh well...


    P.S: DoA is gay. And VF characters don't belong in that garbage.
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I was playing Cidkid. I need Lei experience since there aren't that many good Lei's around. If it makes you feel any better I got beat up. :mad: Lei's stances are very strong if you don't know how to deal with them.

    GGS to everyone I've played over the past few months.
    Omnistalgic and Chanchai like this.

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