PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Your restraint was impressive and didn't go unnoticed haha :D
    Kamais_Ookin and Libertine like this.
  2. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Hey Hey Hey I Just Like Doing It Don't Freaking Judge Me Lol

    Is this better for y'all to read? I mean let me know. I didn't know it bothers y'all so much. Lol
    ToyDingo and IcKY99 like this.
  3. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    That's big baby huey right there. You'll need a pacifier, a bib, diapers, a extra bottle of milk, and needs to be burp on occasionally if you're willing to play against dude. Are you willing to take that responsibility? (Is this better for y'all to read? Let me know. I didn't knew it makes a difference. Lmao)
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  4. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Yeah this is good, Riq. My eyes don't feel like they've been on a roller coaster after reading, lol.
    Kamais_Ookin and BlackGeneral like this.
  5. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    maybe i should write all lower case. it makes even more easier to grasp on the sentences because it's so small. i should change the font size too. :D lol
  6. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I can't say it bothered me, I was just always curious as to why.

    Were you constantly visiting VFDC on your phone and it capitalizes every word? Was your browser screwed up? Did it not look capitalized on your screen and then VFDC somehow fucked it up?

    Lol, now I see you just did it to F with us...:)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
    IcKY99 likes this.
  7. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Lol it's nothing wrong with anything. I just do it to do it lmao
    ToyDingo likes this.
  8. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    I wish this was a Good Games post, but sadly its not. After I tried to be cordial and make a lobby for everyone to enjoy, it ended in complete hostility and animosity. I'm not hosting rooms anymore, with an attempt to be neutral. That being said, please refrain from dragging me into any feuds or complications with other players. I'm not putting up with that shit.
    Dark Nova Void and IcKY99 like this.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Don't let a few salty players ruin your fun.

    Make the rooms private and invite non-salt covered folks and enjoy yourself bro...
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
    Ellis, Dark Nova Void, IcKY99 and 2 others like this.
  10. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Poison I got the rooms for now on man. You don't have to worry about anything. Just come through and play. You know I'm all about the fun and laughter lol
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  11. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Rooms in general can be bad, not because of the players but because matches keep getting randomly disconnected. I couldn't really say if it's better now since I haven't made it a point to join rooms regularly but I did join two of RaWsHak91's rooms just to see what's up. In KyleVF's case I'm wasn't going to blame lag for the wins he got against me though they weren't a whole lot. I did however find it a bit amusing that nobody else could get any full matches in because it kept D-C-ing until Kyle got his matches in :rolleyes: I find it more disturbing above anything else that I appear to be the only Eileen on PSN currently :p
    Ellis, Kamais_Ookin, Riq and 2 others like this.
  12. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Sorry I left Eileen for Paiā€¦ But we're still friends though lol
  13. Titantony

    Titantony Member

    Daaaang!!! Sounds like i missed out! cats was straight wilding lol! Next time if im in i'll play peace maker!(Cant we all Just get along) lol
    Dark Nova Void, IcKY99 and Riq like this.
  14. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Dudes cool and all but the immaturity needs to stop at times. Just saying lol
    Titantony likes this.
  15. ElFuegoNegro

    ElFuegoNegro Active Member

    What is "lag-switching?"

    I know I can Google it, but what is a forum for if not Q&A?
    IcKY99 likes this.
  16. ElFuegoNegro

    ElFuegoNegro Active Member

    Your Wolf still wears the Wolf crown in my eyes. If I've played a better one online, I don't know who.
  17. Titantony

    Titantony Member

    Agreed Cuzo, but Dollo Still Fam tho lol!
    Thanks Yo! Im aight, i have my moments lol.. There arent many wolf players in general out there but (Unicorn's wolf) got me i believe! Ran up on him in rank last week an he got me Two Straight. He adjusted very well to my Randomness lol. Needed more matches to adjust, but even with the matches his understanding Of Wolf is better. Look forward to getting at him again tho!I Ain going out like No Punk lol..
  18. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Ran into a leifei troll by the name of vip77. Dude was constantly giggling in a really annoying way every time he managed to hit me. But every round I won I made sure to do a couple of wolfs pelvic thrusts. Soon his laughter turned into groans of sorrow. Bad games to you dude, try learning how to actually play and maybe you won't get beat :3
  19. D0llo13

    D0llo13 Well-Known Member

    Who is this like to have your psn handle?
  20. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Bad Games to all the annoying, overbearing and unnecessarily hostile players I face from time to time. We get it, PSN isn't a great source for servers, yet, you still bash on it every time at every opportunity. If you hate PSN that badly, than switch over. There is no point in the constant complaining. Shit, I'll give you some money so you can switch over and shut the fuck up already. We're supposed to be family (PSN & XBL), but in consideration to clashing personalities, that's to much to ask.
    IcKY99, Ellis, BlackGeneral and 2 others like this.

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