PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. perabove

    perabove Member

    BG to petelcofederal - guy had zero bars, so I don't accept his challenge and it leads to seven messages of him expressing his anger.

    On MaxSlacks, I don't think he's a bad player, just someone who ruins any fun I get out of the game. If someone can tell me how I can be effective against him without doing what I had to in the old replay file I re-uploaded tonight please tell me.

    And on replays, BG to BananaBeltSpartan. I watch replays, especially of my chosen character and it always pains me to see what he puts up - him punishing kyu level players with 4 steps: 44pp,6p+g forever, and if it doesn't work run to the ring edge and pray for a back throw. Induce lag. Disconnect.

    I'm pretty sure the guy has never hit P+K+G outside of a tech roll. Lau deserves better.
  2. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Yea lau is dangerous but he makes him look scrubby. Sad.
  3. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Sorry about that guys. I've been getting disconnects frequently lately and it's been frustrating for me also. At first I thought it was other people, prompting me to start that "How to identify a DCer" thread, then I thought it was the network. It turns out my dog has been chewing through my phone line/cable, so sorry to blame the dog but that's the only reason I can offer :(

    I've never DCed before and I'm sure as hell not about to start now, I've played 5000+ games and still a Sentinel, I see absolutely no point in DCing to save my crappy rank at this stage. I'm sure others can attest to my honesty online.

    Remember, Modelah is good people, I am all for teh comuunity my peeps.
    ToyDingo, ManuSam, BlueLink and 4 others like this.
  4. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    I can attest to that! :)
    Modelah likes this.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    if u dont leik modelah then u only hate on ur own selfs he 4 teh comuunity and u can eat a major bannana he dont dc
    Modelah and Zekiel like this.
  6. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Alright man i understand the issue. lf thats the case then get new ethernet cables. But you make a point. Yu figt 4 da cominety :D Tu al yu peeps out dere, follo modeleh's example. Be a cominety fighta!!
    Modelah likes this.
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Hey Modelah, with whom i always have good games even though our connections are too far apart or such.

    Do you have a phoneline/modem/adsl thing?, and do you connect from japan? - because then i understand why your connection might not be that good, which is sas since you play both well and legit.

    In general i have noticed player from japan having zero-bars with me, i don't know how VF's internals work, if there is a middle-server or the players connect peer-to-peer, it seems to be the latter. My 24MBit Fiber does not seem to help me any with some people.

    Oh and yeah, i can vouch for modelah - salt or no salt when i loose : )
    Modelah likes this.
  8. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    U fool Rottenbanana or MajorBananaforU would never DC, u r the ones who DC gohd now it and if they dont then they don't.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    kingo ur a fool if u want to play again after that u owe me a bannana republic gift card
    Feck, Shag, complexz and 1 other person like this.
  10. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Yes to that, and yes I'm also playing from Japan so I know my connection with most of the guys here is sketchy at best :(

    Btw thanks to everyone for understanding, and I look forward to more ggs with you all soon.

    and to u libbertine i changd my cable now so dont u run away , i winned 2 rounds before i dc on u last so i win anyway so u shut ur garbage mouth foolishnis and have a nice day.
  11. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    wowza, have you always played from japan? I remember our connection being good.
    llort likes this.
  12. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Yup, I've always played from Japan. Our connection was good and I remember having some fun matches. I hear you play Wolf now, that's great since I remember Taka being combo'd into oblivion by your Kage, maybe I'll fare better against you next time.
    complexz likes this.
  13. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Wait you're playing from Japan and you're wasting time online?
  14. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    watchoo mean? I like this site and the greater portion of the community thus I enjoy playing the people I meet here. I have no inclination whatsoever to burn money in an arcade on 'flings' with the locals, I already did that in my university days... damn you VF2, so that's where my student loan went...
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    no u didnt it was lag so it didnt cownt and u should apoligise i dont start nething but i end them and thats that
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
    Feck, Riley89 and llort like this.
  16. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    why u keep troling me libbertine with ur foolishnis r u mad ? i thought u were a content brad manager but ur mesages dont sound very content at all maybe you need a good night sleep so goodnight and have a nice day.
    DomAug likes this.
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    every thing u just said is on u and now im done with this foolishness so y dont u make like a bannana and split from this site 4ever and dont u ever come back and if u do ill know and if i wont then i wont know
    Feck, Riley89, DomAug and 2 others like this.
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    He has an orange face and terrible lag. I can't punish his sweeps properly. On the bright side, he performed, or tried, a max damage combo from Eileen's 9K! It would have connected if the lag weren't so bad. Plus, I've never gotten hate mail from him.
    Feck and llort like this.
  19. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    I did. You just have to deny him enough before he gives you a sermon on the mound. Since I can't read angry Esperanto I just sent him the message as follows: *a big, wet fart*

    also, in regard to max slacks all you reallyt need to remember is block low after any punches. He always falls back on 1kk. Like...he seriously cannot survive without she shenanegans. He also loves lying down a lot. He's also a real sucker for jean rolls. Just as long as you remember to fight your urge to swing, since that's exactly what he wants.
  20. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Bad Non-Games to... Lesthay, Or what he was called

    He challenged me, then aborted (i think),
    then i challenged him, but he had 0 bars that time so i rejected.

    After that comes a flurry of 6-7 messages full of love,
    starting with textbook curses, something about "vai of doom", and how americans sucks and should take a **** in their ***
    I reply that he is immature, and that i am in fact Swedish, wondering what his issues are and if it is not more fun and wortwhile to actually enjoy the game - since i haven't even fought him..
    ..ofcourse he goes on with how swedish people are *** and more about behinds and so on.. i reply that he seems very into behinds since he is the only one mentioning them all the time and i wish him a good life.

    This is by far the craziest person i have come across thus far,
    i am positively mind-boggled by his rage.

    I did have fun with the fact that my ever-present politness no matter what - just infuriated him to even greater depths though, even i have my weaker moments : p
    Modelah and DomAug like this.

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