PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Please do not bring me into this needless banter, or rather remove me from it.
    I already tried communicating with ya', and it seemed like you were chill with it after that, even if you do not show any comments anywhere on your content on the net.

    I was most likely a crap vanessa, but i practice, refine and work on it all the time, and that was some time ago.

    I might still be a crap vanessa, but i am and will stay a _Vanessa_ and a Virtua Fighter player no matter what.

    - and i will first and foremost stay positive and unbending to any attempts at flame, fuss, salt-talk or getting dragged into arguments which leads to no participant leading a fuller life, VF-wise or otherwise.

    My only final "words" i borrow from here: <---

    See you. /PReP
    CarolinaPanther likes this.
  2. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I was the one who dropped your name in that conversation PreP, so I'll take the hit for that. Wasn't really meant to be a slight on ya, being as I'm a crap Vanessa player myself. My mains are Aoi and Eileen, and it's going to stay that way. Doesn't mean I won't use Vanessa from time to time (issues notwithstanding). If you have questions the next time we meet and you want to mic up, let me know. I don't know how much help I'll be but don't worry, I won't yell at you or act too much the fool.

    Rooms on PSN are iffy connection wise but most of us that are in the rooms like to relax (we'll still try to win a match) and sometimes exchange 'notes' about frame data or whatnot. One thing you've probably ran across in the rooms is when matches are disconnected it usually ends up with the two participants in the same match actually fighting two different matches at the same time. Think of it like fighting the Tekken equivalent of a "ghost." I had similar situations in KOF 13; if me and my buddy weren't already mic-ed up at the time it could've ended up badly. So sometimes that little microphone some people DON'T like to use can be very helpful. :p
    Ellis likes this.
  3. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Ah well it is alright all said and done :)

    I'll gladly get some practice and advice 'bout anything, and i could probably get a microphpne going.
    So i'll see you sometime in the online mayhem that is PSN :)
  4. valenzuela000

    valenzuela000 Well-Known Member

    I hate when they are losing and then out of nowhere they disconnect LOL what a shame what a shame!
  5. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    What's this horseshit, being condescending to somebody for being Black? I'll never apologize for being African American, or being from New York, the largest greatest city in the world. Don't call me "homie" , "dude". And what's up with the "beautiful eyes" crack? That's homo talk. Pause! /Facepalm. There are certain things a dude does not say to another dude.

    If you're going to mock some ones' culture, at least don't use lingo from 1993, you lame. Where's my "clan"? Your clan must be the Klan.

    As for Tomas. He ragequit. If disconnect happens in the 1st round, it's the PSN's fault and I'll believe a instability story. If a disconnect happens in the 3 or fourth round when you got your ass kicked 2 rounds straight and lost 50 % health you fucking ragequit. I turned my bluetooth on and called him out on the ragequit, and he was unapologetic and talking shit about it, trying to act big in front of his friends.
    Here's where he got his ass kicked and couldn't reach the cable to pull it in time:

  6. valenzuela000

    valenzuela000 Well-Known Member

    That's some funny ass shit when they ragequit!
  7. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    He was unapologetic likely because he didn't owe you a apology on account of it not being a rage quit, you know it wasn't a rage quit.... I mean common man, he wouldn't still be in the lobby if he quit the game or pulled the cord resulting in a disconnect. I would expect a ninja to have more honor than to stoop so low as to dishonestly twist the truth to harm even a enemy's reputation.

    Your strategy backfired because you did not understand your surroundings, You did not know that most of us are aware of psn's disconnection problems in room matches down to the differences between a intentional disconnection and a match desynchronizing, causing players to return to the lobby. You also failed to consider nomas's reputation and that the probability of you being the only person nomas has ever rage quit on is extremely slim compared to the probability that it was a psn error.

    Because of all these factors, I begin to question if you are truly a ninja..... I am starting to suspect you are but a man in a silly costume.
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    0 bar guy named ThuataDeDannan I declined to fight sent me this :)

    "Trash convinced, even playing against European and Eastern baba egg and Eastern European, Brazilian is not good enough for you to play against? American continent united states just for you? ridiculous, it is just a game with graphs exceeded, you will not win or lose playing against me you idiot, get smart and ceases to be convinced about a game without any balancing, it continues to dick and Eastern Europeans after all these love you unidenses states."

    Oh and BGs (again) to people on wireless. Just no.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Normally you can kind of get a hint at where someone is from by how broken their english is. But even people that speak broken english make sense...

    I don't even know what to make of this. This looks like a prepared rant that was thrown into Google Translate.
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Got any idea what an "eastern baba egg" is? lol
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  11. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Out of sheer curiosity I search for that on google and got this:


    Short answer: No I have no idea what drugs that guy was taking when he sent you that message.
    CarolinaPanther and BlackGeneral like this.
  12. Junsuina Chikara

    Junsuina Chikara Well-Known Member

    Nomas is a legit player who I've played against a number of times, in Ranked too. He does not ragequit. He is a solid player and I respect him. He has never trash talked me either. We always have ggs and his connection is pretty good, even when I'm in Egypt.

    Now go and get my 2 videos of my Jean against your Vanessa on XBL (my XBL GT is LeprekaunTM) and my Shun against your Vanessa on PSN (my PSN ID is Jun_Chikara) just to make you feel better.
    Ellis likes this.
  13. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    That's fucking gross dude, thank goodness I wasn't eating!
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I was eating a snickers :(
  15. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

  16. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Judging from the texture, it looks like he had an eastern baba egg for lunch.
  17. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Ironically enough, I came out of the crapper not 2 minutes before I looked at that (I washed my hands first before coming out, don't worry). I appreciate the support, gentlemen.
  18. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    oh hey, guess who i got to play the other day. it was your old pal myonelove4steph (or whatever his name is). normally i don't like to truly rag on people, but he was awful. he was playing wolf and just jumped back and forth on oki and other bizarre gimmickery. it really felt as if he was fishing for something big and meaty. i slapped him around a bit just playing the frame data on simple stuff and throwing. he switched to jean to show me up or something and all he did was backdash and jean roll. once again i slugged him for swinging at disadvantage. after the set he messages me the following:

    "hahahah, learn a combo you street fighter poser"

    i responded asking him why i should even bother using combos when i could beat him just fine playing the elbow game
  19. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Trololol, he replied! Well then, if you want to press the issue let's do it, dollar store ninja.

    I'm being condescending because you are a cartoonish fool. You just happen to be black. You could be red, white, yellow or green with pink dots and you'd still be a cartoonish fool.

    I'm not mocking your culture but merely making a point, dawg. Please stop mocking other cultures by parodying them like a clown. You insult the Japanese with your cosplay ninja by acting like a douche. You insult the Koreans by wearing their flag on your sweaty forehead. Talk about an identity crisis, just exactly which culture do you reprezent, G?
    Now take your mama's scarf off your head before she busts a cap in yo ass.
    And finally, for your listening pleasure:
    (wipes hands)
    Nomas is good people too, by the way.
    Shag and Junsuina Chikara like this.
  20. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Guess what late night snack I was eating. Some good Captin Crunch. Sees shit on screen. Look whats on my floor and computer desk now, a big ol mess of milk and chewed cereal. I will now read and eat with caution on vfdc. A big fucking thanks for that,messed up my night or morning.
    SoulTruth2013 likes this.

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