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PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. TheKillingJoke

    TheKillingJoke Active Member

    GGs to everyone who played in Solomon's room tonight. Had a blast playing all of you.
  2. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    I can't remember the names of everyone I've played, but I have had many good games, I think I manage to learn something in every game I play.

    Had a particularly good set with one dude who I think was trying chars he wasn't familiar with, I won a few and then he switched to Shun-Di (Who always gives me problems anyway) and wiped the floor with me.
  3. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Good games to MentallyT and RafaelLew last night, we all had our fair share of success and thus it was a good session :)
    RafaelLew likes this.
  4. CaptainJapan53

    CaptainJapan53 Well-Known Member

    GGs to LauVF, thanks for the rank up points and sorry you had to be demoted back to Avenger.
  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    GGs to Modelah (man, I loved that wall throw of yours), KyleVF, generalripper, x_2ndFace_x, LauVF, brooklyndred, Seismo17, SeveredShogun, StoicboY, Seikuken (amazing Akira action), TTownTony (respect for using lots of characters) and afrokingalmighty. Thanks guys, I had a blast tonight!
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  6. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    ggs tonight to Seikuken, Darksoul173, daRockReaper, KishenRuler and Nomas_Tomas. All solid players in each of their characters (Akira, Lion, El Blaze, Taka and Aoi). Hope I was able to entertain you with my Akira.

    Be on the lookout for some Kage play soon. Know some combos but need to just work on poking game and BT stuff.
    daRockReaper and Puno_de_Leyenda like this.
  7. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    GGS to Brodi, Libertine, KinshinRuler, admc (sp?), Killaken, GentlemanTheif, balance-in-motion, Stoicboy, and daRockReaper!
    Libertine likes this.
  8. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Great Great Great Games this past week to the following: TTownTony, Spiros_1978(<----Seriousky epic stuff fighting you two...Amazing fights!!!) afrokingalmighty, Jun_Chikara, KillaKen,(Finally back!) Zienet, Hoyati, banok(Amazing Shun Di-and the same man who inspired me to surpass Shun Di!), BlackBeltSpartan, Shoaibowza(Great Akira!), le_ye_cheng(sp?)(sick Shun player), Tenguman9(Awesome match, and great Goh!), Adam(forgot the rest...lol)(Good Akira player), Abbot_Doom, legendaryhero89(Great Lion!)
    Shinobi likes this.
  9. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Good matches earlier today with CouchiSpreader (Fei), some great action back and forth. I was dat Tak in the green swim trunks ;)
  10. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    GGs as usual to RafaelLew wow you've improved mate and of course to Themkr haha hard time with him in the room eh???
    RafaelLew likes this.
  11. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    A pleasure being crushed by JDS-Cigano(?). GGs, that Lei sure is slippery.
    Ellis likes this.
  12. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GGs to all i ran into yesterday... Darksoul for this long set, 2nd face, shiginami kage (a new player or an alt account) I thought it was Pana with the playstyle, but he uses other char that pana doesn t use... So he is a good opponent =) to imthedave (spl?)GGs to my teamate nowhere for the room with crimson and Denkai...
  13. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    GGS to people in maki's room ( denkai you're a monster ^^), ggs for earlier PM to JDS, that pressuring lei fei ^^"( after your backdash you catch me with your launcher, its reach is always surprising me^^").
    JDS-Cigano75019 likes this.
  14. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    U tried denkai's Jacky? he s good too... I mean it s like he s got 2 main =)
  15. JDS-Cigano75019

    JDS-Cigano75019 Active Member

    Genjuro Howard

    Bro gg i need your secret to get your defense ^^.
  16. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ggs seikuken and killaken last night. funny enough was just playing a few with killaken in ranked and I stopped to join the room only for him to be in it too.
  17. RafaelLew

    RafaelLew Well-Known Member

    He kills me every time we play! But i got my moments =)
    WolfKing likes this.
  18. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGs makilesushi, JDS cigano, showbaiwzo(misspelled it ) Took some really big punishment for making lots of bad reads. Too much defense on my part isn't a very healthy thing.

    GGs also to betty19, Soultruth, Ahbitha, Reyreze, ivor biguns and Potemkin.
    SoulTruth2013 and MakiLeSushi like this.
  19. Arjay

    Arjay Well-Known Member

    Another night of some good games from KyleVF, Shinigami_Kage, & eman2 on PSN. I've got some work to do on defense and my predictable offense. Also had a nice 50 game offline session with omegasinnocence (Pai) at our local gaming tavern : GT South. GGs, folks.
  20. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    GGs to Helryu, WolfKing, RafaelLew, themkr, martianpulis and everyone else I played today. This game is so godlike holy shit.
    RafaelLew, Dior and WolfKing like this.

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