PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    lol, "messages full of love". That's how I deal with the angry people too, but I make them feel stupid :)
  2. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    PRep: to be fair i still imagine every swede acts as though they stepped out of a Bergman flick

    evidently lei-fei players like bellatlantis learn really slowly, because they just keep swinging after being hit with standing punch/low punch. I can launch them for doing it and they keep on doing it. SlaughterOC still gets really mad when i evade magic flying go-get-you punch and hit him for it
    Ellis, 00000000 and Modelah like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I see you peeps just can not get enough of me and I dont blame you. So keep talking because I will feed you a banana every time lol. Have a nice day.
  4. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i get why you're fuming about our nonsensical banter based on how you post, but that "feed you a banana every time" bit is just creepy
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  5. Nathan S

    Nathan S Well-Known Member

    I love you.
  6. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    BGS to JoninAssassin. You are 12758 points of needs-more-work, man. Don't talk shit on the mic, dude. Just take a loss and improve.
    DomAug and Riley89 like this.
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Sad-Games to GoDuKan-something-something-angry-unknown-by-me-dude.

    He posts these out of random, which i have no problem with even though i would have appreciated a heads up.
    I can stand for not doing the best in fights at times, even if i think i am better now then when i had those fights with him:

    i tried writing friendly there aswell, heck i even typed one of my usual good game messages with some kind words and acknowledging how he won.
    He decided to block that and all comments on the clip anyways for some reason, no matter how polite i tried being..

    I tried again to post here in this clip, if my comments is still visible here?

    I do not know what i have done to make him target me out among with them other players he goes around hating :s
    Modelah and DomAug like this.
  8. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    That cracked me up :p, there's always an abundance of percieved stereo-types about people from and to any country not well known by the other part, which can be entertaining sometimes :p

    I for one, mostly come across ideas that swedes are either boring and strict, or that we are sex-crased and wildly-loose in that way.. or see us getting mixed up with german or people from austria and yoodling and crazy stuffs :)

    In reality, i think nowadays, after the vikings, and the knights, and all the other medival culture-things in each countries history - most countries have a large mixup of personalities - earth is earth so to speak, and borders should be a relic of the past : )
  9. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    joninassassin will beat me in streaks until i realize he's just going to ying-yang stance anytime he's at -6 and beyond, especially after you hit him with elbows. he's super swing happy and i have a hard time throwing him, so i usually p+k or 46p+k with akira. it's much easier with jean, since i just high or low cresent him to death. gets hard to make him respect frame advantage.

    after i whooped up on him a bit he pulled one out and ducked on me after that
    00000000 likes this.
  10. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how it goes. He only has about 2-3 sequences that he repeats, loves the string that ends low but can be feint'd to a knee. Sadly, If I duck and know it's coming I still get hit returning to standing guard, perhaps it's lag.

    Either way, I too lost a match expecting him to play in a more thoughtful manner. After that, I dumbed my game wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down and won with little effort. He talked some shit and proceeded to duck any other match instances when the game paired us.
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    lol he talks shit on the mic too? he dropped on me the other day (he was one win away from ranking up and I guess he didn't want me knocking him back down) then refused to play later on when I gave him the benefit of the doubt and decided to try again. declined his challenge yesterday, guess he forgot about dropping and dodging me already.
  12. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    don't worry. he does this to EVERYONE. he has a video or two about me, also. he disables comments and ratings because he knows all he's doing is trolling. he's just a loser. take anything he does or says with a boulder-sized grain of salt.
  13. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Sweet jesus, what? You play from Japan!? Dude, I'm in Atlanta, and I have a better connection with you than most people in my own region. What kind of crazy fiber optic uber speed internet are you running over there? :eek:
    JaLoHa21 and BlackGeneral like this.
  14. MinorTreat

    MinorTreat New Member

    Want to Apologize to any who i Disconnected when I first Started Playing this Game back in Jun 2012. I was very bitter about this game because i was a long Tekken Player swapping to a new fighting game. Switch Game styles was difficult and WhiteWorm i think you just happened to catch me on a really bad day of constant losing streaks. I apologize and I have now just Join in VFDC. I have been playing this game since its release no stop and cant deny the enjoyment i feel for this game. Hope the Community Wont see this Long ago deed against me, Now that i am trying to be apart of its Community. ---- MINORTREAT​
    DomAug likes this.
  15. MinorTreat

    MinorTreat New Member

    Want to Apologize to any who i Disconnected when I first Started Playing this Game back in Jun. I was very bitter about this game because i was a long Tekken Player swapping to a new fighting game. Switch Game styles was difficult and WhiteWorm i think you just happened to catch me on a really bad day of constant losing streaks. I apologize and I have now just Join in VFDC. I have been playing this game since its release no stop and cant deny the enjoyment i feel for this game. Hope the Community Wont see this Long ago deed against me, Now that i am trying to be apart of its Community. ---- MINORTREAT​
    00000000 likes this.
  16. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    If this is legit then much respect and welcome.
  17. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    you must have stopped DCing a while back then because the last time i played you i remember you playing fairly. it was not that recently but still. also, welcome to VFDC
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    If you like it so much, give me a like! I'm trying to beat Tricky and his 300-something likes.
    Aoi_Pai, Feck, SNAKE BOSS and 4 others like this.
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    He's terrible and will lose to lows and circulars all day. Just remember to use your best lows and circulars, and also to escape ground throws as soon as you're knocked down. He'll always use [3] for the direction. Once I just stood still to see what he would do. It looked as though his Aoi was having a seizure, just spamming maybe 8 reversals in a row. The guy reminds me of hopfrog in a way, only worse. At least hopfrog doesn't duck me.
    Aoi_Pai, 00000000 and Feck like this.
  20. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    I've played minor treat a bit when the game first came out and a few months back as well. He hasn't DC'd on me...
    Think he used Jean the last time I played him :p

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