PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    ToyDingo likes this.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Tuch_maballz would be a person that would be best suited to FT10 Snake Boss if there was 1 to see who the best stormlord is along the 2 of them make it happen guys

    It isn't like I care anyway personally but this match up would be a match made in heaven for these 2 guys
    ToyDingo and Koenraku like this.
  3. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Who wants to watch those two scrubs mash mash mash? Pretty boring stuff if you ask me.
  4. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I would if they'll have mics on
    seyu, DomAug and BeastEG like this.
  5. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Oh My God, the 2 stormlord frauds here on VFDC ? We are truly close to the end of the world !!!!!!!
    Tocuh, ExzetyXat1, Zekiel and 2 others like this.
  6. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I think i should sig that
  7. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Tuch _maballz you are the best and most feared VF player in the WORLD today!! LOL
  8. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    this fact alone will give 1FK seven months worth of material. just watch lol
    ExzetyXat1 likes this.
  9. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    just look at the way you got to where you are. you played VERY FEW people who are actually higher ranked than you are. you take advantage of the low amount of dead frames from online latency every round and you get away with stuff that's readily punishable offline. shouldn't that tell you something? maybe online rank doesn't mean as much as you think it does. in fact, i think online rank is, in certain aspects, meaningless.

    also, i would just like to add: Stormlord isn't the best. SKYLORD is the best. until you muddle your way through the other 4 Stormlords or however many there are, you're not the best. even with rank, you're still not the best though. i think GentlemanThief and Rodnutz are way better.
    BeastEG likes this.
  10. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Since you mentioned frogzilla: we should probably shun that guy too. Hes horrible with his lei and dodged his way up to stormlord too as i saw on the leaderboards...
    DomAug likes this.
  11. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    hey i got a better idea. after my challenge with exzety. challenge touchmyballz to a FT10. It seems like alot of people want that more then me vs exzety lol. u both are stormlords and u both use lau. Who's the best Stormlord? i think we all want to see this.
  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    I can see an epic ranking battle going on soon:
    BBS vs FROGZILLA vs TuchMaballz... the road to MagmaLord.
  13. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    Maybe FROGZILLA and TuchMaballz are just alternate accounts of BBS ? ^^
    Nnaahh...impossible, that would make a million fights online, one's needs to sleep eventually...^^"
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Why do we keep allowing these useless people onto this forum?

    Also, no Avenger better than him? I've played him two times and beaten him both on both of them, and I'm an Avenger. MakiLeSushi would tear him up.

    Lol at him claiming victories over Rodnutz. GT, I could possibly seem him cheesing a round 'cos I've managed to take a couple from him here and there, but Rodnutz... not a chance. Honestly, I wish there were no ranks in online mode - just battle points, that way there'd be less reason to duck people and the only 'ranking' would be primarily scored against how many games you've played, rather than how well you've performed/how much you've gamed the system.
    PaiChun likes this.
  15. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    plus, like i mentioned earlier, online rank is almost entirely meaningless when looking to judge someone's play. even in Japan it doesn't mean much, but the noticeable difference between their high-ranked players and ours is staggering.
    Genzen likes this.
  16. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

  17. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    The Sega Cup announced and now TuchMaBallz is here. YES!!!!!!. SNAKEBOSS you got some competition here
    martianpulis likes this.
  18. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    LOOLOLOL. Come on really. Im a Darkslayer, come at me bro.
  19. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I thought you were a Darkslayer or whatever that fancy yellow title is? Actually, I think you might be similar in rank to my brother - you guys might wanna do some ranked matches if your connection is good enough.
  20. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    TuchMaBallz and Snakeboss are the Brothers of Destruction!
    Vick Vega and Zekiel like this.

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