PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    Catch -> 4P+G into ringout FTW with last 5 points of health vs your 100 % :p
    He is easymode Wolf on steroids, so it is not hard for me to play MrTaka :p
  2. D0llo13

    D0llo13 Well-Known Member

    GG's To the crew last night @Raiden789@Poisonkid13@bkatbamna,TheRagingStorm,My350z,P_Rep,Hirorandom,an Mr Furious,Gregory Keepin it Real!!.jpg
    Raiden789 likes this.
  3. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    Good Games to @Libertine I'm so glad PSN let us play with a alright connection. Also @IcKY99 man always a pleasure to play you and good stuff at Sega Cup. :)
    Libertine and IcKY99 like this.
  4. Hirorandom

    Hirorandom Member

    Thanks for the lessons, sensei. Too bad Amazing Spiderman 2 was disappointing.
  5. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah yeah I'm Picking Boogers :) I trolled for as long as I could but everyone is so much stronger and I got weaker so it's just to hard to try and play differently like I am someone else. Still it was fun while it lasted. I know I drove @BG_Akira crazy. Especially when I super trolled yesterday and beat him with just K(G) cancels :D

    @MakiLeSushi GGS! I got completely mind fucked for a while by how much you were spamming 9P and my mind collapsed. I just couldn't think for like 10 matches because I'm like " seriously you gonna be a one move wonder now?"

    Well at least now I can apply all my dirty tricks to stop that.

    Oh and GGS to LonWolf90 aka CraftietNut. Master of confusion lol
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  6. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    Imma kill you the next time I see you lol.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  7. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I can t wait our next meeting =)
  8. Sugoi77

    Sugoi77 Member

    GG's to everyone that I played in Rank over the weekend.
    Ellis and WolfKing like this.
  9. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    GG's @BLACKSTAR you have solid defense but you guard alot. You also take your time to get CH. i shouldve did more throws. Also if it felt like i was sluggish i ddnt warm up 1st b4 playing.
    1st time ever playing eachother 2.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    GG's Cruz, Nova, and Bstar.

    I saw 43P :eek:
    BLACKSTAR and Dark Nova Void like this.
  11. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    Good games to you to man. :)
    steelbaz likes this.
  12. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    I missed this :eek:. Sounds like a good room.
  13. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    nice matches we had! btw im hotrod666 haha super sharp jacky bro!
  14. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone needing a little cornmayoThrow workout. My mission to demoralize easy throw escapers is in full effect.

    Me: dodge, breaking a SINGLE throw, and reacting to what move I dodge is not spammy or scrubbish

    You: standing, watching the birds as they pass, holding direction p+g! only thinking of 1 of 4 of your incomplete flow charts, makes you a standing scrub. I watch the replays and shake my head looking at most of your inputs. The Vf ogs are rolling in their graves.
    Dark Nova Void likes this.
  15. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    man i wish half my matches would be like that. But if you play Jacky, its actually not that bad to just Lazy throw escape half the time against Jacky.
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Yeah @BlondieVF5 these new cats have no idea how many easy buttons FS has for them. They wouldn't last 2 months with VF4 or VF5. Guaranteed like 80% of these fools would have tapped out by now and would be saying the game is trash. If lazy TE ever goes watch how many of these " good " players follow it right out the door. Lazy TE got more lives that a cat and saves more lives than Jesus Christ himself.
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
    BlondieVF5, Cozby and BlackGeneral like this.
  17. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Welp I haven't done this in awhile.... GGs to @PReP , @Hoyati , @IcKY99 , @BLACKSTAR , @ExzetyXat1 , and lonyjeeze today. Basically it was switchnation day for me:p. Thank y'all for the games. See Y'all again in the next week or so lol

    Off to listen to Lykke Li I Never Learn album on repeat while reading a Alan Moore comic for the rest of the night:cool: lol
    ExzetyXat1 and Ellis like this.
  18. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Ggs to fahren. Thanks for helping rank. @IcKY99 haha!:D
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Are you referring to me? My Pai is pretty bad so I hope you don't judge me based upon how I use her. LOL.
  20. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    Lib absolutely not. You are what I would consider an elite standing te'er. Your flow harts are solid and you have a wonderful timing of abare. Our matches are always good. You do tend to stand more than a traditional side to side game. You might find brad+faster dodge anticipation could be even more devastating than you think :). I play fast and am used to vf4 which didn't allow for time to stand te and weather a barrage of well executed yomi flowcharts. Respect :)
    Pai~Chun and Libertine like this.

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