PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    was looking for the bad games thread, ended up in the bad english thread.

    Close using the Technician but unfortunate that an large ammount of spam to the gameplay. A user of Taka spam can be a strong player, which can only be a poser.I have a great body, but hate to take the abuse the system flawed for game play a skilled.

    EDIT: to achieve this nonsensical post I took a stupid but proper english post, translated it to japanese in google translate, then translated it back to english.
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  2. Brylantor

    Brylantor Member

    I mostly enjoy playing, will play anyone unless they have a lagged out connection.

    Am a bit annoyed with players who refuse to fight me, I know I'm not that good, but the only way to get better is practice.

    Will fight and rematch with anyone and usually I learn something, even if it is just improving my reflexes to get up faster.
  3. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    The technician that play Taka will never the spam, I am a respect player and have the good body too.
    The complexz should not give any opinion, because many times he has taken the PPPPP to the face of the Kage VF poser.
    The Kage are these characters are made for limited players who like things really easy.
  4. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    yeah I suppose you are right, good point.
  5. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    it seems as if your opinion is significant.
    anyone who is not born in the United States or England has an obligation to speak English for you to be complaining.
    you speak Japanese? not speak, What did agent does can.
    You really should be a Muggle unbearable and silly.
    the only thing you are good at doing is giving hints, play is even more of a BABA. kkkkkkk
    “A paciência é uma virtude ” devemos ter com os noob poser que jogam vf também... até com o poser do mistercomplexz.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    Please tell me what that means.
    ExzetyXat1, Ellis, BlueLink and 4 others like this.
  7. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    aw I'm sorry, you are totally right, I should not make fun of your english... In my defense the bulk of the funny comes from your baseless arrogance and attitude and not the actual broken english.

    To be clear, I respect your language skills. I do not respect your attitude or your VF knowledge ;)

    both your english and VF skills are superior to snakeboss though!
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  8. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    RANDOM WEIRD FACT: In Brazil (or Brasil if you're from there) kkkkk means lol.
    Don't ask me why.
    BlueLink, DomAug and complexz like this.
  9. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    BGs to me. God I'm awful...
  10. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    I was a Muggle to FIRST mock the silly BABA english skills, kkkkk.

    Jeez, what do I have to do to get me some hate mail around here?
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    thanks google. I still don't know what a muggle is though.
    Modelah likes this.
  12. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    you try to write smart things for impersonating an intellectual but ends up getting lost in their own words.
    summarizing you are a stupid ass complexed.
    complexz likes this.
  13. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    our! very creative, you made ​​yourself or downloaded an image from google?
    I know! lol ... was his dear mother who advised you to post this image.
  14. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    This is VFDC, or SRK? :confused:
    IcKY99 likes this.
  15. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Dude, what have you done :(
  16. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    so very sorry :(
  17. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    we all make mistakes, but usually situations like this are best taken in baby steps. Now on to the next subject.

    Mr. petelecofederal

    Please understand that while it's ok to state any rants you might have about player, characters being cheap, etc. it's not o.k. to go overboard. We have enough knuckleheads here that do that already. While there are players online that use characters in a "cheap" fashion that doesn't mean there aren't ways to deal with it. If you ask (I repeat...ASK) nicely most of us will give you advice on how to deal with: cheap characters and cheap tactics. Matter of fact, there are probably a few threads for that here or just talk to folks in the shoutbox. We won't bite at you if you don't bite at us first. We're all nice guys here, most of us.
    BlueLink likes this.
  18. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    BGs to all players with 14000/16000 matches, that always go for the same setup all the fucking fight (mainly Lau and Sarah). Fucking rank bitches...their MagmaLord/Stormlord ranks, are a fraud. :)
  19. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    I just suck... suck soo BAD!

    BGs to me again :'(

    Oh yeah, and you suck too Maki, steelbaz and Nomas_Tomas.


    steelbaz likes this.
  20. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Yes, we know -_-

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