PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. wonkykick

    wonkykick Member

    This is the same Senpai who after loosing like 10 times to me with his crappy Sarah sent me an invite to play a player match. I accepted the match to find out he was playing as Dural, I said to myself fair enough, maybe he just wants to try something out. He beat me silly, then sent me a message saying "now you realise what a worthless scrub you really are!" I could not understand the logic behind what he said, was he commenting on himself or me?
    Combolammas and Ellis like this.
  2. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    I don't like to name anyone, but if you are a guest here or a member here on an alternate account who fought my alternate "Rally2040", then you know who you are. There are two kinds of people that I would like to give bad games to:

    (1) Guys, if we are playing and you are getting manhandled or are loosing consistently, please...please do not send me good games, only to comeback and say a snide comment such as "I mean, your character is bs but...ggs!" or "kind of bitchy play there but, otherwise, I can tell that you are a pretty good player". I would much rather you just disconnect on me than to insult me. I get it, everyone gets mad every once in a while (I do, too), but if you are having a hard time adjusting to my strategies and do not want to adapt, then I figure that I am doing something right. Also, there is no point in sending me "ggs" only when you win (lag or not) and snide comments when you loose. I deal with laggy situations just like everyone else, but it is a price that you pay for playing on PSN.

    (2) The few (very few) players that will get one win, and then immediately start dodging when I try to rematch. If you have to go or if the connection was laggy, then cool. But, if we had 3-5 games, and you immediately start running or "phase in and out" after you got your 1 desperate win, then I would like to congratulate you for being so awesome.

    Zekiel, ToyDingo and BlackGeneral like this.
  3. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Nah, yo. Folks can be funny like that. I don't normally try to "seek-and-destroy" ie. initiate a match since I'm used to people fighting me when I host Ranked matches. I had to make a exception for this one dood who I lost to a few days ago. I get beat hosting a match and I don't see this guy for 5 minutes (he didn't fight me). The moment I challenged him and beat him quite decisively he wanted that "run-back" with the extreme quickness :D. I get the impression when I beat some of these cats it's like I got lucky (a fluke yo!!). Or heaven forbid I lose after about the 20th or so attempt and all the sudden it's "I'm rage-quitting" or something :p but hey, folks get tired.

    Online Ranked? Lag wins? Input failures? Not in this VF. :rolleyes: What can you do but deal with it whatever however right? Not fun but whatever...Now excuse me while I find some beachfront property and a bridge to sell.
    Valakrie likes this.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    i won last so i win so dont start trouble valarie or u only hate on ur own dam self
    Zekiel, ToyDingo, Valakrie and 3 others like this.
  5. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    Those always end up being the funnest games for me :). To be honest, I don't really find too many people who dodge much often anymore, so maybe that's why now it just really gets on my nerves.

    LOL Should have seen that one coming :D. Speaking of which, I actually haven't seen...nah, nevermind.
    Zekiel and BlackGeneral like this.
  6. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    outlaw dragon or dragon outlaw with a few numbers after it dropped on me twice last night... but it wasn't bad games, I thought they were funny as while he would drop on me, he would still play rematches and every round he won he would do the K G dance like a mofo. I kinda respected his shameless motherfuckerness, unfazed by losing the majority of the games, he was still going to be a cocky douche to the end!

    Sounds crazy but it's a nice change from the usual cocky douches who talk themselves into a corner and then when they lose they either dodge you forever or bitch to you about how you only won because you did something that is against his honor code.
  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    So there are different kinds of cocky douches? I thought they were all the same. I actually think there would've have been a lot more new VF-ers playing if SEGA would've kept the post-match stomping and pouncing from the older games. Jacked up opinion of mine I know but considering some of the assholes I had to deal with in Vanilla 5 and FS 5 -_-.

    Speaking of which....

  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Man, I rarely write in this thread anymore. I takes alot for me to consider it a bad game. But damn...

    jeux2fight, Not a terrible jean player, but probably won't make you sweat either. Played about 10 games or so against him on one of my alts. He kept challenging me and losing. No big deal. Then I beat him during a ranking match, the match, somehow, someway, disconnected during the final replay. Lol, whatever. He gets back online, and challenges me again. I should have known better but I accepted. I decided to use Jean just for kicks. He beat me. But it was kinda fun and close. So I challenged him.

    That's when the dodging started. Beat me once, run for the hills, and send shit tons of messages telling me how much I suck.

    Not a "bad" experience per se. Just don't waste your time...
  9. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    What's up with all the Japanese players (I play in Japan) with the same rank and 3-bar connection who don't want to accept challenges? What could possibly be the reason? smh
    Not bgs, but frustrating nonetheless
  10. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    Rarely do this but whatever...

    BG's to BrownBoy134xx, he starts the round, buttons blazing, pressing every button on his stick. So me, using Goh at the time, I press the only button I needed... 6P... Alot.

    After a few games I get the consolation prize of a msg saying "SPAMMING FAGGOT".

    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  11. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    So basically a MASHING FAGGOT is calling you a SPAMMING FAGGOT. Sounds legit.
    Valakrie and BlackGeneral like this.
  12. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Cant really blame him. l fine voluptuous or full figured chicks more attractive too. XD
    Valakrie and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  13. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Yea Val dont jynx the community by mentioning his name. ''SUP PEEPS!" Smh
    Valakrie likes this.
  14. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    But its my turn. BG's to all shun players today regardless if i won or loss. They tick me off with the spacing, sit down, and lay downs. Its just a constant poking game. its not fun when your opponent can get combos on you but all you get is guaranteed down attacks and mid scrapers. Nice job AM2 SMH
    Valakrie and ToyDingo like this.
  15. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Don't forget the hitbox that improves dramatically as the match goes on. Frickin' I had MaxSlacks hit me from about 3 feet away with one of his long distance strings. Although he is good for "I wanna get my chasing-down-folks" practice in. I don't recommend fighting him if you don't have the patience for it.
    Valakrie and ToyDingo like this.
  16. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Shuns are annoying as hell, but the weaker Shuns are more annoying than the strong ones. Simply because they have another level of "random" you have to deal with. Banok, Le-ang will stomp me most times, but they are fun to play against. Maxslacks, Hatchetharry, etc I can walk all over, but not without a fair amount of "WTF WAS THAT!! SERIOUSLY THAT DRUNK FUCKER CAN DO THAT!?!?!?"

    Still it is nice to watch them randomly take a drink next to a wall. Free 120+ point combos are always fun to watch...
    Shinobi and Valakrie like this.
  17. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Oh ik exactly what your talking about. He just runs away alot. When he would win i would get extremely irritated. I like too see hum use any other character for spacing. l would wreck him. .
    Valakrie likes this.
  18. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Yea Val i figured the same thing. You gotta stay in shuns face. And yea if you evade in the right direction it can lead to good dmg. I just have to learn all his moves then i'll know what to look for. But yea being aggressive but patient is key.

    LOL you really dont like him. of course he's gonna look ''ugly'' he's old. Dont be superficial Val.
    Valakrie likes this.
  19. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    @Val: Shun's entitled to being ugly since he's pushing about 200 years. Eileen on the other hand granted I use the trolley brat, is another matter. Being about 5 years old and having those ugly ass teeth yo. C'mon Man!!!

    If you want some amusement fighting average to bottom-feeder level Shun players, get in one's face a few times and watch as they flounder and flop around either trying to do "invincible" Streetfighter-like moves or just try to get the hell away from you. Particularly funny as hell when you take into account that some of the stages are high cage places.
    Valakrie likes this.
  20. RafaelLew

    RafaelLew Well-Known Member

    Kilcobam spams low punches a lot with wolf. It was a pleasure to demote him
    WolfKing likes this.

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