PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    If you live on the east coast like me, don't bother. LeiFei with 1 or no bars are unbeatable online.
    Valakrie, ToyDingo, Genzen and 2 others like this.
  2. DemGohnads

    DemGohnads Guest

    Yup. But people are so immature these days.
  3. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    BGs to the usual idiots
    senpai21 and johnnymox

    steelbaz likes this.
  4. JaLoHa21

    JaLoHa21 Well-Known Member

    BGs to "Jack_Dera" for using lag tactics so I can't punish his shit.
  5. Iamtheone1983

    Iamtheone1983 Active Member

    Not sure where I should post this but does anyone know "Ragdollpossessed"? I beat him a few times and maybe pissed him off? I dunno, he attempted to send me some spammy pm saying things like "im a brazilian girl, something something nude" and then proceeded to send me several more pm's each containing an attachment. Didn't open (Nope.jpg) for fear of virus or something just as rediculous... Does anyone know this M.O?
  6. Nathan S

    Nathan S Well-Known Member

    I also got a bunch of raunchy, suspicious messages from Ragdoll. Then I proceeded to block him/her.
  7. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    BGs to Kiara340. My connection to you is a no bar masquerading as a 2 bar.
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    He beat me with a guarded 1P to WS K. 1P doesn't grant the advantage on guard, does it? I thought a 15 frame mid would work, but lag was probably the issue.
    00000000 likes this.
  9. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Hey Libertine,

    I'm not totally sure here, but it seems that you're referring to fighting against Lau.

    If 1P is blocked while crouching, then you'll basically have no advantage despite being at +4. That move will have to be blocked standing up to have a chance of getting off a counter hit in the situation you mentioned above. And even then you may still have some lag to deal with which could make it tougher to do.

  10. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    You'll have no frame advantage despite having 4 frames of advantage?

  11. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    No joke.

    If you have a while standing or a from crouch move of your own to use while blocking Lau's 1P low at +4 then you're in good shape to get in a counter hit. Otherwise you can't really do much else in that situation Libertine mentioned above aside from react defensively (sidestep, block follow-up WS K high, low punch or backdash).

  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    If I'm at +4 over you, I can do any attack that's faster, the same speed, or slower than your attack by 4 frames*, and I'll win.

    *assuming the four-frame-slower attack is more powerful.
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Try that in ranked and watch your +frames some how disappear.
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    That's the point I'm making. Libertine did have the advantage, and he should have won the exchange - the reason he didn't isn't due to some magical 'you'll basically have no advantage despite being at +4' - it's purely due to lag, which is what [I'm understanding] Libertine was asking/saying.
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    You can still lose due to distance and hit box issues. Final Showdown feels like Tekken a lot...
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Yea hitbox issues are horrendous.
    BeastEG likes this.
  17. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    I think horrendous is a little overblown. Marvel is horrendous. VF has quirks.
  18. 00000000

    00000000 Well-Known Member

    VF's hitboxes are part of the reason I play it! I will admit, some hitboxes need work though. Lei-Fei, Shun, and Kage come to mind.
  19. BeastEG

    BeastEG Well-Known Member

    Marvel's may be crazy, but they are consistent. I've never had an attack in Marvel connect and in the same situation not connect, which is a staple of many VF moves in FS. I'd much rather have dramatic hit boxes that are consistent since you can adjust for it and have those adjustments hold for all situations.

    VF's are purely inconsistent or follow some rules that make no intuitive sense. At this point, I'm sure everyone has experienced the "wind pressure" K.O., where it looks like a wind gust from an attack is what causes a knock out as opposed to the actually attack. Either give us a hit box display in the dojo so we can actually see the hit (and hurt) boxes or give us the rules for how hit box expansion and contraction work.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    BG to Enkindu.

    If you want to literally feel physically ill from the game screen twitching and jumping around during the match, play him. His lag switch must have come with a "Fuck this shit!" button. Add on top of that he's using the Lau Stormlord strategy of P string mixups and you're in for a wonderful time.
    steelbaz likes this.

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