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PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. valenzuela000

    valenzuela000 Well-Known Member

    Wow I haven't played this in a couple of months now there is hardly anyone playing it! Damm! What the hell happened?
  2. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    ggs to Darksoul173, JDS-Cigano, SquareNinja, BlackGeneral.
  3. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to BG_Akira! My god how time much time has passed?! You've improved so much it's frightening! Congrats man! I'm pretty sure you are definitely better than me now which means I better hit the dojo harder!

    I'm starting to feel like my old self again so I'll be on more often now. Sorry for not being on as much but I just has a whole bunch of crap going on. Looking forward to more games with everyone!
    BlackGeneral, Koenraku and RafaelLew like this.
  4. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Get your shit in gear, and get your ass online!
    Oh, and ggs. :D
    BeastEG likes this.
  5. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone who had to bear with my scrubby ass today. Had a lot of fun tonight!
    Valakrie likes this.
  6. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ggs anyone who ran into my on my fake account trying to play akira :) nomas wasn't having any of that and just slapped me around lol ggs
    CarolinaPanther likes this.
  7. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    P_ReP and MentallyTofu, the usual suspects.

    generalripper114, too bad about the network not holding up :/

    wonkykick, who quite successfully trolled me with a giant strawberry-colored Taka.
    I almost died from salt, you prick :D:D:D
    wonkykick likes this.
  8. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    ggs to JaLoHa and thank you for the gameplay tip, friend
  9. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    good billion games libertine, thanks for continuing to accept challenges lol. I think a bit of knowledge seeped in there eventually.

    gg to martianpulis and generalripper too, just one game each but hey it was fun.
  10. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Good Games to:

    Manjimaru, Combolammas, Modelah, MentallyTofu, Jade-Kami, KyleVF, Jun_Chikara, Neomide, ChrisLoyd, VF(doesnot)SuxTekken-something-something, BalanceInMotion,
    And too many others - (or not really, there can never be too many VF'ers)
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ggs modelah, geeze you use bloody everyone....and I thought I diversified alot just by having 3 or 4 characters I know a few things with.

    EDIT: ggs BG, rodnutz, denkai and beasty...little outclassed in that room, but it was fun.
  12. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone! Sorry I had to bounce but got to get to work. Tons of fun! Nice to meet you complex

    Also, fun set with JaLoHa! Nice to meet you and looking forward to more games!

    Rodnutz...I'm going to figure out how to break you down one day...

    BG, always a pleasure!

    Hopefully my Sarah isn't too scrubby for you all. I think it's getting better, but not sure!
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    GGs ToyDingo. Thanks for the long set. Not cool that I couldn't find you before my ranking match, though. Feels strange that I leveled up off a Hunter. LOL.
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Yea, GG. I was getting salty because I couldn't punish you properly. This new stick is still foreign to me. Still fun games though...
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Oh, you were using a stick for the first time. That makes sense. I thought that something was up because of lag. I let you challenge all the time because I was thinking it may have been a connection issue. In fact, I think lag was a part of it. Sometimes things could get choppy, but GGs regardless.

    Also, that reminds me: GGs Shadowmaster. We had extreme lag so I didn't challenge after the first time. Maybe we'll do player matches sometime.
  16. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    ggs complexz, thanks for the set! I dabble with other characters and just stick with 2P and one or two spammy combos for each, I didn't want to bore you with Taka all the time:)
    complexz likes this.
  17. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    lol don't worry about that, I'm never bored playing VF, too much to learn. I am not exactly experienced in the taka fight so it's always a fun experience.
    Modelah likes this.
  18. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    GGs to BG, I don't know why my connection was as bad as it was. No one was on the internet or anything, weird. Oh and... death to guard breaks.

    GGs to BeastyEG, I really have to get used to those dirty tricks Sarah has... once I learn and get used to them I'll put up more of a fight.

    GGs to PikoCat, I feel like you had more to offer. Maybe it was just luck or bad guessing? I don't know, we'll have to fight again some time.
  19. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    ggs square ninja, sorry about the akira scrubbery... been casually trying to learn him a bit to get a better feel for fighting him, and it couldn't hurt to have a the emperor in my corner in case of emergencies if I did learn to use him well eventually:)
    steelbaz likes this.
  20. RafaelLew

    RafaelLew Well-Known Member

    Hey PReP, we still haven't played yet! Lets try this weekend!
    Ellis and WolfKing like this.

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