Poll posted on SEGA messageboards

Discussion in 'Console' started by Syzygy, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I just wish we could get a update to save replays and to create matches where we can set the margins for who is allowed to join. Like in DOA4 you could set the margin for what level of players you want to join... i.e. A - S - SS rank players. Would be awesome if they made the lobby system like quest mode where players of certain ranks could only enter certain arcades. Would be so much easier to find players on your level to play against. I know the beginner players are probably sick of being picked on by me and I sure as hell do feel bad joining their games, but they seem to be the only ones with the balls to host matches at the moment. It would be nice if they also made it so that high level players couldn't join low level arcades and pick on the nuubs to keep their percentage high, which seems to be what's occurring online at the moment. I host all night, Adamyuki host all night... we know the strong players are online cause we have them on our friends list and we can see them viewing and looking for games to join, but unfortunately they never join our matches. Instead we get nuubs or Japanese players who we can't fight against cause of the severe lag. LAME! Please Sega, lets get a nice update to make things more interesting. Oh and maybe update the ranking filter system so you can filter by rank and not points. Also maybe attaching a replay to each player for the ranking match they won to make them that current rank would be nice. We can view players arcade runs so why can't we get this simple thing added. I sure as hell would love to have seen Denkai's match that he won to move up to Gladiator.
  2. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    Here's another question for you, Syzygy. Is it possible for Sega to hire talented English voice actors for Virtua Fighter 5 Evolution?

    The current crop of voice actors do not sound believable, and it kind of detracts from the experience. Granted, this is not as major of an issue as the online problems, but it would be nice if Sega increased their budget for Evolution and hired competent voice actors who can believably act the intro and winning quotes.

    For a great example of how good voice acting can enhance a game, compare the voice acting in Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact and Third Strike.
  3. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Voice acting (and acting in general) is very bad.

    Is it possible to collect money and items online?
    Is it possible to have a signature online. (like in quest/arcade).
    Is it possible to put a rank limits when you host a game?
    Is it possible to block people with bad connection to join game?

    Is it possible to make a lobby in "Quest" style?
    Somethink like Konjou Akira mentioned.
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Would be awesome if they made the lobby system like quest mode where players of certain ranks could only enter certain arcades.</div></div>
    It's lobby but without wathing other games.
    Does it make any lag problems?
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I would kill for a patch to turn off that god damn search music. After hearing it for about 5 minutes it's just starts to piss me off. Especially when it takes me like 10 minutes just to find someone to play. Sure you could turn on custom music, but I actually don't mind the music in VF5, but that search music is just annoying cause your not playing the game. You just get this illusion that your playing, but really you are just searching and eventually it pisses me off cause I can't find anyone to play due to the fact that the game was already filled before I could join, or the connection is ALL GREY, then it's back to searching again. #`%=@$#?<$~@$@`+(%^(`#$ is how I feel about it!
  5. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    i would like blaze to speak Spanish and brad to speak Italian, and vanessa to speak Portuguese.

    c'mon you got the asian voices
  6. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    I thought the same! Or at least make them have a non-american accent. I could do Brad, hehe...
  7. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree more. That or just hire a real Mexican, a real Italian, a real French ("je suis deux fois l'homme que j'étais" LOL), etc.

    Also, why are all the English-speaking characters so cheesy compared to how cool most of the Japanese/Chinese are. Goh, Kage, Aoi come to mind. Seriously.
  8. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    So did you guys actually get any answers? The post was created merely to inform us of the poll wasn't it? I don't think Syzygy can give us any answers. He's probably under an obligation not to disclose any information that could jeopardize Sega's plans for VF. How fared the signed letters of complaint to Sega?
  9. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Strange Konjou,

    I'd be playing you guys constantly if I had the Xbox360 (still playing on PS3 due to arcade stick issues). I could care less about what my rank and win/loss record is (which might be why a lot of people won't play you guys). I'm much more concerned with further improving my game. If that's even possible with online play(?)
  10. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    That's why we're asking questions.
  11. Syzygy

    Syzygy Member

    Thanks, all. Will be working on this next week.
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could also nudge them to release another item pack. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the last one. :p
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I think this statement is a double sided sword in the sense if I want to only play vs in casual then where do I stand, as a coward? On the opposite side, I could call him a coward for not letting me play him in casuals, so in turn get better and figure out his patterns. I'm not trying to start a war or call anyone coward, but merely pointing out it can be looked at in two ways. I was under the assumption we were all trying to help one another get better?

    Not just trying to get better at vf5...
    Just avoiding 10th dan ranking, so I can limit my heart attack from starting.
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I thought we were getting some sort of an update this week? Has Sega disappointed us again?
  15. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I'd like to get some sort of answers too.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    working on it doesn't mean it'll be done that same week.
  17. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Yeah, besides:

    They're working on Ver. D for the Wii version.
  18. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    I actually agree, it is a double edged sword. Personally speaking, I could care less about my rank. I've always been the type (with competitive fighting games) to equally enjoy playing those that have superior skills (which will make me a better player); as much as playing those who aren't quite on my level, in order to improve their game as well. That way, you both get the most out of the game; as well as keep others interested, because they know they have the resources available to them (at any time) to improve their game and have fun in the process. Thus supporting the game, by keeping others of lesser skill interested. Who knows, if they play me long enough, they may surpass me; and they can thank me for it =). Then it's my turn to further improve my own game. That's what playing VF is all about for me. I would consider myself a selfish player, if I was only interested in playing those on par with me, or better.

    Back to topic, I hope Syzygy actually can make things happen with many of these online mode requests. And, I ordered a custom Arcade-in-a-Box-stick for Xbox 360, so I'll be joining you guys very shortly. And, I'll be more than happy to play anyone. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    well looks like Sega has put any hopes of listening to the community behind them. There has been no response here and no response in their own thread WHICH THEY STARTED. I just shake my head in disappoint yet again. It's fine if nothing is going to be done about this, but leaving the people who support you in the dark without a response is just pathetic. I'd rather someone just make a post and say, "we appreciate your input... However due to blah blah blah we will not be able to make any further online updates." THE END! At least we get an answer and we can move on. I am still waiting for an answer from Sega about those Nights Into Dreams purple hats they use to offer when the game was first release back in the 90's. Childhood dream of owning one SHATTERED... man hood dream of VF finally going online to be super duper more awesome fighting game than any other game... SHATTERED! Can't use PR's, can't use EMBLEMS,no online money or item matches, GAY ITEMS that robs us of our money, Online Rank is tied to all characters and not to a single character so you can rank up more than one and actually gauge your progress, couldn't get a damn santa hat for christmas(luckily I was able to get one in VF4:FT when I visited Japan), ooooohhhh that's right, Sega only gives a damn about the Japanese market... fuck everyone else!
  20. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with Mr. Konjou. Its a shame. Like I stated in my other post. We have our own culture to thnks. I respect all folks tastes. But my blood boils each time I see friends on fracking Halo,Car games,Wrestling or Def Jam( dear God!!) I just cant help it. And Guitar hero?? Arrrgh Hulk smash!! Yeah I wish we could all go back to the 90's fightig game craze BUT with VF5 in existence.So that VF5 sold 2 million copies and Sega's happy and would give more support.Cuz now I see. Low sales equal low support. ....( sigh),,,,stupid games that sell...guitar hewrowrwrraaAAARGH Hulk SMASH!!!

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