PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Not too much playA(A)S today! Good morning all! Send me PM on PSN if anyone want talk about life! I like good jokes for fun!
  2. Prime

    Prime Active Member

    GGs to Raze,white rice,shadow and everyone else in that room.pretty much got bodied but i enjoyed watching everyone else fight lol.Gonna be working it out in dojo till i'm able to put up a more respectable showing
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    GG's Prime! I didn't think you were doing badly, thanks for joining the room!
    You should save replays and put the frame data when you replay them, on the matches you think you didn't do to well in.. That's what I do [​IMG]

    Very GG's ShadowReaper, Kishin, and ofcoarse White Rice lmao (start posting and join the f'n circuit already). Ranked was ass last night, so I wouldn't have gotten in any good fights without the invites/rooms.
  4. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i didn't post it here yet, so GGs from last night to Rodnutz, BogusMeatFactory, M-F-B, vicviper, SHIZNITMASTA, and Vencabot. i got pretty damn salty over the first 5 matches but finished kinda strong. it was still a good time.
  5. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    Indeed it was! My performance was horrible, but I had a blast none the less! You guys were all great!
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    ggs RIP and Shag. Thanks for that demotion following the Goh rape. Also, great matches during the PS3 circuit last night, very fun despite the kinks.

    Oh and gg to Darksoul for his awesome side turned combos of doom.
  7. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    gg to bogusmeatfactory

    never was good vs pai but i learned. You were getting a little too predictable with that palm punish so I was just sidestepping all over you.

    Also GG to numbers. Online akira woo yeah beat him on ranked lol
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    GGs to Tiripsem. Sorry about my playstyle agaisnt Aoi. I respect her reversals and parry enough to try to change my playstyle quite a bit. I hope to get more matches against your Aoi!
  9. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Great games! Sorry for my cringe worthy bad plays against my other characters, I keep playing with them in hopes of learning their frames more but just end up looking horribly scrubby. Best Brad I've seen on PSN so far too. Looking forward to future rematches!
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I understood why you were using those other characters. I should be doing that too, but haven't motivated myself yet. Don't fear failure!
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GGS to all the people I faced recently in ranked I don't play it much but they are always very interesting. The only notable person I recalled playing by name specifically I really enjoyed the most was the match with brodiman's Sarah she was nasty good and required me to be more patient than I want to be every time I face you. There were a number of matches with dan ranked people I liked too especially a Vanessa player I can't recall off the top of my head. I wish they would have the PS3 remember who I played because those other people deserve more props than they get if people didn't just focus on their rank and take some time to see who else is out there looking to test their skill against better people.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    GG's to everyone in numbers room, was cool to see akai and tirip in there [​IMG]
  13. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    If I didn't have to work last night I would have been in that room I would have loved to face off with a real pai player like Akai. I don't play him too much and I don't practice with a Pai that is actually better than me too often.
  14. Jaytecx

    Jaytecx Member

    @ ROSE

    How clever, lolol :) played you again last night, ggs.
  15. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    ggs to everyone i played today. Especally to unicorn_cz and his mean wolf. Had a lot of fun:)
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    The GGs goes to you!

    Oh and... mean wolf? Lol [​IMG] Your Jean was the mean one in our matches! I have damn a lot to learn still...
    Thank you for great games and hopefully we will play again in the future [​IMG]
  17. Futubaaoi

    Futubaaoi Active Member

    good games to elite and anybody else I ran into today.
  18. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    GGs to volx ( I like that you are more offensive than before), Bilal_87, Hazuki_StyleDC, Jide (best Goh on the PSN), Paris_CZ84, Zas255, Noe1990, ManjimaruFI, Hades_KR, Neonomide, InfamousGeezer. I need to improve my defence ASAP...
  19. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Thanks for hanging out, animelord79 and Raze--, and to the other Vanessa, player, too, whose screen-name I don't recall, since it was my first time seeing him (Tanooki_____). I wasn't planning to play for very long, so I'm really glad that it was you guys that I got to play with before passing out, haha.

    I think that Raze-- and I didn't face each other as much, tonight, but thanks to animelord79 for punishing my over-reliance on standing-guard with throws. Kamais warned me about that, before, and I've successfully abare'd out of a couple of throws in Ranked when I was sure that they'd go for it, and I've felt really proud, haha. Nobody's ever abused me for it like animelord, though, and it's good to have to be forced to mix up my style a bit.

    Good games, and thanks again!

  20. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    It was easy to read but I don't like being that defensive but you weren't reacting to it until the very end especially when you finally broke the neutral throws I was using. Picking and choosing your spots are key that is why I don't TE too much because people don't always throw when I TE so it throws me off completely. Now that you know I can play either way if you use 1 style or another it should be interesting to see what happens from now. I learned to play that style by playing better people before but I was too lazy to actually apply it too much until I saw how quick you were to rely on TEing as your only defense for awhile. You will figure things out soon enough with real experience but either way playing that defensive isn't something I like to do most of the time.

    GGs to all the people in the room too and my second character Van did a better job that I expected considering I don't play her much now. I want to give special notice to Gotsu87 too and all the other people in ranked like Genzen and Settrip. Gotsu87 reminded me of my own Pai as far as how patient this person was and how smart this person was with her pokes. I lost the first match and I won the second one barely that was the highlight of my evening in ranked overall too at that point.

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