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PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the couple of games earlier, Vencabot. Sorry I had to bail, but my wife wanted me to go to the store with her. Your Pai is infinitely better than the last time we played (which was quite a few weeks ago). You've definitely improved with using throw escapes and stuff, and you're much less reliant on the low-kick > high-kick spam, too. Still use a bit too much abare for my liking, but it works well, at least against me, since I'm used to fighting very moral players and don't have much experience against abare (even though I use it a lot myself).

    Also, I came across a pretty good Wolf player called Dojikyo. He said he wasn't on VFDC but that he'd heard of us - I tried to convince him to register. He uses throw escapes and clearly knows how frame advantage/disadvantages work, and he has a pretty decent offensive game. Give him a few matches if you see him in ranked.
  2. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Good games to everybody in VFNumbers' room: Raze--, Canon77, animelord79, Nomas_Thomas, M-F-B, Jaidin (whose wall-combos I finally got to behold), and... well, I think that's everybody, other than some randoms that popped in and out. It was a great time.

    Thanks for the good games in Ranked, RIP-Byatch, and to FacingAli as well. Also, good games to brooklyndred, who's a novice that took me through a loop by playing a very unpredictable Shun. It'd be cool to see him around the community.

    Also, good games, Genzen, even if we only got a couple in. I got your PSN message, of course, so I know that shit happens.

    Good night!

    VFnumbers likes this.
  3. WingedRegent

    WingedRegent Member

    GGs to x808xPunk for some decent back and forth matches. Same to 02Slik09. Had some pretty fun matches where I had to change my playstyle accordingly, and I learned quite a few things in the exchanges. I also have a few other GGs to give, but for some of them, I gotta upload pics of the messages I got from them to properly give them credit. Exchanged some messages with some opponents and overall had some great games! Also gotta check out my PSN Sent list as well for a full list of GGs. =)
  4. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    GG to everyone yesterday in VFnumber's room. And thanks to Vencabot for sending me the invite so I could join.

    The room was fun to play in and the play level was high which made it very exciting.
    VFnumbers likes this.
  5. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    I just want to say good games to I_am_shidosha (or shidoshi, not sure). I don't know if he is on this forum on not, but I tried my best to defeat his taka but ended up getting beat pretty bad and lost a rank (lol). Not going to lie I got a little frustrated around the end, felt like I was fighting a tekken character at times. Oh well I have a lot to learn still so thanks for the beating, hopefully we can fight again! :)
  6. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Damn, such a good night on VF, tonight, thanks to the VFDC community. VFNumbers' room was awesome (Raze--, M-F-B, CANON77, Jaidin, Tiripsm, Darksoul, and the host, of course), and Raze--'s after-party was awesome, too (small room for the win). I hadn't seen a lot of Jaidin or Tiripsm, so it was really cool to meet them and see what was up. Also, special thanks to VFNumbers for bringing enough lo mein to share with the entire class, even if he did keep it all to himself, anyway. So much fun.

    I didn't get to use any of my new tech (because I don't really know how to get myself into the right situations, yet), and, in fact, I fell back pretty heavily on my 9KK habit, since I was fighting so many players that don't know me and who were falling for it. I better shake it off before the Circuit, tomorrow, because it wasn't doing me any favors a couple of weeks ago; that's for sure. Also, I'm noticing that I never block after I throw a 2P; I always WS K. I mean, I've joked, before, that I never rise from a crouch without using a WS K, but it never really struck me before today that I always do it, even if my 2P is blocked. It's a habit I've trained in accidentally because people try something slow and get caught by the 15-frame WS K, but, against an opponent that properly hit-checks (or somebody that learns to reverse mid every time I 2P), that could really bite me in the ass.

    Good games, everybody! I'm lucky to know you guys. If not for VFDC, I'd definitely have gotten bored by VF by now. I love the game, but what I really enjoy is playing it with fun people.

    Good night!

    Tiripsem likes this.
  7. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    Gg to domaug and brodi. Bah I felt so stupid losing those games vs you brodi. Really felt like I could win. I kept reacting slow to that sweep and wasn't punishing hard enough.

    Nice oki domaug. I could kinda see your pattern later on though.

    Also I kept falling for the stupid evades ugh. I was training in dojo for a quick kick cancel to punish failed evades but I kept pressing buttons haha
  8. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    GGS to Jaidin Tripisem Nomas Venca and steelbaz (for also hosting this small and fun room)
    i had great time
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Good games, Canon, Kishin, Venca, Nomas, jaidin, Tirip, M-F-B, darksoul, shadowmaster, and VFnumbers (even though that blazetwist stuff wasn't cool)!! GG's to everyone else I played with today, i'm hungry and tired so if I forgot to name drop you my bad.
    Tiripsem and VFnumbers like this.
  10. cka

    cka Active Member

    GGs to everyone I've fought recently, and special mentions go out to PARIS_CZ84 for those wacky shun mirrors (right down to the move flow and almost the costume lol) and sskgss for the Eileen matches, hardly ever get a chance to go against a decent Eileen in my low ass ranking tier
  11. GoldenBoi1

    GoldenBoi1 Active Member

    GGs to Lethalmind, Dojikyo, and SPlsick. Lethal your vanessa was an inspiration, lsick very solid sarah, and doji you reminded my why bagi quan hurts so much lol, nice akira.
  12. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    GGs BG_Akira, Beasty, J6, Bogus, SHIZNICKMASTA, and vicviper from round robin 2 bracket 5. a 5-2 performance is much better for me.

    sorry to miss out on facing Denkai. would have almost certainly made my record 4-3 instead.
    BeastEG likes this.
  13. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    Indeed, GG Dom! You definitely gave a much better performance. I am still way too nervous about it, but I am getting better. Just gotta train harder!
    BeastEG likes this.
  14. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to all of the Bracket #5 peeps today! I had a ton of fun and hopefully my hosting skills were satisfactory :cool:
  15. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Good games to M-F-B, VFnumbers, Drift, samtheseed, Rodnutz, and Elite in the bracket, today. It was an awesome honor to be in the same bracket with you guys. If Raze-- and Kamais would have been there, it would have been like dying and going to VF heaven, for me, haha... It's a shame that nobody stuck around for casuals, because I could never get enough play against you guys, but I can appreciate why; it would have been exhausting even without the lags and disconnects, and I sure as Hell could use a break from VF for tonight after that tension.

    Thanks for the matches, and I hope to get in with you guys again before too long!

    Koenraku and VFnumbers like this.
  16. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    GG to everyone is bracket 4 today. It was the group of death and I got killed, but there were some great matches to play and watch. I look forward to playing all of you again once I've gotten better so I can at least survive.

    And sorry if I sounded like a jerk today guys. Those disconnects really pissed me off, I just need some time to cool off. You would probably all have crushed me anyways.
  17. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    No law against being frustrated and getting salty when you get disconnects like the ones you were getting. That's rough, man, but you fought awesomely and the uploaded video will reflect that. Your Sarah is glorious to behold.

  18. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone in bracket 6. Were some really good, close matches.....until PSN started doing crack again...

    Shoutout to Arjay for organizing the room....

    Massive salty shoutout to hurtfulthings for beating me....was a good match....I want rematch....:oops:
  19. hurtfulthings

    hurtfulthings Member

    Don't worry, you're still the better player by a wide, wide margin. I seriously doubt that I'd win an actual set.
  20. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    gg raze and others in the game. aoi/pai/vanessa are my biggest weaknesses and somehow you guys picked two out of three haha.

    still got a long way to go with my akira... i keep like stopping the pressure once i get hit a few times. gets scared too easily

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