PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Learned some good tech from each other. Good times were had...

    Face-rolling is now legitimate strategy...good show...
    BeastEG, BLACKSTAR and Dark Nova Void like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Good matches to @complexz, @Valakrie, @KishinRuLeR-_- and even kylevf and everyone else that I had a match in the past week. Oh yeay and a good game to my biggest fan Libster. Keep playing peeps.
    Libertine and Valakrie like this.
  3. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Y'all need characters with crouch throws, lol. I caught Val once... and only once... with a crouch throw. I rejoiced. GGs @Valakrie, the matches were fun!
    While I'm here GGs to:
    @ToyDingo, @LibertSNAKE_MAID, HATCHETHARRY and @Elite the Bully Who Takes All My Lunch Money Every Time We Play.
    GGs to everyone else I've played!
    Valakrie and ToyDingo like this.
  4. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    Oh man some of the stuff that went down in that lobby was just hilarious. Also it was a beneficail thing all 4 us learned a lot. :)
    BeastEG and ToyDingo like this.
  5. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Face rolling? how do u do that?
  6. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    ToyDingo and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

  8. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah? You think you can get any of that to work without the Miasma of PSN lag?? Laggy room training wont help you Nova ^_^
  9. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Seriously though, some of the waiting that I do after a blocked move can be excessive, since I could really get some "fairly" nice damage if I were to make appropriate guesses, so I agree with Zekiel as well. Granted, it's not like Aoi has an abundance of strings (most of which everyone is accustomed to, cancels or no) or plus frame moves on block, and lets not forget the lack of tracking moves where if you do evade me, this could result to big damage as well. I'm willing to respond with certain things at a certain advantage (such as with throws) but, not if it means the possibility of resulting to damn near 0 health. The risk isn't worth it most of the time.

    Now imagine if your characters had the type of defense options that Aoi has (thank goodness you don't)...suddenly, "baiting" becomes very rewarding and easy against some people, since keep in mind, you are now also controlling the mindset of the other player...easily. Once I am able to do this, then I find that setups are less risky, and thus begins the flash ;). Of course, this all depends on the person. For example, I will take more risks against sir Zekiel (who in my mind is very flashy), whereas mr. libertine is very patient and has a fast reaction time. Regardless of your playstyles, both of your characters hit like magical bullet trains.

    GGs to Libertine (again :p), Banok (Argg shun, but I'm learning a lot so I can't wait to have some more fun!), KishinRuler (C'mon don't leave me hanging :( ), bruciethebeast (who I forgot to mention last time), and Kyle VF (I just can't wrap my head around their wolf, this needs to change). I need to go to practice mode with Wolf...and shun...again.
    bruciethebeast and Libertine like this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Thanks peep.

    One question though: How come you always quote posts that have nothing to do with what you're saying?
    Zekiel likes this.
  11. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    @Valakrie True enough aoi does have defense options to allow her to play defense BUT you do this with a offensive type character like eileen too. Its a habit of yours. Like i said, you dont know frames. If i use Jacky's 4P+K ,its guarded and its -8 y are you still guarding? Throw out a mid launcher, mid p to beat options, us a low spin. You dont need to play baitiing style, aoi does this on her own
    For example ppp2kTenchi, 2K+G~Tenchi, pppk~Tenchi 4pk~Tenchi, etc or if you throw out a move that like -7 use tenchi or 2p. The only time you should be guarding is if im +. You cant rely on tenchi stance cuz in that case i'll just spam abare lows every time. Reaction Baiting players are people who dont have good character knowledge.Ik u play this way because you dont punish things either. I can beat you playing just abare which doesnt make sense. Against @Libertine i cant do that because he knows jacky's frames.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
    Valakrie likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Lol, because I did not think that I would get any responses so I taught maybe at least having my biggest fan read it would be good enough. It turns out the peeps really love me lol. Keep playing peeps.
  13. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Okay, I think you really misunderstood what I meant by "baiting". I'm sorry but, when I say baiting, I don't mean randomly throwing out tenchi for no reason or doing it after some of Aoi's strings/moves. I am literally referring to the type of baiting/fishing that a player would use for CH combos (important for Aoi when the opponent is playing abare), whiff punishing, reversals, and etc. On that note, were you trolling me when you said that, "reaction baiting players are people who don't have good character knowledge?" Have you ever looked at how you play, Zekiel (outside of the matches where you steamrolled someone)? Everyone baits/fish (especially you and Libertine), that as well as reaction and various other aspects are important parts of this game. Honestly, I think you were just joking when you said that.

    Furthermore, I'm beginning to find it very interesting that, in the past 2 weeks, you have really been riding that "you don't know your frames" train...hard. I get it, I don't punish some things due to a lack of character knowledge, I'll admit that. My only problem with it is in the way you are expressing it. I find this to be far too ironic on my end , especially when considering that, I still have yet to see you even attempt to punish Aoi's hit throw on block with a simple P,K or throw. That is not a -8 situation, but guaranteed damage (-13), so why do you keep ECDing or doing something else after it is blocked? Also, what in the world is "I can beat you just playing abare mean" lol? If I am so free and easy to where all you have to do is random stuff, then why do you and I go back in forth when we are playing 1 on 1 with each other? Assuming that I do stop your abare attempts (I do sometimes), how am I always supposed to guess right 100% in a game that revolves around multiple guesses on how the player would respond?

    Another thing, I'm beginning to realize that you and I use very different characters overall. To say Eileen is an "offensive" character as if it means I should go in guns blazing against Jacky and Brad doesn't make sense to me. My original point still applies - she is a lightweight (the lightest), so I'm still going to lose half of my life and get carried to a wall from screwing up once. But then again, I'm not sure if you have ever seen me use my Eileen against anyone outside of yourself, Libertine, and Denkai in the past couple of months, so I guess your point is well justified.
    Libertine, Ellis and BlackGeneral like this.
  14. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    On Blast?!?!?!?!

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I smell a raw ft10 match lol. By the way you have used your eileen vs me too or at least you tried . Your eileen is not bad just keep playing. Also what was up with that grey bar connection tonight? Usually we have a good connection.
  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    LOL. He was telling BG_Akira that he didn't know his character well because he wasn't watching Japanese players and/or using Dojo Mode, as if he would know.

    LOL. He thinks that Jacky is a C-tier character. Don't listen to this fool. :D
  17. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    .....1. My statement with BG is common sense. Studying other players and playing in dojo is the only ways to get better at VF. If any player is not doing this enough they wont get better.
    2. l only said he was C tier because of the tier list i read, which is now outdated.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  18. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    so that was you? alright alright, I said I would be happy to play you if you had a green face and I stand by that lol. Credit where credit is due, they were ggs.... I'll take you off ignore now, hope I don't regret it.

    See I don't just hate you man, When I think you are actually trying I'm proud of ya in a weird way.

    lol herbs got me all peaceful right now.
    Ellis, bruciethebeast and WolfKing like this.
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Yeah, this explains why Jap arcade players are so bad when compared to US/EU.
    Come on, man. Stop this absolute statements of yours that may sound good but have 0 value.
    Yeah. Because of the tierlist you where never able to link :p
  20. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    LOL This is hilarious. Majority of the people love argue on this site, whether its true or false. Then they get butthurt over it, which is y its not worth even posting. So your saying US/EU players are better then arcade japs? ls that why itazan wiped all of you out at Sega Cup EU? And fuudo, chofu, itazan 4 the second time wiped us out at SC? How do you think japs players level eachother up? They learn from eachother. They study, they practice. NekoDojo makes videos of VF tech where he USES the Dojo and VS mode to teach. I do both and i lvl up alot. My style always changes to where i can figure out how to play jacky at the highest lvl.

    2. I did post a link. Darksoul and the others saw it at the time.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014

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