PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    One thing is clear though: After all this time PSN rooms are still the suck.
  2. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    You can test the line speed and router config in the PS3 internet settings. If it's coming up Type 3, try putting the router into DMZ mode, or manually setting the PSN ports into it. Needless to say, you really wanna be wired in to the back of the console, preferably with a category 6 type ethernet cable. After that, it pretty much comes down to what the other guy has. Try ringing the ISP to make sure they are not slowing you down during peak hours maybe?

  3. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    he might be one of the recent players i've come across i couldn't get to stop mashing out low punches ever. i remember hitting a wolf player with at least four counter hit dash elbows. i started scaling up after that, but there's still a weird little voice in my head that says at some point they'll learn and i try throwing
    ToyDingo likes this.
  4. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    First couple of days back in VF and already a BG, with a friend-lister too.

    BG to Takehanyasubiko who lost to my scrubby sub characters and rage quit after the one match that he actually won, sending me a mess of a message. Something about fearing losses and spamming/whoring (I laughed aloud to whoring) elbows (<- LOL then just keep spamming them low punches bud. I also dont understand why you think Kage's [9][K]+[G] into [2][P] into random abare is viable every single time. Since I elbowed the hell out of that too XD). Shame since he's one of the few players I actually respected for genuinely putting in effort until complaining about latency became this guy's religion. Lag works both ways (inb4 lag helps certain characters, I was character switching the whole time).

    I just want anyone to know, if you have an issue with my play style, you don't have to play me. And above all, it's your burden to adjust to the others play style if you want to win. Sending out hate messages is only making the sender look bad. Leave the salt far away from your sportsmanship, ain't nobody got time for that.

    So to Takehany-bear over there or any other person, go ahead and request a match, I'll be more than glad to ram Aoi's elbow into your faces :3.

    Stay classy peeps and practice those basics! :p
    BlueLink and Valakrie like this.
  5. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I can, actually. Because on my other account he sent me something akin to "my dad is a dirty whore," and something about a pistol comparison. If memory also serves correctly he also didn't use Eileen so much as swung in every way possible without even the slightest hint of defense. Then again, I've never known any sane VF player to defend by blocking hits with his/her face.
  6. CaptainJapan53

    CaptainJapan53 Well-Known Member

    Democritus here, what is your handle on PSN because I don't remember playing you. Usually I give anybody I think worth playing more than once the opportunity, I don't dodge anyone. Now there are certain things that one will do to warrant me to avoid them. If you want to play consecutively with me then it has to be snap of the fingers joining after each match, don't go take a bathroom break or snack break and then come back 2 minutes later expecting me to join your ass, I'll probably be fighting someone else. Now, I usually don't start taunting people during matches unless they start (I'm guilty of starting them sometimes myself) but if you start with me then I might not play you again, depends on my mood. Finally, don't send me stupid fucking messages after one match wins that you get against me unless its gg. If you want to talk shit then yes, I will beat you once and not play you again. Thank you for your patronage VFDC. See you online.
    samtheseed likes this.
  7. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    I've done none of the above. You beat me, and I tried to join again straight away. You ducked me for damn near a month, And that was before I went away. I just played you again a day or two ago.
  8. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    From an outsiders perspective, isn't this a little egocentric? Accusing somebody of "ducking" you because he declined to fight you again. I don't know this Demo guy, he may suck at the game too. That aside, lets play devil's advocate here. Lets say Demo got online, encountered a scrubby Akira who 2p-Dashing elbow al day or 2p K+G,P all day. He kicks his linear boring ass and Doesn't feel like fighting a linear boring lame Akira all day.

    So he declines because he sees "Omg is that boring , lame predictable Akira player" again. I'm just saying , that may or may not be his motive for declining. It happens. There are a legion of wannabe Akira Masters out there. I can count the truly awesome Akira players on one hand. Playing a not-awesome Akira player is tedious. It's almost as bad as having to play lame Lei Fei string spammers online all day long. Playing VF should be fun. Beating lames and their predictable flowcharts is a chore. Demo should reserve the right to screen his challengers is all I'm saying.
    samtheseed likes this.
  9. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    I don't see that as egocentric in the slightest. While it is true that he isn't obligated to play me, denying my requests without any messages after getting one win, for that long... How else am I supposed to interpret that? Not playing me because I may be lame or the because of the character I use is a weak excuse. But that's my take on it. He's given me the reasons why doesn't play people after a game or so, so I may or may not have done it. It's whatever though.
  10. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Well look , nothing personal, but how else are you supposed to interpret it? Perhaps you should interpret it as you need to spend some more time in the lab. Just now you are saying that if he declines to fight you there is absolutely no other way to interpret it other than there is something wrong with him. Did it ever occur to you that there may be something wrong with you (your play style)? Perhaps the problem is on your end? Lag perhaps? He saw a better challenger and is trying to challenge him instead?

    Saying there is no other way to interpret a challenge decline than saying the decliner is a coward (especially when he beat you). Is self centered in my opinion.
  11. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But seeing as how this game is centered around playstyles, and how some players can destroy some and not others despite the fact of them all being at a similar level, shouldn't one play someone multiple times to get a feel for how one plays? Shouldn't that be the way to go, aside from (maybe) running away? Also, have you not met someone online who has run away after winning one match or winning one after losing multiple? No disrespect but, you're acting as though you've never played FS online. Hell, I'm sure you've played Vanilla online, and I'm sure people did the same thing then.

    To go ever farther, I've had people send me hate mail for how I approach the game, and refuse to play me again. Did I like it? No. Did I understand it? No, but I was forced to respect it. We all have our reasons for playing this game, whether it'll be to have fun (you and Demo) or to be competitive (me). None of them are wrong, and I'll reiterate that he have me his reasoning as to why he ducked. It's water under the bridge.

    To finish, I really don't know where I come off as being self centered, arrogant or any other word one would use to describe the attitude of viewing oneself above another, as I try hard to avoid that. If this altercation struck you a certain way... I apologize. But ducking happens, and I'll say again, if you refuse to play someone for that long, with no inclination or message as to why, what I am supposed to think?
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    BG's to my boy Tirip spammer who abuses unbeatable online Aoi Tsundome spams, uses DURAL, uses Jacky with east coast super latency, lets see what else Tirip spammer.... Your 43P can beat out my elbow when i'm on block @ +4 , makes me displeased mofo :mad:

    So more laggy matches or? :eek:
  13. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    nobody is dodging BG for being a shitty player, he's definitely one of the most technical akira players you will run into on PSN ranked. It's not at all my place to say the guy is or is not dodging, but in the event someone did have the impression BG plays shallow or abusive, definitely give him a few more matches and look deeper as he is one of my favorite opponents.
    Valakrie and BlackGeneral like this.
  14. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Oh stop it you, all that praise is making me blush, Raze :rolleyes::D .
  15. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    No praise where da matches salty Tirip, i'm learning Lion now and need XP.

    Edit: bg be salty.....
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  16. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    I played against his alt account, ThuataDeWhatever, and it was 0 bar connection but consistent in a way. I was dicking around with akira, and he beat me with sarah when i dropped a lw wall combo. He plays like an idiot, launching out of nowhere on wake-up and swinging dumb shit at dumb times. He later messages me that "losing to sarah is shame" and that I'm an online spammer for playing akira. "akira is a programmed spammer. people say he is hard but they are fool thinking." He then sent me six messages basically crying about people using stronger characters than Eileen. At one point he says, and I'm serious here, "everyone else is a spammer but me," and talks about some kage player I've never seen being good but he spams too or something.

    i thought i'd end it with a little class by saying i'd love to play him if we ever met face-to-face so that he could show me how to really play, but he went on pissing and moaning for awhile
  17. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    LOL I think I am that kage. I beat that guys eileen with kage a few times, he seemed new and didn't have a ton of games on his account so I just fucked around trying risky stuff, eventually I lost and he sent a message just saying "bingo! finally I win" or something. I replied "what strengh, but don't forget there are many guys like you all over the world" as a joke as I wasn't sure if he was being a dick or was just a friendly dood happy to have won. He then sent me like 3 messages full of babling about how all these other characters are shitty and take no skill but eileen is super deep, he then mentioned kage was kinda deep too but still spammy :)

    I was friendly to him and in a nice way I said I was glad he was passionate but I think he was a bit off on his conclusions about characters, I then recommended he join this site.............. sorry if that turns out bad......
  18. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Well, I remember tales of someone originally recommending a guy named BlackbeltSpartan to join the site and, well...look how that frickin' turned out -_-

    Caution advised.
    BlueLink and BlackGeneral like this.
  19. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    PetelecoFederal probably say shit just for the sake of saying shit, I played him once and he kept complaining about how 2P is stupid and about how everyone on that lobby only knew how to do that move. I guess he never thought about blocking it, since it's easier to complain than to use your brain I guess.
    DomAug, ToyDingo and Dior like this.
  20. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    LOL so you were warning people about yourself? GG last time for the amount of lag, I guess.

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