Properties of the different kinds of dashes

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by raoul, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. 33

    33 Active Member

    transitioning from standing to crouching position happens in 6 frames with the CD, so if you are quick about it, you're safe from the typical standing grab throw.

    note, however, goh has throws that specifically target crouching opponents. so if you find yourself crouching at the 12th frame . . .
  2. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    are you sure the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif is hitting as a normal hit and not a counter hit? If not, you may simply not be buffering correctly. Since there is very little stun at all for getting hit by a standing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif, you need to buffer it in way faster than usual.

    And since you're at -5, i think you can simply crouch under a throw. That might be a better option, since it's way easier to buffer than a crouch dash. the only time you'd need to buffer a crouch dash to avoid a throw is -7, i believe (so at -8, where you're at after a CH /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif, you'd need to Throw Escape or use Reverse Nitaku).
  3. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    At -7 you cannot CD under a throw, -6 is the limit.
    It's in the Wiki here : Wiki Defense

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Yes, exactly.

    So we see the double nature of Crouching(C-crouch status, S-stand status):

    1)Crouching by G2:
    Against Throw----S S S S S S C
    Frames(7th-last)-1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Against Strike----C C C C C C C

    2)crouching by Crouch dash(33):
    Against Throw----S S S S S C
    Frames(6th-last)-1 2 3 4 5 6
    Against strike----C C C C C C

    Against Strikes-transfer Stand->Crouch and Crouch->Stand performed immidiatly(at 1th frame), so you can guard immidiatly against strikes.
    Against throws-only One(7th for Crouching; 6th for CD) frame consider as Crouch status(whiff standing throw); All other frames consider as Stand status(get Standing Throw).

    And more one interesting detail(I've tested this in Dojo):

    1)Crouching in-place by :
    -G(press and holding),then 2 = 7 frames;
    -simply press 2 (without G) = 8 frames.

    2)Crouching by crouch-dashing:
    -G(press ans holding), then 33 = 7 frames;
    -33, Without G or (to cancel CD movement)then immidiatly press G = 6 frames.

    Try this in Dojo, and you'll be convinced of this...

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