PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    Who the fuck is this guy SNAKEEYEZ59??? He's hilarious (and a bad player too).
  2. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    he's an infamous shit-talker (actually on VFDC too if i recall correctly). make sure you never lose when you play him or you will make it to his YouTube channel where you will be "exposed" to all 38 of his subscribers, even if you've beaten him several times before then. :p

    he does it to piss people off. the sooner you see it for what it is (a joke), the sooner you can worry about more important things.
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    What's his YouTube channel?
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  4. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    GoDokuNoDAN i think. he has a few videos with me so i must really suck :p
  5. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Snakeeyez is GDKND? Since when....???
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  6. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Don't be sorry complexz, you seem to be a good dude and obviously tried to do a good thing by recommending this site to him so he could improve his game. A little more correspondence with him would've raised the red flags, but oh well. What bothers me is that he has this beef with you after you tried to help him out.

    On that note, thanks for telling me about this site complexz, I've met some cool people and had tons of great matches (and improved a little too, I hope) thanks to you, buddy. :D
    BlueLink and complexz like this.
  7. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    lol I don't even remember being the one telling you about the site, that makes me feel a little better thanks :)
  8. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    not sure, but all i know is that that video Junsuina_Chikara linked in his post was definitely from GDKND and SNAKEEYEZ was the account Junsuina_Chikara was playing against
  9. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    that GDKND guy posts on Gamefaqs as well. Usually talking shit about someone, clearly has some issues he needs to work through.
  10. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    I've heard about this guy but never checked out his videos Im a bit surprised I'd haven't found one of myself on there Guess Im 2GDLK lol But seriously dude needs to get a life Most of us are aware we're not the best and are striving every game to get better If he is stupid enough to try to posterize players, especially when he's not even considerably better (and thats way more generous than I should ever be with this scumbag) than anyone on here, let him feed his his ego on his ghost town of a channel, find some relief from his hollow existence, and ignore him otherwise until he actually wants to be constructive to the community.
  11. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Yeah i suck lol. The reason? coz this guy play since 93' (and he says it proudly) i mean OMG since 93' and he punishes a +24 with OS 1P???? a 1P!!! Wtf? How many years he ll need just to become a simple novice?
    DomAug likes this.
  12. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    we're going beyond SRK into dustloop territory now. Next stop- gamefaqs.
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    It's his PSN alt account, richkwondo is his VFDC account (he's allowed to have duplicate VFDC accounts after being perma banned, kamais is not).
    CarolinaPanther and DomAug like this.
  14. 2ndFace

    2ndFace Well-Known Member

    Just can't help myself but this thread starts to remind me of this.
    DomAug likes this.
  15. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I forgot about Kamais.

    Another middle finger goes to PSN for the lovely flow-kill of most of my matches. 2 to Grey bar matches: You're not expected to be able to punish anything after block, be it a simple elbow or knee or somersault kick. Grey bars are especially annoying since you can get mashed on all day but that's what you sign up for when you participate in said matches.

    Gentlemen, let's just call it for what it is: SEGA dropped the ball.

    - Ranked still rewards folks who disconnect

    - The only way you even know a Room exists is if the room's idle (absolutely no fighting going on in a room) because if there is, the room is hidden until the match is over.

    - Any kind of outside activity going on while a match is in progress completely kills the match flow (ie. messages being received or in some cases...sent, just pressing the PSN button). Me and Baz had confirmed this some odd months ago much to my amazement.

    - Matches getting disconnected everywhere, especially in Rooms. Actually been going on a lot since the first Sony update prior to the game coming out. Like matches in the KOF 13 lobby if a match disconnects you can have the situation of 2 participants fighting two different matches. So unless folks are mic-ed up in the room to confirm that something's up, you'll probably be crying out RAGEQUITTER because no one communicates that fact.

    -The hitbox issue, tracking, or both at the same time. Although the tracking issue has been around since Vanilla, being behind someone completely and still getting hit by a linear move is still kinda demoralizing if you're into any kind of defense.

    That's enough blabbering from me, I think. I'll just go and remind myself why online's legit and Ranked MATTERS and why I am the garbage.

    Jabroni -_-
    DomAug and MakiLeSushi like this.
  16. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    To the unnamed Kage player who had a grey connection and just spammed forward forward PKG. Sort it out.
  17. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    How you can silence the rival? daRockReaper is annoying. It's a talking machine...
  18. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member


    He's a really good Blaze player and he's a friendly guy so I don't mind the chatter. It makes a nice change from the generally silent games I have with most people. I noticed that he doesn't use mic in ranked (I think anyway) which is good since it compromises his connection slightly I'm sure but player/room match, I don't mind the chatter :). He's a nice guy.
    Modelah, ToyDingo and Valakrie like this.
  19. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    All my matches in ranked with him (at least 7), with mic ON. If isn't possible to silence him, from now on I will avoid him.
  20. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Rock's a good guy, it's Blaze that's annoying. If it's more stimulating conversation you're looking for, try yip77:)
    Ellis and Junsuina Chikara like this.

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