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PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Kamais_Ookin and Shinzu921 like this.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Sticking my head in where it doesn't belong, but... Should we just create a "Bad Non-Games" thread? :p
    Tricky and noname like this.
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Darksoul is legit and I wouldn't be wondering why I wasn't getting games if I had a bad disconnect smiley.
    Kamais_Ookin and CarolinaPanther like this.
  4. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    I thought it was about my smiley :(. It's still yellow, even though I haven't quit in over 400 matches since last time, it's been taking ages to turn it green again.
    That still leaves the question, why doesn't he just tell me so? That way I know I at least when I can challenge him again. If his Jean is as good as they say, I could learn a lot from him ;)
  5. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Dunno, I dont chat to him all that much, just in the shoutbox sometimes.
    Also: this may came out wrong, but I play Jean, he plays Lion and a good one at that.

    Lastly: As some people mentioned a few pages ago: calling people out on dodging isnt really helping anyone. The feature to choose your opponent is in the game after all and you cant really do anything about it, in contrast to cable pullers, who you can just ignore to punish them.
    Sooo why dont we stop that?
  6. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    That's just it. It's not so much the fact that he won't play me, but more that he just ignores me, doesn't respond to any of my messages, even though I'm just asking an honest question: why?
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If he ignores you when you are sincerely asking a question, he is not worth your time.

    Edit: I moved the original thread here as it was calling someone out pertaining to online play. The "Bad Games" thread is basically a trash can for a large variety of saltiness (bitter posts)
  8. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    Speaking of zero bars, does anyone know if it always reflects the connection quality or is like SF4 where zero bars is another way of saying "unknown ping" and it can be either good or bad?
  9. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    zero bars is universally shitty. No bars with a / means unknown, but is almost always shitty too
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Actually, I've had zero bar matches that played okay and full bar matches that were pretty laggy.
  11. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    I've had 1 or 2 full bar matches that turned worse after round 1. But I've never had smooth 0-bar matches
  12. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

    Diablo 3 for PC is a very good game!
    Valakrie and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  13. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Haha! Kasko's bringing the bizarre PM spam to VFDC! Good deal.

  14. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Lmao Diablo 3 On VF Forums... On Bad Game Thread At That Lol
  15. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    This hatemail needs to be posted, and I was going to start a thread for it, anyway, but I also think that it'd be fun if other players would post their favorite hatemail. Thankfully, there's no too much of it -- in my experience, anyway -- but maybe I'll be surprised and this thread will get some action.

    Anyway, I fought a Barbarian-ranked Pai player called doggyd520, and I thought that his Pai was really cool: good spacing, good timing, nice variety of moves. I sent him a 'Good game' message, which was, "I like your Pai! You're no Berserker..."

    This was his response:

    Re: Good game!
    o preci8 d@ wuz meye whoopyoass pai u wunt somemoe? ole bitchass nigga gwone head na foe i beet dashit out cho ass nigga ane reel ass niggas dunt lyke d@ fukk shit skarey azz nigga yue fuckin suck ass klerk azz nigga that asswhoopin asmuses me phanthumed brad burns maybe bwoi

    It sounds like, by the time that he sent that message, he forgot that I was the one that beat him and not the other way around, haha.

    Can anybody beat that?

    IcKY99, mfwebdude, ExzetyXat1 and 2 others like this.
  16. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    lol, what? i had to read that about 5 times to get the gist of his rambling. i don't have anything as epic as this. only the usual senpai21 tantrums and the obligatory "faggot spammer" from xZhaust134.

    and what's this about you being a "klerk"? strange way to insult someone...
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  17. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I had about 12 paragraphs of hate mail from someone who raged out on me in players match. Apparently Sarah is high tier and Taka is low tier. Good to know!
    Haven't quit received anything from somebody that flunked grade school grammer, but maybe one day.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  18. Airegin

    Airegin Well-Known Member

    I must have 5-6 of these in my inbox since release. :D
  19. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    What Kind Of Language Is This? Have This Person Ever Heard Of Don't Write How You Speak? Awesome Thread By The Way. I Also Get Hate Mail From Senpai21 Too. Or Atleast I Think It Was Him Lol. All I Know He Was A Lei Fei Player That Sits There And Sent Troll Messages. The Funny Thing Is He Beat Me 2 to 1. Each Of Our Matches Were Close. I Need To Find That Message And Post It Up On Here Lol
  20. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    Please tell me that you saved those messages. I'd love to read about how much better Sarah is than Taka while imagining the hot tears falling on his furiously-pounding thumbs as he types up twelve paragraphs with a Dualshock 3.


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